
Function Get-ECSWSUSComputerTargetGroup
    This gets a computer target group from the WSUS Database.
    This gets a computer target group from the WSUS Database.
    .PARAMETER ComputerTargetGroupName
    This is the naming pattern of the groups you're querying.
    This example gets any computer with wks in the name with a timeout of 100 seconds and uses SQLAuth
    Get-ECSWSUSComputerTargetGroup -ComputerTargetGroupName "*wks*"
    This example gets any computer with wks and pc in the name with not timeout and uses passthru auth
    Get-ECSWSUSComputerTargetGroup -ComputerTargetGroupName @("*wks*","*pc-*")



            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        $ComputerTargetGroupName = "*"

        #Global Params

        $WSUSSQLServerName = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.WSUSSQLServerName
        Write-Verbose "WSUSSQLServerName = $($WSUSSQLServerName)"
        $WSUSDatabaseName = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.WSUSDatabaseName
        Write-Verbose "WSUSDatabaseName = $($WSUSDatabaseName)"
        $Credential = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.Credential
        #END Global Params

        #Test connection state

        Write-Verbose "Testing the WSUS database connectivity before querying WSUS"
        $TestWSUSConnectionState = Test-ECSWSUSDatabaseConnected
        If ($TestWSUSConnectionState.OverallStatus -eq $false)
            Throw "Either you are not connected to the WSUS database, or we had an error. Please run Test-ECSWSUSDatabaseConnected to determine the detailed status"

        #END Test connection state

        Foreach ($ComputerTargetGroup in $ComputerTargetGroupName)
            #Replace any "*" for % in the computer target name

            If ($ComputerTargetGroup -match "\*")
                Write-Verbose -Message "We found an asterix, in the computer target name $($ComputerTargetGroup), replacing with a percentage sign" 
                $ComputerTargetGroup = $ComputerTargetGroup -replace "\*","%"

            #Replace any "*" for % in the computer target name

            #Define dynamic SQL query

            $SQLQueryDefinition = @"
--Your SUSDB Name
Use $($WSUSDatabaseName)
--Your Computer Name pattern
DECLARE @TargetGroupName nvarchar(256);
SET @TargetGroupName = '$($ComputerTargetGroup)';
SELECT [dbo].[tbTargetGroup].[TargetGroupTypeID]
--Target Group type info
      ,[dbo].[tbTargetGroupType].[Name] as FriendlyGroupType
  FROM [dbo].[tbTargetGroup]
  Inner join [dbo].[tbTargetGroupType] on
  [dbo].[tbTargetGroupType].[TargetGroupTypeID] = [dbo].[tbTargetGroup].[TargetGroupTypeID]
  where [dbo].[tbTargetGroup].[Name] like @TargetGroupName

            #END Define dynamic SQL query

            #Executing SQL query
                #Formulating base command
                $SQLCommandToRun = '$SQLQuery' + " = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $WSUSSQLServerName -Database $WSUSDatabaseName -AbortOnError" + ' -Query $SQLQueryDefinition' + ' -ErrorAction "Stop"'

                #Checking if you wanted PassThru or SQL Auth
                If ($Credential -ne $null)
                    Write-Verbose "AuthenticationType = SQLAuth"
                    $SQLCommandToRun = $SQLCommandToRun  + ' -Credential $Credential'
                    Write-Verbose "AuthenticationType = Passthru"

                #Executing command
                Write-Verbose "Executing the following command: $($SQLCommandToRun)"
                Write-Verbose "The following query is being executed:"
                Write-Verbose $SQLQueryDefinition

                Invoke-Expression -Command $($SQLCommandToRun)

                #Making sure you had results, if not we're throwing an error
                $MeaureSQLQueryCount = $SQLQuery | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty count
                If ($MeaureSQLQueryCount -ge 1)
                    Throw "No results querying computer target $($ComputerTargetGroup)"

                Throw "Something went wrong with the SQL query, exception message = $($_.Exception.Message)"

            #END Executing SQL query