
 This module is contains logging and console output functions for DryDeploy
 and DryActiveDirectory.
 Copyright (C) 2021 Bjorn Henrik Formo (bjornhenrikformo@gmail.com)
 LICENSE: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bjoernf73/dry.module.query/main/LICENSE
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

A logging and output-to-display module for DryDeploy
A logging and output-to-display module for DryDeploy
Types follow Windows Streams, except for stream 1 (output) which isn't
used. You may also use first letter of a stream name, so type 2 and 'e'
are both the error stream, type 3 and 'w' the warning, and so on.
    Type 2 or 'e' = Error
    Type 3 or 'w' = Warning
    Type 4 or 'v' = Verbose
    Type 5 or 'd' = Debug
    Type 6 or 'i' = Information
The text to display and/or log.
A hashtable to display and/or log
A two-element array; for instance a hashtable key and it's corresponding value.
Out-DryLog will add whitespaces to the first element until it reaches a length
of `$LoggingOptions.array_first_element_length, which orders all second elements
in a straight vertical line. So basically for readability of a pair
Creates a line that seperates previous stuff from upcoming stuff, and then
displays the meader message, like:
This is a normal header
.PARAMETER SmallHeader
Displays the header message, and then fills rest of the line with the header
chars, like
This is a small header ..................................................
'Airs' the message in header or smallheader, converts 'Air' to 'A i r', like
A i r e d H e a d e r
.PARAMETER Callstacklevel
This function uses Get-PSCallstack to identify the location of the caller, i.e.
which function or script, and at what line, Out-DryLog was called. For certain
types (see parameter Type above) the function will then display that location on
the far right of each displayed line. You may configure for which types the
calling location should be displayed in `$LoggingOptions. Anyway, if a function
or many functions call the same proxy function that in turn calls Out-DryLog, it
may be more informative if the proxy function calls Out-DryLog with '-Callstacklevel 2'.
The effect is that the Location is no longer the PS Callstack element number 1 (the
proxy function), but element number 2 (the function that called the proxy function)
Out-DryLog -Type 6 -Message "This is a type 6 (informational) message"
                              This is a type 6 (informational) message
Out-DryLog 6 "This is a type 6 (informational) message"
                              This is a type 6 (informational) message
ol 6 "This is a type 6 (informational) message"
                              This is a type 6 (informational) message
$GLOBAL:GlobalResourceName = "DC001-S1-D"
$GLOBAL:GlobalActionName = "ProvisionDsc"
ol 6 "This is a type 6 (informational) message"
         [DC001-S1-D]: [ProvisionDsc] This is a type 6 (informational) message
ol 4 "This is a type 4 (verbose) message which won't display anything"
ol 4 "This is a type 4 (verbose) message" -Verbose
VERBOSE: [DC001-S1-D]: [ProvisionDsc] This is a type 4 (verbose) message [MyScript.ps1:245 14:25:57]
ol i 'This is an','arrayed message' ; ol i 'And this is','another one'
         [DC001-S1-D]: This is an : arrayed message
         [DC001-S1-D]: And this is : another one

function Out-DryLog {
    param (



        HelpMessage="The 'array' parameter set expects an array of 2 elements, for instance a name or description of a
        value of some kind, and the second element is the value. Out-DryLog will add whitespaces to the first element
        until it reaches a length of `$LoggingOptions.array_first_element_length, which orders all second elements in
        a straight vertical line. So basically for readability of a pair"
        [ValidateScript({"$_.Count -eq 2"})]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="message",HelpMessage="Creates a nice header of the message text")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="message",HelpMessage="The char(s) to fill the line")]
        [String]$HeaderChars = '.',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="message",HelpMessage="Creates a nice, small header of the message text")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="message",HelpMessage="If -Header or -SmallHeader, converts 'Message' to 'M e s s a g e'")]

