
function Resolve-CustomDnsName {
    Param (

        [string]$DNSServer = "", # Default to Google's DNS

        [ValidateSet("A", "AAAA", "MX", "TXT", "NS", "SOA", "PTR", "CNAME", "SRV", "ANY")]
        [string]$QueryType = "A"

    Process {
        try {
            # Use the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet with the provided parameters, without TimeoutSeconds
            $results = Resolve-DnsName -Name $Hostname -Type $QueryType -Server $DNSServer -ErrorAction Stop
            # Output the results
            return $results
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to resolve DNS name: $_"


# Resolve-CustomDnsName -Hostname "example.com" -DNSServer "" -QueryType "A"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function Get-DnsSecStatus {

        [string]$DNSServer = "" # Google's public DNS server

    Process {
        try {
            # Query for DNSKEY record, which should exist if DNSSEC is enabled
            $dnskey = Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -Type DNSKEY -Server $DNSServer -DnsOnly -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($dnskey) {
                $status = "DNSSEC is enabled for the domain $Domain."
                # Optionally, you can add more checks here for detailed verification, like checking DS records in the parent zone, etc.
        catch {
            # If the DNSKEY query fails, it may indicate that DNSSEC is not enabled or not properly configured
            $status = "DNSSEC is not enabled or not properly configured for the domain $Domain."

        Write-Output $status


# Get-DnsSecStatus -Domain "example.com"