
Class ePOComputer {
    [System.Int32]    $ParentID
    [System.String]   $ComputerName
    [System.String]   $Description
    [System.String]   $SystemDescription
    [System.String]   $TimeZone
    [System.String]   $DefaultLangID
    [System.String]   $UserName
    [System.String]   $DomainName
    [System.String]   $IPHostName
    [System.String]   $IPV6
    [System.String]   $IPAddress
    [System.String]   $IPSubnet
    [System.String]   $IPSubnetMask
    [System.String]   $IPV4x
    [System.String]   $IPXAddress
    [System.String]   $SubnetAddress
    [System.String]   $SubnetMask
    [System.String]   $NetAddress
    [System.String]   $OSType
    [System.String]   $OSVersion
    [System.String]   $OSServicePackVer
    [System.String]   $OSBuildNum
    [System.String]   $OSPlatform
    [System.String]   $OSOEMID
    [System.String]   $CPUType
    [System.String]   $CPUSpeed
    [System.String]   $NumOfCPU
    [System.String]   $CPUSerialNum
    [System.Double]   $TotalPhysicalMemory
    [System.Double]   $FreeMemory
    [System.Double]   $FreeDiskSpace
    [System.Double]   $TotalDiskSpace
    [System.Boolean]  $IsPortable
    [System.Boolean]  $Vdi
    [System.String]   $OSBitMode
    [System.String]   $LastAgentHandler
    [System.String]   $UserProperty1
    [System.String]   $UserProperty2
    [System.String]   $UserProperty3
    [System.String]   $UserProperty4
    [System.String]   $UserProperty5
    [System.String]   $UserProperty6
    [System.String]   $UserProperty7
    [System.String]   $UserProperty8
    [System.String]   $SysvolFreeSpace
    [System.String]   $SysvolTotalSpace
    [System.String[]] $Tags
    [System.String[]] $ExcludedTags
    [System.DateTime] $LastUpdate
    [System.Boolean]  $ManagedState
    [System.Guid]     $AgentGUID
    [System.Version]  $AgentVersion
    [System.String]   $AutoID
Class ePOConfig {
    [System.String] $Server
    [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credentials
    [System.Int32] $Port
    [System.Boolean] $AcceptSelfSignedCerts
Class ePOGroup {
    [System.String] $Name
    [System.Int32]  $ID

    ePOGroup([String]$Name, [Int32] $ID) {
        $This.Name = $Name
        $This.ID   = $ID
Class ePOHelp {
    [System.String]    $CommandName
    [System.String[]]  $Parameters
    [System.String]    $Description
Class ePOQuery {
    [System.Int32]      $ID
    [System.String]     $Name
    [System.String]     $Description
    [System.String]     $CreatedBy
    [System.DateTime]   $CreatedOn
    [System.String]     $ModifiedBy
    [System.DateTime]   $ModifiedOn
    [System.String]     $ConditionSexp
    [System.String]     $DatabaseType
    [System.String]     $GroupName
    [System.String]     $Target
    [System.String]     $UserName
Class ePORecoveryKey {
    [System.String] $ComputerName
    [System.String] $DriveLetter
    [System.String] $RecoveryKey

    ePORecoveryKey([System.String] $ComputerName, [System.String] $DriveLetter, [System.String] $RecoveryKey) {
        $this.ComputerName = $ComputerName
        $this.DriveLetter = $DriveLetter
        $this.RecoveryKey = $RecoveryKey
Class ePOTable {
    [System.String]     $Name
    [System.String]     $Target
    [System.String]     $Type
    [System.String]     $DatabaseType
    [System.String]     $Description
    [System.String[]]   $RelatedTables
    [ePOColumn[]]       $Columns

Class ePOColumn {
    [System.String]     $Name
    [System.String]     $Type
    [System.Boolean]    $Select
    [System.Boolean]    $Condition
    [System.Boolean]    $GroupBy
    [System.Boolean]    $Order
    [System.Boolean]    $Number
Class ePOTag {
    [System.String] $Name
    [System.Int32]  $ID
    [System.String] $Description

    ePOTag([String] $Name, [Int32] $ID, [String] $Description) {
        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.ID = $ID
        $this.Description = $Description
function ConvertTo-ePOComputer {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]

    $ePOComputerObject = [ePOComputer]::new()

    $ePOComputerObject.ParentID = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.ParentID'
    $ePOComputerObject.ComputerName = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.ComputerName'
    $ePOComputerObject.Description = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.Description'
    $ePOComputerObject.SystemDescription = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.SystemDescription'
    $ePOComputerObject.TimeZone = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.TimeZone'
    $ePOComputerObject.DefaultLangID = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.DefaultLangID'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserName = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserName'
    $ePOComputerObject.DomainName = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.DomainName'
    $ePOComputerObject.IPHostName = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IPHostName'
    $ePOComputerObject.IPV6 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IPV6'
    $ePOComputerObject.IPAddress = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IPAddress'
    $ePOComputerObject.IPSubnet = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IPSubnet'
    $ePOComputerObject.IPSubnetMask = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IPSubnetMask'
    $ePOComputerObject.IPV4x = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IPV4x'
    $ePOComputerObject.IPXAddress = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IPXAddress'
    $ePOComputerObject.SubnetAddress = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.SubnetAddress'
    $ePOComputerObject.SubnetMask = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.SubnetMask'
    $ePOComputerObject.NetAddress = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.NetAddress'
    $ePOComputerObject.OSType = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.OSType'
    $ePOComputerObject.OSVersion = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.OSVersion'
    $ePOComputerObject.OSServicePackVer = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.OSServicePackVer'
    $ePOComputerObject.OSBuildNum = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.OSBuildNum'
    $ePOComputerObject.OSPlatform = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.OSPlatform'
    $ePOComputerObject.OSOEMID = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.OSOEMID'
    $ePOComputerObject.CPUType = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.CPUType'
    $ePOComputerObject.CPUSpeed = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.CPUSpeed'
    $ePOComputerObject.NumOfCPU = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.NumOfCPU'
    $ePOComputerObject.CPUSerialNum = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.CPUSerialNum'
    $ePOComputerObject.TotalPhysicalMemory = ([Math]::Round($ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.TotalPhysicalMemory'/1GB))
    $ePOComputerObject.FreeMemory = ([Math]::Round($ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.FreeMemory'/1GB))
    $ePOComputerObject.FreeDiskSpace = ([Math]::Round($ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.FreeDiskSpace'/1GB))
    $ePOComputerObject.TotalDiskSpace = ([Math]::Round($ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.TotalDiskSpace'/1GB))
    $ePOComputerObject.IsPortable = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.IsPortable'
    $ePOComputerObject.Vdi = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.Vdi'
    $ePOComputerObject.OSBitMode = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.OSBitMode'
    $ePOComputerObject.LastAgentHandler = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.LastAgentHandler'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty1 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty1'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty2 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty2'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty3 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty3'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty4 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty4'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty5 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty5'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty6 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty6'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty7 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty7'
    $ePOComputerObject.UserProperty8 = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.UserProperty8'
    $ePOComputerObject.SysvolFreeSpace = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.SysvolFreeSpace'
    $ePOComputerObject.SysvolTotalSpace = $ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.SysvolTotalSpace'
    $ePOComputerObject.Tags = ($ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.Tags').Split(',').Trim()
    $ePOComputerObject.ExcludedTags = ($ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.ExcludedTags').Split(',').Trim()
    if ($ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.LastUpdate') { $ePOComputerObject.LastUpdate = $ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.LastUpdate' }
    $ePOComputerObject.ManagedState = $ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.ManagedState'
    if ($ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.AgentGUID') { $ePOComputerObject.AgentGUID = $ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.AgentGUID' }
    if ($ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.AgentVersion') { $ePOComputerObject.AgentVersion = $ePOComputer.'EPOLeafNode.AgentVersion' }
    $ePOComputerObject.AutoID = $ePOComputer.'EPOBranchNode.AutoID'