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Normally 1, the direct caller. However, if Out-DryLog is called by a proxy function, you may use
        2 to point the 'location' (where in your code Out-DryLog was called) to the call before the direct call."
        [Int]$Callstacklevel = 1,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="message",HelpMessage="Override the global options and the default fore color")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="array",HelpMessage="Override the global options and the default fore color")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="message",HelpMessage="Override the global options and the default back color")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="array",HelpMessage="Override the global options and the default fore color")]

    try {

        # In the DryDeploy framework, $LoggingOptions is defined in the global scope. If not defined, the locally defined options are used
        if ($Null -eq $GLOBAL:LoggingOptions) {
            $DefaultLogFilePath = ("$($ENV:LOCALAPPDATA)\DryDeply\DryDeploy.log").Replace('\','\\')
            $DefaultLoggingOptionsString = @"
                "log_to_file": true,
                "path": "$DefaultLogFilePath",
                "left_column_width": 30,
                "console_width_threshold": 70,
                "post_buffer": 3,
                "array_first_element_length": 45,
                "verbose": {
                    "foreground_color": "Cyan",
                    "display_location": true
                "debug": {
                    "foreground_color": "DarkCyan",
                    "display_location": true
                "warning": {
                    "foreground_color": "Yellow",
                    "display_location": true
                "information": {
                    "foreground_color": "White",
                    "display_location": false
                "error": {
                    "foreground_color": "Red",
                    "display_location": true

            $LoggingOptions = $DefaultLoggingOptionsString |
            ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            $LoggingOptions = $GLOBAL:LoggingOptions

        # Define path to logfile
        if ($LoggingOptions.log_to_file -eq $True) {
            if ($LoggingOptions.path) {
                $LogFile = $LoggingOptions.path
            else {
                throw "You must define LoggingOptions.path to log to file"
        else {
            $LogFile = $Null

        # Check that $LogFile is defined, turn off logging to file if not
        if (($Null -eq $LogFile) -or ($LogFile -eq "")) {
            # Only warn once, don't nag all the time
            if ($GLOBAL:DoNotLogToFile -ne $True) {
                Write-Warning -Message "`$LogFile is undefined -> logging to file is disabled. Define LoggingOptions.path or .path_expression to enable it!" -WarningAction Continue
                [Bool]$GLOBAL:DoNotLogToFile = $True
        else {
            # Make sure $LogFile exist if $GLOBAL:DoNotLogToFile -ne $True
            if (($GLOBAL:DoNotLogToFile -ne $True) -and (-not (Test-Path $LogFile))) {
                New-Item -ItemType File -Path $LogFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

        # Get the calling cmdlet/script and line number
        $Caller = (Get-PSCallStack)[$callstacklevel]
        [String] $Location = ($Caller.location).Replace(' line ','')
        [String] $LocationString = "[$Location $(get-date -Format HH:mm:ss)]"

        $DisplayLogMessage = $False
            Windows Output Streams:
            1 OutPut/Success - not in use here
            2 Error
            3 Warning (was 1)
            4 Verbose (was 0)
            5 Debug (was 3)
            6 Information

        switch ($Type) {
            {$_ -in ('2','e')} {
                $TextType = "ERROR: "
                $LOFore = $LoggingOptions.error.foreground_color
                $LOBack = $LoggingOptions.error.background_color
                $DisplayLocation = $LoggingOptions.error.display_location
                $DisplayLogMessage = $True

            {$_ -in ('3','w')} {
                $TextType = "WARNING:"
                $LOFore = $LoggingOptions.warning.foreground_color
                $LOBack = $LoggingOptions.warning.background_color
                $DisplayLocation = $LoggingOptions.warning.display_location
                $DisplayLogMessage = $True
            {$_ -in ('5','d')} {
                $TextType = "DEBUG: "
                $LOFore = $LoggingOptions.debug.foreground_color
                $LOBack = $LoggingOptions.debug.background_color
                $DisplayLocation = $LoggingOptions.debug.display_location
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug') -or ($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference') -eq 'Continue')) {
                    $DisplayLogMessage = $True
            {$_ -in ('6','i')} {
                $TextType = " "
                $LOFore = $LoggingOptions.information.foreground_color
                $LOBack = $LoggingOptions.information.background_color
                $DisplayLocation = $LoggingOptions.information.display_location
                $DisplayLogMessage = $True
            's' {
                $TextType = " "
                $StatusText = 'Success'
                $LOFore = 'green'
                $DisplayLogMessage = $GLOBAL:ShowStatus
                $DisplayLocation = $False
            'f' {
                $TextType = " "
                $StatusText = 'Fail'
                $LOFore = 'red'
                $DisplayLogMessage = $GLOBAL:ShowStatus
                $DisplayLocation = $False
            default {
                $Type = 'v'
                $TextType = "VERBOSE:"
                $LOFore = $LoggingOptions.verbose.foreground_color
                $LOBack = $LoggingOptions.verbose.background_color
                $DisplayLocation = $LoggingOptions.verbose.display_location
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose') -or ($PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference') -eq 'Continue')) {
                    $DisplayLogMessage = $True

