
function New-DSSecret {
    Creates the secrets used for Join / Spectate. Secrets are obfuscated data of your choosing. They could be match ids, player ids, lobby ids, etc.
    Creates the secrets used for Join / Spectate. Secrets are obfuscated data of your choosing. They could be match ids, player ids, lobby ids, etc.
    .PARAMETER MatchSecret
    The unique match code to distinguish different games/lobbies. Use <see cref="M:DiscordRPC.Secrets.CreateSecret(System.Random)"/> to get an appropriately sized secret.
    .PARAMETER JoinSecret
    The secret data that will tell the client how to connect to the game to play. This could be a unique identifier for a fancy match maker or player id, lobby id, etc.
    .PARAMETER SpectateSecret
    The secret data that will tell the client how to connect to the game to spectate. This could be a unique identifier for a fancy match maker or player id, lobby id, etc.
    An example

    param (
    process {
        $object = New-Object -TypeName DiscordRPC.Secrets
        foreach ($key in ($PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object { $PSItem -notin [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters })) {
            $object.$key = $PSBoundParameters[$key]