    Write-Output $ePOComputerObject
function ConvertTo-ePOQuery {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]

    $ePOQueryObject = [ePOQuery]::new()

    $ePOQueryObject.ID = $ePOQuery.id
    $ePOQueryObject.Name = $ePOQuery.name
    $ePOQueryObject.Description = $ePOQuery.description
    $ePOQueryObject.ConditionSexp = $ePOQuery.conditionSexp
    $ePOQueryObject.GroupName = $ePOQuery.GroupName
    $ePOQueryObject.UserName = $ePOQuery.userName
    $ePOQueryObject.DatabaseType = $ePOQuery.databaseType
    $ePOQueryObject.CreatedOn = if ($ePOQuery.createdOn) { $ePOQuery.createdOn }
    $ePOQueryObject.CreatedBy = $ePOQuery.createdBy
    $ePOQueryObject.ModifiedOn= if ($ePOQuery.modifiedOn) { $ePOQuery.modifiedOn }
    $ePOQueryObject.ModifiedBy = $ePOQuery.modifiedBy

    Write-Output $ePOQueryObject
        Called by Set-ePOServer, this function initializes the script scope variable, ePOwerShell,
        which is used to communicate with the ePO server

function Initialize-ePOConfig {
    param (
            .PARAMETER Server
                URL to the ePO server


            .PARAMETER Credentials
                Credentials with access to the ePO server


            .PARAMETER Port
                Specifies the port necessary to communicate with the ePO server

        $Port = 8443,

            .PARAMETER AllowSelfSignedCerts
                Allows for self signed certs to be accepted while connecting to the ePO server


    if (-not ($Server.StartsWith('https://'))) {
        if ($Server.StartsWith('http://')) {
            Write-Verbose 'Server address starts with HTTP. Changing to HTTPS'
            $Server = $Server.Replace('http://', 'https://')
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'Server address does not start with HTTPS. Changing...'
            $Server = 'https://' + $Server

        Write-Verbose ('Updated server address: {0}' -f $Server)

    $Script:ePOwerShell = @{
        Port                 = $Port
        Server               = $Server
        Credentials          = $Credentials
        AllowSelfSignedCerts = $AllowSelfSignedCerts

    try {
        [Void] (Get-ePOHelp)
        Write-Verbose 'Successfully fetched ePOs core.help page'
    } catch {
        Remove-Variable ePOwerShell -Scope Script -Force
        Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
        Throw $_
        Builds the request URL to the ePO server, executes the API call, and returns values.

function Invoke-ePORequest {
    param (
            .PARAMETER Name
                Specifies the function name to be used


            .PARAMETER Query
                Specifies the query parameters to be used against the ePO server

        $Query = @{}

    if (-not ($Script:ePOwerShell)) {
        try {
        } catch {
            Throw [System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException] 'ePO Server is not configured yet. Run Set-ePOConfig first!'

    if (-not ($Query.':output' -eq 'json')) {
        [Void] $Query.Add(':output', 'json')

    $URL = '{0}:{1}/remote/{2}' -f $ePOwerShell.Server, $ePOwerShell.Port, $Name

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $QueryString = @()

    foreach ($Item in $Query.GetEnumerator()) {
        [Void] $QueryString.Add("$($Item.Name)=$($Item.Value)")

    $RequestUrl = ('{0}?{1}' -f $Url, ($QueryString -join '&'))

    Write-Verbose ('Request URL: {0}' -f $RequestUrl)

    if (-not ([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -eq 'Tls12')) {
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor

    $InvokeWebRequest = @{
        Uri             = $RequestUrl
        Credential      = $ePOwerShell.Credentials
        UseBasicParsing = $True
        ErrorAction     = 'Stop'

    if ($Script:ePOwerShell.AllowSelfSignedCerts) {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
            Write-Verbose 'PSVersion is -le 5'
            Write-Debug 'Allowing self signed certs'

Add-Type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
    public bool CheckValidationResult(
        ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
        WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
        return true;

            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'PSVersion is -gt 5'
            [Void] $InvokeWebRequest.Add('SkipCertificateCheck', $True)

    Write-Verbose ('Request: {0}' -f ($InvokeWebRequest | ConvertTo-Json))

    try {
        $Response = Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequest
    } catch {
        Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
        Throw $_

    Write-Debug "Response: $($Response | Out-String)"

    if (-not ($Response.Content.StartsWith('OK:'))) {
        Throw $Response

    Write-Output ($Response.Content.Substring(3).Trim() | ConvertFrom-Json)
        Write the WHERE portion of the ePO custom query.
        Write the WHERE portion of the ePO custom query returning the string that's ready to be sent to ePO.
        $where = @{
            and = @{
                eq = @{
                    EPOLeafNodeId = 1234
                    ComputerName = 'CAS-12345'
        Write-ePOWhere $where
        (and (eq ComputerName CAS-12345) (eq EPOLeafNodeId 1234))
        $where = @{
            or = @{
                eq = @{
                    EPOLeafNodeId = 1234
                    ComputerName = 'CAS-12345'
                ne = @{
                    EPOLeafNodeId = 4321
        Write-ePOWhere $where
        (or (eq ComputerName CAS-12345) (eq EPOLeafNodeId 1234) (ne EPOLeafNodeId 4321))
        $where = @{
            eq = @{
                EPOLeafNodeId = 1234
        Write-ePOWhere $where
        (where (eq EPOLeafNodeId 1234))

function Write-ePOWhere {
            .PARAMETER WherePart
                A hashtable of the structure of the WHERE clause. See examples.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

            .PARAMETER Parent
                This is really just called when re-calling this function from within itself.
                You probably shouldn't pass this parameter manually.


    foreach ($Part in $WherePart.GetEnumerator()) {
        if ($Part.Value -is [hashtable]) {
            if (@('and', 'or') -contains $Part.Name) {
                $Return += ' ({0} {1})' -f $Part.Name, (Write-ePOWhere $Part.Value -Parent $Part.Name)
            } else {
                $Return += ' {0}' -f (Write-ePOWhere $Part.Value -Parent $Part.Name)
        } else {
            $Value = $Part.Value
            $Return += ' ({0} {1} "{2}")' -f $Parent, $Part.Name, $Value

    while ($Return.Contains(' ')) {
        $Return = $Return.Replace(' ', ' ')
    $Return = $Return.Trim()

    if ((-not $Parent) -and ($Return.StartsWith('(eq') -or $Return.StartsWith('(ne'))) {
        $Return = '(where {0})' -f $Return

