
function Split-LDAP {
        Split LDAP path string
        Split LDAP path string like Split-Path, to return the root path of
        and LDAP object DistinguishedName, or the Domain suffix portion.
        The LDAP object DistinguishedName
    .PARAMETER Delimiter
        The character to apply the split upon. The defaul is a comma (,)
        * Parent = return the root path portion
        * Domain = return the domain suffix portion
        $p1 = "CN=JSmith,CN=Users,DC=east,DC=contoso,DC=local"
        Split-LDAP $p1
        Returns "CN-Users,DC=east,DC=contoso,DC=local"
        $p1 = "CN=JSmith,CN=Users,DC=east,DC=contoso,DC=local"
        Split-LDAP $p1 -Part Domain
        Returns "DC=east,DC=contoso,DC=local"
        "CN=JSmith,CN=Users,DC=east,DC=contoso,DC=local" | Split-LDAP
        Applies the split using pipeline input to return:

    param (
        [parameter()][string]$Delimiter = ",",
        [parameter()][string][ValidateSet('Parent','Domain')]$Part = 'Parent'
    $items = $Path -split $Delimiter
    if ($Part -eq 'Parent') {
        $items[1..100] -join $Delimiter
    } else {
        $($items | Where-Object {$_ -like "DC*"}) -join $Delimiter