
configuration EventStoreProject
        [string]    $RootDrive = 'f:',
        [string]    $RootDirectory = 'eventstore',
        [string]    $BaseDirectoryName = $RootDrive + '\' + $RootDirectory,

        [string]    $CertificateFile = 'softwarepioniere_dev.pfx',
        [string]    $CertificateDownloadUrl = 'https://softwarepioniere.blob.core.windows.net/devcert/' + $CertificateFile,
        [string]    $CertificatePassword = 'changeit',
        [string]    $CertificateFileName = $BaseDirectoryName + '\' + $CertificateFile,

        [string]    $ZipName401= 'EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.0.1',
        [string]    $ArchiveFile401 = $BaseDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName401 + '.zip',

        [string]    $ZipName401Hotfix4= 'EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.0.1-hotfix4',
        [string]    $ArchiveFile401Hotfix4 = $BaseDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName401Hotfix4 + '.zip',

        [string]    $ZipName403= 'EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.0.3',
        [string]    $ArchiveFile403 = $BaseDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName403 + '.zip',

        [string]    $ZipName410= 'EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.1.0',
        [string]    $ArchiveFile410 = $BaseDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName410 + '.zip' ,

        [string]    $ZipName411Hotfix1= 'EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.1.1-hotfix1',
        [string]    $ArchiveFile411Hotfix1 = $BaseDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName411Hotfix1 + '.zip',

        [string]    $ProjectName = 'es1',
        [string]    $ProjectDirectoryName = $BaseDirectoryName + '\' + $ProjectName,

        [string]    $ExtIp = '',
        [string]    $IntHttpPort = '2212',
        [string]    $ExtHttpPort = '2213',
        [string]    $IntTcpPort = '1212',
        [string]    $ExtTcpPort = '1213',
        [string]    $IntSecureTcpPort = '3212',
        [string]    $ExtSecureTcpPort = '3213',

        [string]    $OldAdminPassword = 'changeit',
        [string]    $OldOpsPassword = 'changeit',
        [string]    $NewAdminPassword = 'changedit',
        [string]    $NewOpsPassword = 'changedit',

        [string]    $AppDirectory401 = $ProjectDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName401 ,
        [string]    $AppExe401 = $AppDirectory401 + '\EventStore.ClusterNode.exe',

        [string]    $AppDirectory401Hotfix4 = $ProjectDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName401Hotfix4,
        [string]    $AppExe401Hotfix4 = $AppDirectory401Hotfix4 + '\EventStore.ClusterNode.exe',

        [string]    $AppDirectory403 = $ProjectDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName403,
        [string]    $AppExe403 = $AppDirectory403 + '\EventStore.ClusterNode.exe',

        [string]    $AppDirectory410 = $ProjectDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName410,
        [string]    $AppExe410 = $AppDirectory410 + '\EventStore.ClusterNode.exe',

        [string]    $AppDirectory411Hotfix1 = $ProjectDirectoryName + '\' + $ZipName411Hotfix1,
        [string]    $AppExe411Hotfix1 = $AppDirectory411Hotfix1 + '\EventStore.ClusterNode.exe',

        [string]    $ConfigFile =  $ProjectDirectoryName + '\config.yaml',
        [string]    $StarterFile = $ProjectDirectoryName + '\start.cmd',
        [string]    $AdminUrl = 'http://'+  $ExtIp  +  ':' + $ExtHttpPort


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName @{ModuleName='xNetworking';ModuleVersion=''}
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName @{ModuleName='FileDownloadDSC';ModuleVersion='1.0.9'}
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName EventStoreDSC

    File BaseDirectory
        Ensure          = 'Present'
        Type            = 'Directory'
        DestinationPath = $BaseDirectoryName

    FileDownload DownloadCertificate
        DependsOn = '[File]BaseDirectory'
        FileName = $CertificateFileName
        Url = $CertificateDownloadUrl

    FileDownload DownloadEventStoreV401
            DependsOn = '[FileDownload]DownloadCertificate'
            FileName = $ArchiveFile401
            Url = 'https://eventstore.org/downloads/EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.0.1.zip'

    FileDownload DownloadEventStoreV401Hotfix4
            DependsOn = '[FileDownload]DownloadCertificate'
            FileName = $ArchiveFile401Hotfix4
            Url = 'https://eventstore.org/downloads/EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.0.1-hotfix4.zip'

    FileDownload DownloadEventStoreV403
            DependsOn = '[FileDownload]DownloadCertificate'
            FileName = $ArchiveFile403
            Url = 'https://eventstore.org/downloads/EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.0.3.zip'

    FileDownload DownloadEventStoreV410
            DependsOn = '[FileDownload]DownloadCertificate'
            FileName = $ArchiveFile410
            Url = 'https://eventstore.org/downloads/EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.1.0.zip'

    FileDownload DownloadEventStoreV411Hotfix1
            DependsOn = '[FileDownload]DownloadCertificate'
            FileName = $ArchiveFile411Hotfix1
            Url = 'https://eventstore.org/downloads/EventStore-OSS-Win-v4.1.1-hotfix1.zip'