    Write-Output $Return
        Finds available computer systems on the ePO server
        Finds all available computer systems from the ePO server. If a computer system name is specifed, it searches for only
        the one computer system from the server. If a computer system is not specified, then it will return a list of all
        available computer systems on the ePO server. You can search for a computer using the Agent Guid, Computer Name,
        MAC Address, IP Address, Tags, and Usernames.
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -All
        Returns all computers in the ePO system
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -ComputerName 'Computer1'
        Returns ePO computer object searching by hostname
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -ComputerName 'Computer*' -ForceWildcardHandling
        Returns ePO computer object searching by hostname with wildcard
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -AgentGuid 5b273b72-977b-4566-9cb4-9af816ac222b
        Returns ePO computer object searching by Agent Guid
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -MacAddress 00-05-9A-3C-7A-00
        Returns ePO computer object searching by MAC Address
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -IPAddress
        Returns ePO computer object searching by IP Address
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -Username MyUsername
        Returns ePO computer object searching by Username
        $Computer = Get-ePOComputer -Tag ePOTag1
        Returns ePO computer objects searching by Tag
    .PARAMETER AgentGuid
        Specifies the computers Agent Guid to be found on the ePO server
    .PARAMETER Computer
        Specifies a computer system to be found on the ePO server
    .PARAMETER ForceWildcardHandling
        Allows for wildcards to be used when searching by computer name
        Specifies the computers MAC Address to be found on the ePO server
    .PARAMETER IPAddress
        Specifies the computers IPAddress to be found on the ePO server
        Specifies the tag a computer might have applied to be found on the ePO server
    .PARAMETER Username
        Specifies the computers Username to be found on the ePO server
        Returns all computers in the ePO server

function Get-ePOComputer {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')]
    [Alias('Find-ePOwerShellComputerSystem', 'Find-ePOComputerSystem')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AgentGuid')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName', Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Alias('hostname', 'name', 'computername')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'MACAddress')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'IPAddress')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Tag')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Username')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')]

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name  = 'system.find'
                Query = @{
                    searchText = ''
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                "ComputerName" {
                    foreach ($Comp in $Computer) {
                        Write-Debug ('Searching by computer name for: {0}' -f $Comp)
                        if ($Comp -is [ePOComputer]) {
                            Write-Verbose 'Using ePOComputer object'
                            Write-Output $Comp
                        } else {
                            if ($ForceWildcardHandling) {
                                if (-not ($script:AllePOComputers)) {
                                    $Request.Query.searchText = ''
                                    $script:AllePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                                foreach ($ePOComputer in $script:AllePOComputers) {
                                    if ($ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.ComputerName' -like $Comp) {
                                        $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                                        Write-Output $ePOComputerObject
                            } else {
                                $Request.Query.searchText = $Comp
                                $ePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                                foreach ($ePOComputer in $ePOComputers) {
                                    if ($ePOComputer.'EPOComputerProperties.ComputerName' -eq $Comp) {
                                        $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                                        Write-Output $ePOComputerObject

                "MACAddress" {
                    foreach ($Address in $MACAddress) {
                        $Address = $Address.ToUpper()

                        switch -Regex ($Address) {
                            '^([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}([0-9a-f]{2})$' {
                                Write-Verbose 'Delimiter: Colons'
                                $Address = $Address.Replace(':', '')

                            '^([0-9a-f]{2}-){5}([0-9a-f]{2})$' {
                                Write-Verbose 'Delimiter: Dashs'
                                $Address = $Address.Replace('-', '')

                            '^([0-9a-f]{2}\.){5}([0-9a-f]{2})$' {
                                Write-Verbose 'Delimiter: Periods'
                                $Address = $Address.Replace('.', '')

                            '^([0-9a-f]{2}\s){5}([0-9a-f]{2})$' {
                                Write-Verbose 'Delimiter: Spaces'
                                $Address = $Address.Replace(' ', '')

                            '^([0-9a-f]{12})$' {
                                Write-Verbose 'Delimiter: None'

                            default {
                                Write-Error ('MAC Address does not match known format: {0}' -f $Address)

                        $Request.Query.searchText = $Address
                        $ePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        foreach ($ePOComputer in $ePOComputers) {
                            $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                            Write-Output $ePOComputerObject

                "IPAddress" {
                    foreach ($Address in $IPAddress) {
                        $Request.Query.searchText = $Address
                        $ePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        foreach ($ePOComputer in $ePOComputers) {
                            $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                            Write-Output $ePOComputerObject

                "Tag" {
                    foreach ($T in $Tag) {
                        if ($T -is [ePOTag]) {
                            $Request.Query.searchText = $T.Name
                        } else {
                            $Request.Query.searchText = $T
                        $ePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        foreach ($ePOComputer in $ePOComputers) {
                            $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                            Write-Output $ePOComputerObject

                "AgentGuid" {
                    foreach ($Guid in $AgentGuid) {
                        $Request.Query.searchText = $Guid
                        $ePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        foreach ($ePOComputer in $ePOComputers) {
                            $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                            Write-Output $ePOComputerObject

                "Username" {
                    foreach ($User in $Username) {
                        $Request.Query.searchText = $User
                        $ePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        foreach ($ePOComputer in $ePOComputers) {
                            $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                            Write-Output $ePOComputerObject

                "All" {
                    $Request.Query.searchText = ''
                    $ePOComputers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                    foreach ($ePOComputer in $ePOComputers) {
                        $ePOComputerObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOComputer
                        Write-Output $ePOComputerObject
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception

    end {
        if (Get-Variable 'AllePOComputers' -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            Remove-Variable -Name 'AllePOComputers' -Scope Script

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePOComputer' -Alias 'Find-ePOwerShellComputerSystem', 'Find-ePOComputerSystem'
        Returns saved $ePOwerShell settings
        Returns an ePOConfig object of the saved information necessary to communicate with the ePO server
        $Config = Get-ePOConfig
        Returns the currently set configuration for connecting to the ePO server.

function Get-ePOConfig {
    [Alias('Get-ePOwerShellServer', 'Get-ePOServer')]
    param ()

    process {
        try {
            if (-not ($Script:ePOwerShell)) {
                Write-Error 'ePO Server is not configured yet. Run Set-ePOConfig first' -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Output $Script:ePOwerShell
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

Export-ModuleMember 'Get-ePOConfig' -Alias 'Get-ePOwerShellServer', 'Get-ePOServer'
        Finds available groups on the ePO server
        Finds all available groups from the ePO server as an ePOGroup object. If a group name is specifed,
        it searches for only the one group from the server. If a group is not specified, then it will
        return a list of all available groups on the ePO server.
        $Groups = Get-ePOGroup
        Returns array of ePOGroup objects containing group information
        $Groups = Get-ePOGroup 'Group1'
        Returns array of ePOGroup objects containing requested group information with matching group name
        $Groups = Get-ePOGroup 'Group*' -ForceWildcardHandling
        Returns array of ePOGroup objects containing requested group information with matching group name by wildcard
    .PARAMETER Group
        Specifies a group name to be found on the ePO server. This parameter can be provider by either:
            * an ePOGroup object
            * a group name
        This parameter can be passed in from the pipeline.
    .PARAMETER ForceWildcardHandling
        Allows for wildcards to be used when searching by group name

function Get-ePOGroup {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        $Group = '',


    begin {}

    process {
        try {
            if ($Group -is [ePOGroup]) {
                Write-Output $Group
            } else {
                $Request = @{
                    Name  = 'system.findGroups'
                    Query = @{
                        searchText = $Group

