

    Finds available groups on the ePO server


    Finds all available groups from the ePO server. If a group name is specifed, it searches for only
    the one group from the server. If a group is not specified, then it will return a list of all
    available groups on the ePO server.


    Specifies a group to be found on the ePO server


    If called, function returns the raw content from the ePO server




    Find-ePOwerShellgroup 'group1'


    Find-ePOwerShellgroup 'group1' -PassThru


function Find-ePOwerShellGroups {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]


    begin {
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Found = @()

        if (-not ($GroupName)) {
            $GroupName = ''

    process {
        foreach ($Group in $GroupName) {
            $Request = @{
                Name     = 'system.findGroups'
                Query    = @{
                    searchText = $Group
                PassThru = $PassThru

            Write-Debug "[Find-ePOwerShellGroups] Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
            $ePOGroups = Invoke-ePOwerShellRequest @Request


    end {
        return $Found