
function Set-ComputerName {
        Rename computer using common standard format
        I hate repeating myself
    .PARAMETER MaxNameLength
        Maximum length of new name (default is 15, which is the limit for Windows)
    .PARAMETER FormCode
        Form-factor code placement: Prefix (default), Suffix, or None
    .PARAMETER NoHyphen
        Do not insert a hyphen separator between FormCode and SerialNumber
    .PARAMETER Reboot
        Force a reboot at the end (default = no reboot)
        (Defaults) results in name like "L-123456789"
        Set-ComputerName -FormCode Suffix -NoHyphen
        Results in name like "123456789L"
        Set-ComputerName -FormCode None -MaxNameLength 8
        Results in name like "12345678"
        Actual Serial Number is used from WMI class Win32_SystemEnclosure,
        Chassis Type number is taken from Win32_SystemEnclosure and uses first
        element of result only, since docking stations, port replicators
        may return an array like (10,12) where 10 is the laptop, and 12 is the dock

    param (
        [parameter(Position=0)][ValidateRange(3,63)][int] $MaxNameLength = 15,
        [parameter()][ValidateSet('Prefix','Suffix','None')][string] $FormCode = 'Prefix',
        [parameter()][switch] $NoHyphen,
        [parameter()][switch] $Reboot
    # rename computer to "X-12345678"
    [string]$sn = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_SystemEnclosure).SerialNumber
    [int]$ct = ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_SystemEnclosure).ChassisTypes)[0]
    Write-Verbose "serialnumber = $sn"
    Write-Verbose "chassistype = $ct"
    # desktops
    if ($ct -in (3..7)+(13,34,35)) { $ff = 'D' }
    # laptops
    elseif ($ct -in (10,11,12,14)+(15..30)+(31,32,33,36)) { $ff = 'L' }
    # servers
    elseif ($ct -in (17..24)) { $ff = 'S' }
    # unknown
    else { $ff = 'X' }
    if ($NoHyphen) { $sep = "" } else { $sep = "-" }
    if ($FormCode -eq 'None') { $fc = ""; $sep = "" } else { $fc = $ff }
    $nx = "$fc$sep$sn"
    if ($nx.Length -gt $MaxNameLength) {
        $over = $nx.Length - $MaxNameLength
        $sn = $sn.substring($over, $sn.Length - $over)
        $nx = "$fc$sep$sn"
    Write-Host "renaming computer to $nx" -ForegroundColor cyan
    if ($Reboot) {
        Rename-Computer -NewName $nx -Force -Restart
    } else {
        Rename-Computer -NewName $nx -Force