                Write-Debug "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
                $ePOGroups = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                foreach ($ePOGroup in $ePOGroups) {
                    $GroupObject = [ePOGroup]::new($ePOGroup.groupPath, $ePOGroup.groupId)
                    Write-Output $GroupObject
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ePOGroup -Alias 'Find-ePOwerShellGroups','Find-ePOGroups'
        Returns members of a specified ePO group
        This function returns an array of ePOComputer objects for each computer in the specified ePO group. If the `$Recurse`
        parameter is specified, then all subgroups are included in the search as well.
        $GroupMembers = Get-ePOGroupMember -Group $Group
        Get group members of a single group
        $GroupMembers = Get-ePOGroup -Group 'Group1' | Get-ePOGroupMember
        Get group members from a pipeline
        $GroupMembers = Get-ePOGroup -Group 'Group1' | Get-ePOGroupMember -Recurse
        Recursively get group members from a pipeline
    .PARAMETER Group
        Specifies the group we want to search for group members. This parameter can be provided as either:
            * An ePOGroup object
            * A group name
        This parameter can be passed in from the pipeline
    .PARAMETER Recurse
        Include members in all subgroups

function Get-ePOGroupMember {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, Mandatory = $True)]


    begin {
        if ($Group) {
            $Group = $Group.Split(',').Trim()

    process {
        try {
            foreach ($GroupItem in $Group) {
                $Request = @{
                    Name  = 'epogroup.findSystems'
                    Query = @{}

                if ($GroupItem -is [ePOGroup]) {
                    [Void] $Request.Query.Add('groupId', $GroupItem.ID)
                } else {
                    [Void] $Request.Query.Add('groupId', $GroupItem)

                if ($Recurse) {
                    [Void] $Request.Query.Add('searchSubgroups', 'true')

                Write-Debug "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
                $ePOGroupMembers = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                foreach ($ePOGroupMember in $ePOGroupMembers) {
                    $ePOGroupMemberObject = ConvertTo-ePOComputer $ePOGroupMember
                    Write-Output $ePOGroupMemberObject
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePOGroupMember'
        Fetchs and returns the content from ePOs core.help menu.
        Fetches all commands from the ePOs core.help menu. If a command is specified, the function will
        only return a single command. Each command is converted to an ePOHelp object containing 3 values:
            * Command
            * Parameters
            * Description
        The function will then return an array containing all ePOHelp objects.
        $Help = Get-ePOHelp
        Get all help objects on the ePO servers core.help page.
        $FindHelp = Get-ePOHelp -Command 'system.find'
        Get a single help object from the ePO servers core.help page.
    .PARAMETER Command
        Specifies a command the be queried from the ePO server

function Get-ePOHelp {
    [Alias('Get-ePOwerShellCoreHelp', 'Get-ePOCoreHelp')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name = 'core.help'

            if ($Command) {
                $Request.Add('Query', @{})
                if ($Command -is [ePOHelp]) {
                    $Request.Query.Add('Command', $Command.CommandName)
                } else {
                    $Request.Query.Add('Command', $Command)
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            $Response = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

            foreach ($Item in $Response) {
                $HelpObject = [ePOHelp]::new()
                $Item = $Item -replace '\r\n', ' '

                $FirstRegexProduct = [Regex]::Match($Item, '^(\S+)\s(.*)$')
                $HelpObject.CommandName = $FirstRegexProduct.Groups[1].Value
                $Remainder = $FirstRegexProduct.Groups[2].Value

                if ($Remainder -match '^\-.*') {
                    $Remainder = $Remainder.TrimStart('- ')

                if ($Remainder -match '\s\-\s') {
                    $SecondRegexProduct = [Regex]::Match($Remainder, '(^\S+.{0,})\s\-\s(\S+.{0,})$')

                    $HelpObject.Parameters = ($SecondRegexProduct.Groups[1].Value -Split ' ').Trim('[').Trim(']')
                    $HelpObject.Description = $SecondRegexProduct.Groups[2].Value
                } else {
                    $HelpObject.Description = $Remainder

                Write-Output $HelpObject
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePOHelp' -Alias 'Get-ePOwerShellCoreHelp', 'Get-ePOCoreHelp'
        Finds available predefined queries on the ePO server.
        Finds all available queries from the ePO server. Each query is then converted to an ePOQuery object,
        and an array containing all objects will be returned.
        $Queries = Get-ePOQuery
        Get all predefined queries in ePO

function Get-ePOQuery {
    [Alias('Get-ePOwerShellQueries', 'Get-ePOQueries')]
    param ()

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name  = 'core.listQueries'
                Query = @{}
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
            if (-not ($ePOQueries = Invoke-ePORequest @Request)) {
                Throw "Failed to find any ePO queries"

            foreach ($ePOQuery in $ePOQueries) {
                $ePOQueryObject = ConvertTo-ePOQuery $ePOQuery
                Write-Output $ePOQueryObject
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePOQuery' -Alias 'Get-ePOwerShellQueries', 'Get-ePOQueries'
        Returns the MNE Recovery Key for specified encrypted systems
        For the provided computer(s), this will query the ePO servers to find all of the encrypted volumes.
        For each volume, it collects the mount point and the volume serial number stored in ePO. For each of
        the encrypted volumes, it queries for a recovery key. The problem with only querying against the ePO
        Leaf Node ID is that it only returns a recovery key for the systems boot volume. If the system has
        additional mounted drives that are also encrypted, it does not return these keys.
        This function outputs an array of ePORecoveryKey objects containing the computer name, mount point,
        and recovery key.
        $RecoveyKey = Get-ePORecoveryKey -Computer 'My-ComputerName'
        Fetch the recovery key for a system
    .PARAMETER Computer
        Specifies the computer we're finding the recovery key for. Can be provided as:
            * An ePOComputer object
            * A computer name
        This parameter can be passed in from the pipeline.

function Get-ePORecoveryKey {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Computer')]
    [Alias('Get-ePOwerShellMneRecoveryKey', 'Get-ePOMneRecoveryKey')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Computer', Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Alias('ComputerName', 'Name')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AgentGuid', Mandatory = $True)]

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name        = 'mne.recoverMachine'
                Query       = @{
                    serialNumber = ''
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'

            if ($Computer) {
                $Computer = $Computer.Split(',').Trim()
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'Computer' {
                    foreach ($Comp in $Computer) {
                        if ($Comp -is [ePOComputer]) {
                            Write-Verbose 'Computer is an ePOComputer object'
                            $CompResponse = $Comp
                        } else {
                            Write-Verbose 'Computer is not an ePOComputer object. Searching for...'
                            $CompResponse = Get-ePOComputer -Computer $Comp -ErrorAction Stop