        # Override the console colors of $LoggingOptions if explicitly defined in params
        if ($ForegroundColor) {
            $LOFore = $ForegroundColor
        if ($BackgroundColor) {
            $LOBack = $BackgroundColor

        if (($Null -ne $LOFore) -or ($Null -ne $LOBack)) {
            [hashtable]$LogColors = @{}
            if ($Null -ne $LOFore) {
            if ($Null -ne $LOBack) {

        # Break if we're not displaying message anyway
        if ($DisplayLogMessage) {

            # Create start of message
            if (($Null -ne $GLOBAL:GlobalResourceName) -and ($GLOBAL:GlobalResourceName -ne '')){
                $StartOfMessage = $TextType + ' [' + $GLOBAL:GlobalResourceName + ']:'
            else {
                $StartOfMessage = $TextType

            # make sure left_column is a certain length
            while ($StartOfMessage.length -lt $LoggingOptions.left_column_width) {
                $StartOfMessage = $StartOfMessage + ' '

            if (($Null -ne $GLOBAL:GlobalActionName) -and ($GLOBAL:GlobalActionName -ne '')){
                if ($Null -ne $GLOBAL:GlobalPhase) {
                $StartOfMessage += '[' + $GLOBAL:GlobalActionName + '][' +  $GLOBAL:GlobalPhase  +'] '
                else {
                    $StartOfMessage += '[' + $GLOBAL:GlobalActionName + '] '
            # determine the console width
            if ($LoggingOptions.force_console_width) {
                $ConsoleWidth = $LoggingOptions.force_console_width
            else {
                $ConsoleWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width

            if ($DisplayLocation) {
                $TargetMessageLength = $ConsoleWidth - ($LoggingOptions.post_buffer + $StartOfMessage.Length + $LocationString.Length)
            else {
                $TargetMessageLength = $ConsoleWidth - ($LoggingOptions.post_buffer + $StartOfMessage.Length)

            if ($Header) {
                # Get-DryHeader will call Out-DryLog back after making a header
                $HeaderLine,$Message = Get-DryHeader -Message $Message -TargetMessageLength $TargetMessageLength -HeaderChars $HeaderChars -Air:$Air
            elseif ($SmallHeader) {
                $Message = Get-DryHeader -Message $Message -Small -TargetMessageLength $TargetMessageLength -HeaderChars $HeaderChars -Air:$Air

