
Function Get-ECSWSUSUpdateReport
    This report will give you a list of the update status for a given update across your wsus environment
    This report will give you a list of the update status for a given update across your wsus environment
    .PARAMETER UpdateIDObject
    This is the update id GUID object that you'll pipe from a command such as Get-ECSWSUSUpdate
    .PARAMETER IncludeNonApplicableUpdates
    By default, we only grab applicable updates. There may be a reason i can't forsee thatto see ALL updates for a given computer, using this switch if that's the case.
    .PARAMETER UpdateApprovalAction
    This is to influence whether you only want to report on updates that are approved, not approved or any status. We default to any.
    This example gets the status of a singular update
    Get-ECSWSUSUpdateReport -UpdateIDObject "dddcf9cd-6eee-4e16-8bd8-85117ed9b7de" -UpdateApprovalAction Install
    This example, we'll get a list of updated pipelined from get-ecswsusudpate
    Get-ECSWSUSUpdate | Select-Object -First 5 -ExpandProperty updateid | Get-ECSWSUSUpdateReport -UpdateApprovalAction Install



            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,



        [Switch]$IncludeNonApplicableUpdates = $false,

        [String]$UpdateApprovalAction = "All"


        #Global Params

        $WSUSSQLServerName = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.WSUSSQLServerName
        Write-Verbose "WSUSSQLServerName = $($WSUSSQLServerName)"
        $WSUSDatabaseName = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.WSUSDatabaseName
        Write-Verbose "WSUSDatabaseName = $($WSUSDatabaseName)"
        $Credential = $Global:ECSWSUSDatabaseConnection.Credential
        #END Global Params

        #Test connection state

        Write-Verbose "Testing the WSUS database connectivity before querying WSUS"
        $TestWSUSConnectionState = Test-ECSWSUSDatabaseConnected
        If ($TestWSUSConnectionState.OverallStatus -eq $false)
            Throw "Either you are not connected to the WSUS database, or we had an error. Please run Test-ECSWSUSDatabaseConnected to determine the detailed status"

        #END Test connection state

        Foreach ($UpdateObject in $UpdateIDObject)


            #Define dynamic SQL query

            #Creating two different base queries based on whether we're doing a detailed report or a summary report only

            $SQLQueryToRun = @"
Use $($WSUSDatabaseName)
DECLARE @UpdateId uniqueidentifier;
SET @UpdateId = '$($UpdateObject)';
SELECT [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo].[UpdateId]
        WHEN State = 0 THEN 'Unknown'
        WHEN State = 1 THEN 'NotApplicable'
        When State = 2 THEN 'NotInstalled'
        WHEN State = 3 THEN 'Downloaded'
        WHEN State = 4 THEN 'Installed'
        WHEN State = 5 THEN 'Failed'
        WHEN State = 6 THEN 'InstalledPendingReboot'
        Else 'No Match'
        end as FriendlyState
      ,[$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vComputerTargetGroup] .[Name] as TargetGoupName
  FROM [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo]
  --Find the matching computer target
inner join [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vComputerTarget] on
[$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vComputerTarget].[ComputerTargetId] = [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo].[ComputerTargetId]
--Find the approval ID to see whether the update is approved or not
inner join [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateEffectiveApprovalPerComputer] on
    [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateEffectiveApprovalPerComputer].[ComputerTargetId] = [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo].[ComputerTargetId]
    [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateEffectiveApprovalPerComputer].[UpdateId] = [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo].[UpdateId]
--Link the update approval ID's for the effective computer approval
inner join [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateApproval] on
    [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateApproval].[UpdateApprovalId] = [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateEffectiveApprovalPerComputer].[UpdateApprovalId]
--Show the computer target group, so we know the frinedly name of where the approval comes from.
inner join [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vComputerTargetGroup] on
    [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vComputerTargetGroup].[ComputerTargetGroupId] = [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateApproval].[ComputerTargetGroupId]
--Get update details
inner join [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdate] on
    [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdate].[UpdateId] = [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo].[UpdateId]
where [$($WSUSDatabaseName)].[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo].[UpdateId] = @UpdateId and State != 1


            #Applicable Updates only
            If ($IncludeNonApplicableUpdates -eq $true)
                Write-Verbose "IncludeNonApplicableUpdates = $true"
                Write-Verbose "IncludeNonApplicableUpdates = $false"
                $SQLQueryToRun += @"
[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateInstallationInfo].[State] != 1


            #Approved Updates only
            Write-Verbose "UpdateApprovalAction = $($UpdateApprovalAction)"
            If ($UpdateApprovalAction -ne "All")
                $SQLQueryToRun += @"
[PUBLIC_VIEWS].[vUpdateApproval].[Action] = '$($UpdateApprovalAction)'


            #END Define dynamic SQL query

            #Executing SQL query
                #Formulating base command
                $SQLCommandToRun = '$SQLQuery' + " = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $WSUSSQLServerName -Database $WSUSDatabaseName -AbortOnError" + ' -Query $SQLQueryToRun' + ' -ErrorAction "Stop"'

                #Executing command
                Write-Verbose "Executing the following command: $($SQLCommandToRun)"
                Write-Verbose "The following query is being executed:"
                Write-Verbose $SQLQueryToRun

                #Running query
                Invoke-Expression -Command $($SQLCommandToRun)

                #Making sure you had results, if not we're throwing an error
                $MeaureSQLQueryCount = $SQLQuery | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty count
                If ($MeaureSQLQueryCount -eq 0)
                    Throw "No results querying computer target $($UpdateObject.FullDomainName)"

                Throw "Something went wrong with the SQL query, exception message = $($_.Exception.Message)"

            #END Executing SQL query

            #Output Report


            #End Output Report