                        foreach ($Item in $CompResponse) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Detecting mount points for {0}' -f $Item.ComputerName)
                            $QueryRequest = @{
                                Table       = 'MneVolumes'
                                Select      = @(
                                Where       = @{
                                    eq = @{
                                        'MneVolumes.EPOLeafNodeId' = $Item.ParentID
                                ErrorAction = 'Stop'

                            Write-Debug ('Mount point query request: {0}' -f ($QueryRequest | ConvertTo-Json))

                            $MountPoints = Invoke-ePOQuery @QueryRequest

                            if ($MountPoints.Count -eq 0) {
                                Write-Warning ('Failed to find mount points for {0}, Parent ID {1}' -f $Item.ComputerName, $Item.ParentID)

                            Write-Debug ('Mount points: {0}' -f ($MountPoints -join ', '))

                            foreach ($MountPoint in $MountPoints) {
                                Write-Verbose ('Getting recovery key for mount point: {0}' -f $MountPoint.'MneFvRecoveryKeys.DisplayName')
                                $Request.Query.serialNumber = $MountPoint.'MneFvRecoveryKeys.DisplayName'

                                $RecoveryKey = Invoke-ePORequest @Request
                                $RecoveryKeyObject = [ePORecoveryKey]::new($Item.ComputerName, $MountPoint.'MneVolumes.MountPoint', $RecoveryKey)
                                Write-Output $RecoveryKeyObject

                'AgentGuid' {
                    foreach ($Guid in $AgentGuid) {
                        Write-Verbose ('Checking for system via Agent Guid: {0}' -f $Guid)

                        if (-not ($CompResponse = Get-ePOComputer -AgentGuid $Guid)) {
                            Write-Error ('Failed to find system via Agent Guid')

                        Write-Verbose ('Detecting mount points for {0}' -f $CompResponse.ComputerName)

                        $QueryRequest = @{
                            Table       = 'MneVolumes'
                            Select      = @(
                            Where       = @{
                                eq = @{
                                    'MneVolumes.EPOLeafNodeId' = $CompResponse.ParentID
                            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

                        Write-Debug ('Mount point query request: {0}' -f ($QueryRequest | ConvertTo-Json))

                        $MountPoints = Invoke-ePOQuery @QueryRequest

                        if ($MountPoints.Count -eq 0) {
                            Write-Warning ('Failed to find mount points for {0}, Parent ID {1}' -f $CompResponse.ComputerName, $Item.ParentID)

                        Write-Debug ('Mount points: {0}' -f ($MountPoints -join ', '))

                        foreach ($MountPoint in $MountPoints) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Getting recovery key for mount point: {0}' -f $MountPoint.'MneFvRecoveryKeys.DisplayName')
                            $Request.Query.serialNumber = $MountPoint.'MneFvRecoveryKeys.DisplayName'

                            $RecoveryKey = Invoke-ePORequest @Request
                            $RecoveryKeyObject = [ePORecoveryKey]::new($Item.ComputerName, $MountPoint.'MneVolumes.MountPoint', $RecoveryKey)
                            Write-Output $RecoveryKeyObject
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePORecoveryKey' -Alias 'Get-ePOwerShellMneRecoveryKey', 'Get-ePOMneRecoveryKey'
    Finds available tables in the ePO database
    Finds all available tables from the ePO database. Number of tables accessable may depend on your security permissions.
    $Tables = Get-ePOTable
    Gets all available tables

function Get-ePOTable {
    param ()

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name  = 'core.listTables'
                Query = @{}
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
            if (-not ($ePOTables = Invoke-ePORequest @Request)) {
                Write-Error "Failed to find any ePO queries"

            foreach ($ePOTable in $ePOTables) {
                Write-Output $ePOTable
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePOTable'
        Finds available tags on the ePO server
        Finds all available tags from the ePO server. If a tag name is specifed, it searches for only
        the one tag from the server. If a tag is not specified, then it will return an array of ePOTag
        objects from the ePO server. Each tag contains an ID, Name, and Description.
        $Tags = Get-ePOTag
        Get all tags from the ePO server
        $Tag = Get-ePOTag 'Tag1'
        Get a single tag from the ePO server
        This parameter is used to request a specific tag. This can be provided as:
            * An ePOTag object
            * A tag name
        This value can be passed in from the pipeline.

function Get-ePOTag {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        $Tag = ''

    begin {}

    process {
        try {
            if ($Tag -is [ePOTag]) {
                Write-Verbose 'Using pipelined ePOTag object'
                Write-Output $Tag
            } else {
                Write-Verbose 'Either not pipelined, or pipeline object is not an ePOTag object'
                $Request = @{
                    Name  = 'system.findTag'
                    Query = @{
                        searchText = $Tag

                Write-Debug "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
                $ePOTags = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                foreach ($ePOTag in $ePOTags) {
                    if (-not ($Tag) -or ($Tag -eq $ePOTag.tagName)) {
                        $TagObject = [ePOTag]::new($ePOTag.tagName, $ePOTag.tagId, $ePOTag.tagNotes)
                        Write-Output $TagObject
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePOTag' -Alias 'Find-ePOwerShellTag','Find-ePOTag'
        Returns the ePO version
        Returns the version number of the McAfee ePO server
        Returns the ePO version number

function Get-ePOVersion {
    param ()

    begin {}
    process {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name = 'epo.getVersion'

            Write-Debug "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
            if (-not ($Response = Invoke-ePORequest @Request)) {
                Throw 'Failed to determine ePO version'

            Write-Output ($Response -as [System.Version])
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ePOVersion'
        Either runs a predefined query or a custom query against the ePO server
        Based off the Query Name or ID, runs the query and returns the output.
        $Query = Get-ePOQuery
        $Query = $Query | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'My Awesome Query' }
        $Results = Invoke-ePOQuery -Query $Query
        Run a predefined query saved on the ePO server
    .PARAMETER Query
        Specifies a predefined query that is stored on the ePO server. Can be provided by:
            * An ePOQuery object
            * A query ID
            * A query Name
        This parameter can be passed in from the pipeline.
    .PARAMETER Table
        Specifies the table on the ePO server you would like to query against. Run Get-ePOTable to see available tables and values.
    .PARAMETER Select
        Specifies the items from tables you're specifically looking for. If a table name is not specified in your select string, then `$Table` is prepended to the beginning of your select item.
    .PARAMETER Where
        A hashtable used to limit the query to items meeting only specific criteria
    .PARAMETER Database
        Optional parameter. Specifies a separate database to query, other than the default one.

function Invoke-ePOQuery {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = 'PremadeQuery')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'CustomQuery')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'CustomQuery')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'CustomQuery')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CustomQuery')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PremadeQuery')]

    begin {
        try {
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'PremadeQuery' {
                    $Request = @{
                        Name  = 'core.executeQuery'
                        Query = @{
                            queryId = ''

                'CustomQuery' {
                    $Request = @{
                        Name  = 'core.executeQuery'
                        Query = @{
                            target = $Table

