
function New-dotNetProject {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Language = 'C#'

    #Open in visual studio code
    function Open_In_Code {
        #if Visual Studio code is not found, then abort!
        if ($null -eq (Get-Command "code.cmd" -ErrorAction Stop)) {
            Write-Host "Project scafolding is complete, but Visual Studio Code is not detected on your computer, so it will not be started."
        code . -n

    #Creating new project
    Write-Host "Creatint new dotnet project..."
    #If dotnet tool is not found, then abort!
    if ($null -eq (Get-Command "dotnet.exe" -ErrorAction Stop)) {
        Write-Host "It seems dotnet is not installed or in your PATH"
    dotnet new $Project_Type --language $Language --output $Project_Name

    $currentLocation = Get-Location;
    Set-Location $currentLocation/$Project_Name;

    #Put the project under version control
    Write-Host "Initializing version control..."
    #if git is not found stop initializing repo, call Open in code function
    if ($null -eq (Get-Command "git.exe" -ErrorAction Stop)) {
        Write-Host "Project scafolding is done, but Git could not be found on this machine, stop adding the project to Version Control"
        Write-Host "Attempting to open project in Visual Studio Code..."
    $null = Copy-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot/gitignore -Destination $currentLocation/$Project_Name
    $null = Rename-Item $currentLocation/$Project_Name/gitignore -NewName .gitignore
    $null = git init
    $null = git add .
    Write-Host "Commit for the first time..."
    $null = git commit -m "Initial Project Creation"

    #call open in code function
    Write-Host "Attempting to open project in Visual Studio Code..."

    Write-Host "Project scafolding Complete!"
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-dotNetProject