
    Gets the measurement requirements from the eCC salesforce org for patients.
    Measurement requirements are determine by examining the planned entries on a patient calendar
    and the current devices assign.
    Any measurements required that do not have devices that support those measurement types are
    the needs.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-ObservationsForPatient.
    An array of PSObjects that contain the following members:
        - Patient - the patient object
        - has - array of measurement id that the patient has
        - needs - array of measurement ids that the patient needs
        - preferences - the array of all the preferences
    .PARAMETER Patients
    The patients to retrieve needs. See Get-Patients.
    The metric metadata definitions from Get-MetricDefinitions. If not supplied then it will be called.
    PS> $requirements = Get-PatientMeasurementRequirements -Patients (Get-Patients -SelectCdrIds @("195a2e2a-0d78-4558-935d-1a1c793d8626"))
    Assumes config is initialized for org access.

function Get-PatientMeasurementRequirements {
    param($Patients, $Def)

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Def')) {
        $Def = Get-MetricDefinitions

    # For performance reasons these query retrieve for all patient and not per patient
    $Devices = Get-SfDevices
    $PlannedEntries = Get-SfPlannedEntries
    $Preferences = Get-SfPatientPreferences

    foreach($Patient in $Patients) {
        $has = @()
        $Devices | Where-Object { $Patient.sfPatient.Id -eq $_.phecc__Patient__c } | ForEach-Object {
            $model = $_.phecc__Device_Model__c
            $has += $Def.capabilities | Where-Object { $_.phecc__Device_Model__c -eq $model } | Select-Object phecc__Measurement_Type__c -Expand phecc__Measurement_Type__c
        $needs = $PlannedEntries | Where-Object { $Patient.sfPatient.phecc__Permission__c -eq $_.phecc__Permission__c } | Select-Object pecc__Measurement_Type__c -ExpandProperty phecc__Measurement_Type__c | Sort-Object | Get-Unique | Where-Object {$has -notcontains $_ }
            Patient = $Patient
            has = $Def.measurements | Where-Object { $has -contains $_.Id }
            needs = $Def.measurements | Where-Object { $needs -contains $_.Id }
            preferences = $Preferences | Where-Object { $_.phecc__Patient__c -eq $Patient.sfPatient.Id }