                Default {
                    Write-Error 'Failed to determine parameter set' -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'PremadeQuery' {
                    foreach ($QueryItem in $Query) {
                        Write-Debug 'Using a premade query'
                        if ($QueryItem -is [ePOQuery]) {
                            Write-Debug 'ePOQuery object specified'
                            $Request.Query.queryId = $QueryItem.ID
                        } elseif ($QueryItem -is [Int32]) {
                            Write-Debug 'Query ID specified'
                            $Request.Query.queryId = $QueryItem
                        } else {
                            Write-Debug 'Query Name specified'

                            if (-not ($ePOQuery = Get-ePOQuery | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $QueryItem })) {
                                Write-Error ('Failed to find a query for: {0}' -f $QueryItem) -ErrorAction Stop

                            $Request.Query.queryId = $ePOQuery.ID

                        if ($Database) {
                            [Void] $Request.Query.Add('database', $Database)

                        Write-Debug "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
                        if (-not ($QueryResults = Invoke-ePORequest @Request)) {
                            Throw "Failed to find any ePO query results"

                        Write-Debug "Results: $($QueryResults | Out-String)"
                        Write-Output $QueryResults

                'CustomQuery' {
                    $Select = foreach ($Item in $Select) {
                        if ($Item -Match '^(\S+\.){1,}\S+$') {
                        } else {
                            $Table + '.' + $Item

                    $Select = '(select ' + ($Select -Join ' ') + ')'
                    [Void] $Request.Query.Add('select', $Select)

                    if ($Where) {
                        $WhereString = Write-ePOWhere $Where
                        Write-Debug ('Where String: {0}' -f $WhereString)
                        [Void] $Request.Query.Add('where', $WhereString)

                    Write-Debug "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
                    if (-not ($QueryResults = Invoke-ePORequest @Request)) {
                        Throw "Failed to find any ePO query results"

                    Write-Debug "Results: $($QueryResults | Out-String)"
                    Write-Output $QueryResults
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-ePOQuery' -Alias 'Invoke-ePOwerShellQuery'
        Wakes up the ePO Agent on specified computer
        For each specified computer, the ePO server attempts to wake up the computer's agent and run
        policy updates.
    .PARAMETER Computer
        Specifies the computer(s) to waking up. Can be provided as:
            * An ePOComputer object
            * A computer name
        This parameter can be passed in from the pipeline.
    .PARAMETER ForceFullPolicyUpdate
        Updates the agent with all polices and properties
    .PARAMETER FullProps
        Full properties will be sent by Agent.
    .PARAMETER SuperAgent
        Allows you to use a SuperAgent to broadcast wakeup calls to other agents.
    .PARAMETER AbortAfter
        Specifies total number of minutes it should wait for an agent to respond before it considers the attempt a failure.
    .PARAMETER RetryIntervalSeconds
        Specifies how long it should wait between attempts if the previous attempt to wake up an agent failed.
    .PARAMETER NumberOfAttempts
        Specifies how many times the ePO server should attempt to wake up the agent before it deems it a failure.
    .PARAMETER RandomMinutes
        Specifies number of minutes to randomise the wakeup calls

function Invoke-ePOWakeUpAgent {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Computer')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Computer', Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AgentGuid', Mandatory = $True)]




        $AbortAfter = 5,

        $RetryIntervalSeconds = 30,

        $NumberOfAttempts = 1,

        $RandomMinutes = 0

    begin {}

    process {
        try {
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'Computer' {
                    foreach ($Comp in $Computer) {
                        if ($Comp -is [ePOComputer]) {
                            Write-Verbose "Computer was pipelined with an ePOComputer object"
                            $ePOComputer = $Comp
                        } else {
                            Write-Verbose "Confirming computer is in ePO: $Comp"

                            if (-not ($ePOComputer = Get-ePOComputer -Computer $Comp)) {
                                Write-Error ("Failed to find computer system '{0}' in ePO" -f $Comp) -ErrorAction Stop

                        Write-Verbose ('Found computer system in ePO: {0}' -f ($ePOComputer | Out-String))

                        if (-not ($ePOComputer.ManagedState)) {
                            Write-Error ('Computer System is not in a managed state: {0}' -f $Comp) -ErrorAction Stop

                        Write-Verbose ('Computer System is in a managed state: {0}' -f $Comp)

                        $Request = @{
                            Name  = 'system.wakeupAgent'
                            Query = @{
                                names                 = $ePOComputer.ComputerName
                                fullProps             = $FullProps
                                forceFullPolicyUpdate = $ForceFullPolicyUpdate
                                abortAfterMinutes     = $AbortAfter
                                retryIntervalSeconds  = $RetryIntervalSeconds
                                attempts              = $NumberOfAttempts
                                randomMinutes         = $RandomMinutes
                                superAgent            = $SuperAgent

                        Write-Verbose "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
                        $Response = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        $Results = @{}
                        foreach ($Item in (($Response | ConvertTo-Json).Split('\n').Replace('"', ''))) {
                            if ($Item) {
                                $ItemName = ($Item.Split(':')[0].Trim())
                                $ItemResults = ([Boolean]($Item.Split(':')[1].Trim() -as [Int]))
                                $Results.Add($ItemName, $ItemResults)

                        if ($Results.Completed) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Successfully woke up {0}' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)
                        } elseif ($Results.Failed) {
                            Throw ('Failed to wake up {0}' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)
                        } elseif ($Results.Expired) {
                            Throw ('Failed to wake up {0}. Session expired.' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)
                        } else {
                            Throw ('Failed to wake up {0}. Unknown error' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)

                'AgentGuid' {
                    foreach ($Guid in $AgentGuid) {
                        if (-not ($ePOComputer = Get-ePOComputer -AgentGuid $Guid)) {
                            Write-Error ('Failed to find system via Agent Guid: {0}' -f $Guid)

                        Write-Verbose ('Found computer system in ePO: {0}' -f ($ePOComputer | Out-String))

                        if (-not ($ePOComputer.ManagedState)) {
                            Write-Error ('Computer System is not in a managed state: {0}' -f $Comp) -ErrorAction Stop

                        Write-Verbose ('Computer System is in a managed state: {0}' -f $Comp)

                        $Request = @{
                            Name  = 'system.wakeupAgent'
                            Query = @{
                                names                 = $ePOComputer.ComputerName
                                fullProps             = $FullProps
                                forceFullPolicyUpdate = $ForceFullPolicyUpdate
                                abortAfterMinutes     = $AbortAfter
                                retryIntervalSeconds  = $RetryIntervalSeconds
                                attempts              = $NumberOfAttempts
                                randomMinutes         = $RandomMinutes
                                superAgent            = $SuperAgent

                        Write-Verbose "Request: $($Request | ConvertTo-Json)"
                        $Response = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        $Results = @{}
                        foreach ($Item in (($Response | ConvertTo-Json).Split('\n').Replace('"', ''))) {
                            if ($Item) {
                                $ItemName = ($Item.Split(':')[0].Trim())
                                $ItemResults = ([Boolean]($Item.Split(':')[1].Trim() -as [Int]))
                                $Results.Add($ItemName, $ItemResults)