            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'message') {
                if ($Type -in @('s','f')) {
                    do {
                        $StatusText = "$StatusText "
                    while ($StatusText.length -le $LoggingOptions.array_first_element_length)
                    $Messages = @("$StatusText`: $Message")
                # If $TargetMessageLength is greater than the $LoggingOptions.console_width_threshold, and
                # $Message is longer than $TargetMessageLength, we want to split the message
                # into chunks so they fit nicely in the console
                elseif (
                    ($TargetMessageLength -gt $LoggingOptions.console_width_threshold) -and
                    ($Message.Length -gt $TargetMessageLength)
                ) {
                    [Array]$Messages = Split-DryString -Length $TargetMessageLength -String $Message
                else {
                    if ($HeaderLine) {
                        [Array]$Messages += $HeaderLine
                    [Array]$Messages += $Message
            elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'hashtable') {
                # hashtable - loop through all key-value pairs
                $Messages = @("Hashtable:")
                foreach ($Key in $MsgHash.Keys) {
                    Remove-Variable -Name ThisValue -ErrorAction Ignore
                    if ($($MsgHash[$Key]) -is [PSCredential]) {
                        if ($GLOBAL:ShowPasswords) {
                            $ThisValue = ($MsgHash[$Key]).UserName + '===>' + ($MsgHash[$Key]).GetNetworkCredential().Password
                        else {
                            $ThisValue = ($MsgHash[$Key]).UserName
                    else {
                        if ($Key -match "password") {
                            do {
                                $ThisValue = "$ThisValue*"
                            until ($ThisValue.Length -ge ($MsgHash[$Key]).Length)
                        else {
                            $ThisValue = $MsgHash[$Key]
                    $Messages += "'$Key" + '=' + $ThisValue + "'"
            elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'array') {
                $FirstElement = $MsgArr[0]
                $SecondElement = $MsgArr[1]
                $BlankFirstElement = ''
                $ArrayMessages = $null
                $ArrayMessage = $null

                do {
                    $FirstElement = "$FirstElement "
                while ($FirstElement.length -le $LoggingOptions.array_first_element_length)
                do {
                    $BlankFirstElement = "$BlankFirstElement "
                while ($BlankFirstElement.length -le $LoggingOptions.array_first_element_length)
                $ArrayMessage = "$($FirstElement): $($SecondElement)"
                if (($TargetMessageLength -gt $LoggingOptions.console_width_threshold) -and
                    ($ArrayMessage.Length -gt $TargetMessageLength)) {
                    $ArrayMessages = $null
                    [Array]$ArrayMessages = Split-DryString -Length ($TargetMessageLength - ("$($FirstElement): ").length ) -String $SecondElement
                    switch ($ArrayMessages.count) {
                        {$_ -eq 1 } {
                            [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$Messages = @("$($ArrayMessages[0])")
                        {$_ -gt 1 } {
                            [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$Messages = @("$($FirstElement): $($ArrayMessages[0])")
                            for ($m = 1; $m -le $ArrayMessages.count; $m++) {
                                $Messages.Add("$($BlankFirstElement) $($ArrayMessages[$m])")
                else {
                    [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$Messages = @("$ArrayMessage")

            foreach ($MessageChunk in $Messages) {
                do {
                    $MessageChunk = "$MessageChunk "
                while ($MessageChunk.length -le $TargetMessageLength)

                # Attach the pieces
                if ($DisplayLocation) {
                    $FullMessageChunk = $StartOfMessage + $MessageChunk + $LocationString
                else {
                    $FullMessageChunk = $StartOfMessage + $MessageChunk

                if ($LogColors) {
                    Write-Host @LogColors -Object $FullMessageChunk
                else {
                    Write-Host -Object $FullMessageChunk

        # Log to file
        switch ($LoggingOptions.log_to_file) {
            $True {
                switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                    'message' {
                        if (-not $Header) {
                            $LogMessage = "{0} `$$<{1}><{2} {3}><thread={4}>" -f ($StartOfMessage + ": " + $Message), $Location, (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"), (Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff"), $PID
                            $LogMessage | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath ("filesystem::{0}" -f $LogFile) -Force
                    'hashtable' {
                        foreach ($Key in $MsgHash.Keys) {
                            $LogMessage = "{0} `$$<{1}><{2} {3}><thread={4}>" -f ($StartOfMessage + ": " + $Key + '=' + $MsgHash[$Key] ), $Location, (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"), (Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff"), $PID
                            $LogMessage | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath ("filesystem::{0}" -f $LogFile) -Force
                    'array' {
                        $LogMessage = "{0} `$$<{1}><{2} {3}><thread={4}>" -f ($StartOfMessage + ": " + $MsgArr[0] + ' => ' + $MsgArr[1] ), $Location, (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"), (Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff"), $PID
                        $LogMessage | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath ("filesystem::{0}" -f $LogFile) -Force
            default {
                # do nothing
    catch {