
function New-DSAsset {
    Creates an object used for the pictures used in the Rich Presence
    Creates an object used for the pictures used in the Rich Presence
    Assets are set at
    .PARAMETER LargeImageKey
    Name of the uploaded image for the large profile artwork
    .PARAMETER LargeImageText
    The tooltip for the large square image. For example, "Summoners Rift" or "Horizon Lunar Colony".
    .PARAMETER SmallImageKey
    Name of the uploaded image for the small profile artwork
    .PARAMETER SmallImageText
    The tooltip for the small circle image. For example, "LvL 6" or "Ultimate 85%".
    $assets = New-DSAsset -LargeImageKey avatar -LargeImageText "Summoners Rift" -SmallImageKey icon -SmallImageText "Lvl 7"

    param (
    process {
        $object = New-Object -TypeName DiscordRPC.Assets
        foreach ($key in ($PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object { $PSItem -notin [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters })) {
            $object.$key = $PSBoundParameters[$key]