                        if ($Results.Completed) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Successfully woke up {0}' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)
                        } elseif ($Results.Failed) {
                            Throw ('Failed to wake up {0}' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)
                        } elseif ($Results.Expired) {
                            Throw ('Failed to wake up {0}. Session expired.' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)
                        } else {
                            Throw ('Failed to wake up {0}. Unknown error' -f $ePOComputer.ComputerName)
        } catch {
            Write-Error $_

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-ePOWakeUpAgent' -Alias 'Invoke-ePOwerShellWakeUpAgent'
        Removes computers managed in ePO
        Using the supplied ComputerName(s), we can remove the computer specified from ePO
        Remove-ePOComputer -Computer $Computer
        Remove a single tag on a single computer
        Remove-ePOComputer -Computer @(Computer1, Computer2)
        Remove one tag on two computers
        Get-ePOComputer My-Computer123 | Remove-ePOComputer
        Remove a single computer through the pipeline
    .PARAMETER Computer
        Specifies the name of the computer managed by ePO to be removed. This can be provided by:
            * An ePOComputer object
            * A computer name
        This parameter can be provided through the pipeline

function Remove-ePOComputer {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High", DefaultParameterSetName = 'Computer')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Computer', Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Alias('ComputerName', 'cn', 'Name')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'AgentGuid')]

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name  = 'system.delete'
                Query = @{
                    ids = ''
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'Computer' {
                    foreach ($Comp in $Computer) {
                        if ($Comp -is [ePOComputer]) {
                            Write-Debug ('Specified computer is an ePOComputer: -f {0}' -f $Comp)
                        } else {
                            Write-Debug ('Specified computer is a string: -f {0}' -f $Comp)
                            $Comp = Get-ePOComputer $Comp

                        foreach ($C in $Comp) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Computer Name: {0}' -f $C.ComputerName)
                            Write-Verbose ('Computer ID: {0}' -f $C.ParentID)

                            $Request.Query.ids = $C.ParentID
                            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove ePO computer: $($C.ComputerName)")) {
                                $Result = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                                if ($Result -eq 0) {
                                    Write-Verbose ('Deleted computer: {0}' -f $C.ComputerName)
                                } else {
                                    Throw ('Unknown response while deleting computer {0} from ePO: {1}' -f $C.ComputerName, $Result)

                'AgentGuid' {
                    foreach ($Guid in $AgentGuid) {
                        if (-not ($Comp = Get-ePOComputer -AgentGuid $Guid)) {
                            Write-Error ('Failed to find system via Agent Guid: {0}' -f $Guid)

                        foreach ($C in $Comp) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Computer Name: {0}' -f $C.ComputerName)
                            Write-Verbose ('Computer ID: {0}' -f $C.ParentID)

                            $Request.Query.ids = $C.ParentID
                            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove ePO computer: $($C.ComputerName)")) {
                                $Result = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                                if ($Result -eq 0) {
                                    Write-Verbose ('Deleted computer: {0}' -f $C.ComputerName)
                                } else {
                                    Throw ('Unknown response while deleting computer {0} from ePO: {1}' -f $C.ComputerName, $Result)
        } catch {
            Write-Error $_

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Remove-ePOComputer'
        Removes tags from computers managed in ePO
        Using the supplied ComputerName(s) and TagName(s), we can remove the tag to the computers
        specified. Tags or Computers can be passed in through the pipeline, but not both at the same time.
        Remove-ePOTag -Computer $Computer -Tag $Tag
        Remove a single tag on a single computer
        Remove-ePOTag -Computer @(Computer1, Computer2) -Tag Tag1
        Remove one tag on two computers
        Remove-ePOTag Computer1 @(Tag1, Tag2)
        Remove two tags to a single computer
    .PARAMETER Computer
        Specifies the name of the computer managed by ePO to have a tag applied to it. This can be provided by:
            * An ePOComputer object
            * A computer name
        This parameter can be provided through the pipeline
        Specifies the name of the tag to be applied. This can be provided by:
            * An ePOTag object
            * A tag name
        This parameter can be provided through the pipeline

function Remove-ePOTag {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
    [Alias('Clear-ePOwerShellTag', 'Clear-ePOTag')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Alias('ComputerName', 'cn', 'Name')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name  = 'system.clearTag'
                Query = @{
                    names   = ''
                    tagName = ''
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            foreach ($Comp in $Computer) {
                foreach ($Tag in $TagName) {
                    if ($Comp -is [ePOComputer]) {
                        $Request.Query.names = $Comp.ComputerName
                    } elseif ($Comp -is [ePOTag]) {
                        $Request.Query.tagName = $Comp.Name
                    } else {
                        $Request.Query.names = $Comp

                    if ($Tag -is [ePOTag]) {
                        $Request.Query.tagName = $Tag.Name
                    } elseif ($T -is [ePOComputer]) {
                        $Request.Query.names = $Tag.ComputerName
                    } else {
                        $Request.Query.tagName = $Tag

                    Write-Verbose ('Computer Name: {0}' -f $Request.Query.names)
                    Write-Verbose ('Tag Name: {0}' -f $Request.Query.tagName)

                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove ePO tag $($Request.Query.tagName) from $($Request.Query.names)")) {
                        $Result = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        if ($Result -eq 0) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Tag [{0}] is already cleared from computer {1}' -f $Tag, $Comp)
                        } elseif ($Result -eq 1) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Successfully cleared tag [{0}] to computer {1}' -f $Tag, $Comp)
                        } else {
                            Write-Error ('Unknown response while clearing tag [{0}] from {1}: {2}' -f $Tag, $Comp, $Result)
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Remove-ePOTag' -Alias 'Clear-ePOwerShellTag', 'Clear-ePOTag'
        Saves the stored ePOwerShell settings to your environment for future use.
        Rather than typing in your credentials to ePOwerShell anytime you open your shell, you can store
        the current configuration as a json object in your user environment for for future use. This does
        require `Set-ePOConfig` to be run first.
        PS > Save-ePOConfig
        Save ePOwerShell settings in your user environment.
        Requires Set-ePOConfig to be run first.

function Save-ePOConfig {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
    param ()

    try {
        if (-not ($script:ePOwerShell)) {
            Throw "`$ePOwerShell is not currently set. Run `Set-ePOConfig` first and try again."

