
function New-DSClient {
    Creates a new Discord RPC Client which can be used to send Rich Presence
    Creates a new Discord RPC Client which can be used to send Rich Presence
    .PARAMETER ApplicationID
    The Application ID of the RPC Client
    This uses discordrpc's client id by default, but you can use your own by creating an application at
    .PARAMETER Logger
     The logger used this client and its associated components
    .PARAMETER Presence
     The rich presence
    .PARAMETER SkipIdenticalPresence
    Skips sending presences that are identical to the current one
    .PARAMETER ShutdownOnly
    Forces the connection to shutdown gracefully instead of just aborting the connection
    $client = New-DSClient
    A simple client
    $assets = New-DSAsset -LargeImageKey avatar -LargeImageText "Summoners Rift" -SmallImageKey icon -SmallImageText "Lvl 7"
    $timestamp = New-DSTimestamp -Start (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-3) -End (Get-Date).AddMinutes(3)
    $timestamp = [DiscordRPC.Timestamps]::Now
    $button = New-DSButton -Label "Potato 🥔" -Url
    $party = New-DSParty -Size 10 -Privacy Public -Max 100
    $presence = New-DSRichPresence -Asset $assets -State "presence.ps1" -Details "Some details" -Timestamp $timestamp -Buttons $button -Party $party
    $logger = New-DSLogger -Type ConsoleLogger -Level Info
    $client = New-DSClient -ApplicationID 824593663883214948 -Presence $presence -Logger $logger
    A blinged out client

    param (
        [String]$ApplicationID = "824593663883214948",
    process {
        $script:rpcclient = New-Object -TypeName DiscordRPC.DiscordRpcClient $ApplicationID
        foreach ($key in ($PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object { $PSItem -notin [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters })) {
            if ($key -eq "ApplicationID") { continue }
            if ($key -eq "Presence") {
            } else {
                $script:rpcclient.$key = $PSBoundParameters[$key]
        if (-not $script:rpcclient.IsInitialized) {
            $null = $script:rpcclient.Initialize()