        $Save = @{
            Server               = $script:ePOwerShell.Server
            Port                 = $script:ePOwerShell.Port
            Username             = $script:ePOwerShell.Credentials.Username
            Password             = ($script:ePOwerShell.Credentials.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString)
            AllowSelfSignedCerts = $script:ePOwerShell.AllowSelfSignedCerts

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Saving ePOwerShell configurations")) {
            [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ePOwerShell", ($Save | ConvertTo-Json -Compress), "User")
    } catch {
        Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Save-ePOConfig'
        Required command. Sets the necessary parameters to successfully communicate with an ePO server
        This function sets up all information necessary to communicate with your ePO server.
        There are three ways to utilize this command: By manually specifying the variables each time you
        load the module, saving a json file on your computer with the necessary information, or saving the
        json as an environment variable, $env:ePOwerShell.
        Set-ePOConfig -Server 'My-ePO-Server.domain.com' -Port 1234 -Credentials (Get-Credential) -AllowSelfSignedCerts
        Set ePO config
    .PARAMETER Server
        URL to the ePO server
    .PARAMETER Credentials
        Credentials with access to the ePO server
        Specifies the port necessary to communicate with the ePO server
    .PARAMETER AllowSelfSignedCerts
        Specifies if you'd like to allow ePOwerShell to allow self signed certificates on the ePO server
    .PARAMETER ePOwerShellSettings
        Specifies a path to a json containing all information necessary to connect to an ePO server

function Set-ePOConfig {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Env', SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ManualEntry')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ManualEntry')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'ManualEntry')]

        $AllowSelfSignedCerts = ($Script:ePOwerShell.AllowSelfSignedCerts),

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Env')]
        $ePOwerShellSettings = (${env:ePOwerShell})

    Write-Debug "PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
    Write-Debug "ePOwerShellSettings: $ePOwerShellSettings"
    if (
        (-not ($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -Contains 'ManualEntry')) -and
        (-not ($ePOwerShellSettings))
    ) {
        Throw "Unable to set ePOwerShell server information. Either set '`$env:ePOwerShell', or re-run the command and specify all necessary information"
    Write-Debug "Found something"

    switch ($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName) {
        'Env' {
            if (Test-Path $ePOwerShellSettings) {
                Write-Debug "This is a filepath too a json"
                Write-Debug "FilePath: $ePOwerShellSettings"
                try {
                    $Settings = Get-Content $ePOwerShellSettings | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
                } catch {
                    Throw "Failed to import existing Json: $($_.Exception)"
            } else {
                Write-Debug "This is a stored json in env"
                try {
                    $Settings = $ePOwerShellSettings | ConvertFrom-Json
                } catch {
                    Throw "Failed to import existing Json: $($_.Exception)"

            Write-Debug "Settings: $($Settings | Out-String)"

            $GetCredentials = @{
                TypeName     = 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential'
                ArgumentList = @(
                    ($Settings.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString)

            $Credentials = New-Object @GetCredentials

            $ePOwerShellVariables = @{
                Server               = $Settings.Server
                Credentials          = $Credentials
                AllowSelfSignedCerts = $Settings.AllowSelfSignedCerts.IsPresent

            if ($settings.Port) {
                [void]$ePOwerShellVariables.Add("Port", $Settings.Port)
        'ManualEntry' {
            $ePOwerShellVariables = @{
                Server               = $Server
                Credentials          = $Credentials
                AllowSelfSignedCerts = $AllowSelfSignedCerts

            if ($Port) {
                [void]$ePOwerShellVariables.Add("Port", $Port)

    Write-Debug "Variables: $($ePOwerShellVariables | Out-String)"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Settings ePOwerShell configurations successfully")) {
        Initialize-ePOConfig @ePOwerShellVariables

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Set-ePOConfig' -Alias 'Set-ePOServer'
        Applies tags to computers managed in ePO
        Using the supplied ComputerName(s) and TagName(s), we can apply the tag to the computers
        specified. Tags or Computers can be passed in through the pipeline, but not both at the same time.
        Set-ePOTag -Computer $Computer -Tag $Tag
        Set a single tag on a single computer
        Set-ePOTag @(Computer1, Computer2) Tag1
        Set one tag on two computers
        Set-ePOTag Computer1 @(Tag1, Tag2)
        Set two tags to a single computer:
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the name of the computer managed by ePO to have a tag applied to it. This can be provided by:
            * An ePOComputer object
            * A computer name
        This parameter can be provided through the pipeline
        Specifies the name of the tag to be applied. This can be provided by:
            * An ePOTag object
            * A tag name
        This parameter can be provided through the pipeline

function Set-ePOTag {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Alias('Computer', 'cn')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

    begin {
        try {
            $Request = @{
                Name  = 'system.applyTag'
                Query = @{
                    names   = ''
                    tagName = ''
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    process {
        try {
            foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                foreach ($Tag in $TagName) {
                    if ($Computer -is [ePOComputer]) {
                        $Request.Query.names = $Computer.ComputerName
                    } elseif ($Computer -is [ePOTag]) {
                        $Request.Query.tagName = $Computer.Name
                    } else {
                        $Request.Query.names = $Computer

                    if ($Tag -is [ePOTag]) {
                        $Request.Query.tagName = $Tag.Name
                    } elseif ($Tag -is [ePOComputer]) {
                        $Request.Query.names = $Tag.ComputerName
                    } else {
                        $Request.Query.tagName = $Tag

                    Write-Verbose ('Computer Name: {0}' -f $Request.Query.names)
                    Write-Verbose ('Tag Name: {0}' -f $Request.Query.tagName)

                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Set ePO tag $($Request.Query.tagName) from $($Request.Query.names)")) {
                        $Result = Invoke-ePORequest @Request

                        if ($Result -eq 0) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Tag [{0}] is already cleared from computer {1}' -f $Tag, $Computer)
                        } elseif ($Result -eq 1) {
                            Write-Verbose ('Successfully cleared tag [{0}] to computer {1}' -f $Tag, $Computer)
                        } else {
                            Write-Error ('Unknown response while clearing tag [{0}] from {1}: {2}' -f $Tag, $Computer, $Result) -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-Information $_ -Tags Exception
            Throw $_

    end {}

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Set-ePOTag' -Alias 'Set-ePOwerShellTag'
        Updates ePOwerShell config options individually, rather than setting everything at once.
        This function sets up all information necessary to communicate with your ePO server.
        There are three ways to utilize this command: By manually specifying the variables each time you
        load the module, saving a json file on your computer with the necessary information, or saving the
        json as an environment variable, $env:ePOwerShell.
        Update-ePOwerShellServer -Server 'My-ePO-Server.domain.com'
        Update ePOwerShell to target a new server
    .PARAMETER Server
        URL to the ePO server
        Specifies the port necessary to communicate with the ePO server
    .PARAMETER Credentials
        Credentials with access to the ePO server
    .PARAMETER AllowSelfSignedCerts
        Specifies if you'd like to allow ePOwerShell to allow self signed certificates on the ePO server

function Update-ePOConfig {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "Low")]
    [Alias('Update-ePOwerShellServer', 'Update-ePOServer')]
    param (
        $Server = ($Script:ePOwerShell.Server),

        $Port = ($Script:ePOwerShell.Port),

        $Credentials = ($Script:ePOwerShell.Credentials),

        $AllowSelfSignedCerts = ($Script:ePOwerShell.AllowSelfSignedCerts)

    if (-not ($script:ePOwerShell)) {
        Throw "Unable to set ePOwerShell server information. Either set '`$env:ePOwerShell', or run Set-ePOwerShellServer and specify all necessary information"

    $ePOwerShellVariables = @{
        Server               = $Server
        Port                 = $Port
        Credentials          = $Credentials
        AllowSelfSignedCerts = $AllowSelfSignedCerts

    Write-Debug "Variables: $($ePOwerShellVariables | Out-String)"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Updating ePOwerShell configurations")) {
        Initialize-ePOConfig @ePOwerShellVariables

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Update-ePOConfig' -Alias 'Update-ePOwerShellServer', 'Update-ePOServer'