    # =========================== EventStore Firewall ======================================================
    xFirewall ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_FirewallEventStoreInternal' )
        Name                  = 'EventStore Allow_EventStore_Int_In_' + $ProjectName
        DisplayName           = 'EventStore Allow inbound Internal Event Store traffic ' + $ProjectName
        Group                 = 'EventStore Firewall Rule Group'
        Ensure                = 'Present'
        Enabled               = 'True'
        Profile               = ('Domain', 'Private', 'Public')
        Direction             = 'Inbound'
        LocalPort             = ( $IntTcpPort , $IntHttpPort , $IntSecureTcpPort )
        Protocol              = 'TCP'

    xFirewall ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_FirewallEventStoreExternal' )
        Name                  = 'EventStore Allow_EventStore_Ext_In_' + $ProjectName
        DisplayName           = 'EventStore Allow inbound External Event Store traffic ' + $ProjectName
        Group                 = 'EventStore Firewall Rule Group'
        Ensure                = 'Present'
        Enabled               = 'True'
        Profile               = ('Domain', 'Private', 'Public')
        Direction             = 'Inbound'
        LocalPort             = ($ExtTcpPort, $ExtHttpPort, $ExtSecureTcpPort )
        Protocol              = 'TCP'

    # =========================== EventStore Files ======================================================

    File ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Directory')
        DependsOn       = '[File]BaseDirectory'
        Ensure          = 'Present'
        Type            = 'Directory'
        DestinationPath = $ProjectDirectoryName

    Archive ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV401')
        DependsOn   = ('[File]ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Directory'), '[FileDownload]DownloadEventStoreV401'
        Ensure      = 'Present'  # You can also set Ensure to 'Absent'
        Path        = $ArchiveFile401
        Destination = $AppDirectory401

    Archive ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV401Hotfix4')
        DependsOn   = ('[File]ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Directory'), '[FileDownload]DownloadEventStoreV401Hotfix4'
        Ensure      = 'Present'  # You can also set Ensure to 'Absent'
        Path        = $ArchiveFile401Hotfix4
        Destination = $AppDirectory401Hotfix4

    Archive ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV403')
        DependsOn   = ('[File]ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Directory'), '[FileDownload]DownloadEventStoreV403'
        Ensure      = 'Present'  # You can also set Ensure to 'Absent'
        Path        = $ArchiveFile403
        Destination = $AppDirectory403

    Archive ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV410')
        DependsOn   = ('[File]ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Directory'), '[FileDownload]DownloadEventStoreV410'
        Ensure      = 'Present'  # You can also set Ensure to 'Absent'
        Path        = $ArchiveFile410
        Destination = $AppDirectory410

    Archive ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV411Hotfix1')
        DependsOn   = ('[File]ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Directory'), '[FileDownload]DownloadEventStoreV411Hotfix1'
        Ensure      = 'Present'  # You can also set Ensure to 'Absent'
        Path        = $ArchiveFile411Hotfix1
        Destination = $AppDirectory411Hotfix1

    File ( 'ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_ConfigFile')
        DependsOn       = '[File]ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Directory'
        Ensure          = 'Present'
        DestinationPath = $ConfigFile
        Type            = 'File'
        Contents        =
'RunProjections: all
Log: '
 +  $ProjectDirectoryName + '\log
Db: '
 + $ProjectDirectoryName + '\data
StatsPeriodSec: 120
DisableHTTPCaching: true
ExtIp: '
 + $ExtIp + '
IntHttpPort: '
 + $IntHttpPort + '
ExtHttpPort: '
 + $ExtHttpPort + '
IntTcpPort: '
 + $IntTcpPort + '
ExtTcpPort: '
 + $ExtTcpPort  + '
IntSecureTcpPort: '
 + $IntSecureTcpPort + '
ExtSecureTcpPort: '
 + $ExtSecureTcpPort + '
CertificateFile: '
 + $CertificateFileName + '
CertificatePassword: '
 + $CertificatePassword

    File ( 'ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_StartFile')
        DependsOn       = '[File]ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_ConfigFile'
        Ensure          = 'Present'
        DestinationPath = $StarterFile
        Type            = 'File'
        Contents        =

 + $AppExe410 + ' --config=' + $ConfigFile

    WindowsProcess ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV401Process')
        Arguments   = '--config=' + $ConfigFile
        Path        = $AppExe401
        DependsOn   = '[File]ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_ConfigFile'
        Ensure      = 'Absent'

    WindowsProcess ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV401Hotfix4Process')
        Arguments   = '--config=' + $ConfigFile
        Path        = $AppExe401Hotfix4
        DependsOn   = '[File]ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_ConfigFile'
        Ensure      = 'Absent'

    WindowsProcess ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV403Process')
        Arguments   = '--config=' + $ConfigFile
        Path        = $AppExe403
        DependsOn   = '[File]ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_ConfigFile'
        Ensure      = 'Absent'

    WindowsProcess ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV410Process')
        Arguments   = '--config=' + $ConfigFile
        Path        = $AppExe410
        DependsOn   = '[File]ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_ConfigFile'
        Ensure      = 'Absent'

    WindowsProcess ( 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV411Hotfix1Process')
        Arguments   = '--config=' + $ConfigFile
        Path        = $AppExe411Hotfix1
        DependsOn   = '[File]ES_'+ $ProjectName + '_ConfigFile'
        Ensure      = 'Present'

    EventStoreStartupTask('ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreStartupTask')
        DependsOn   = '[WindowsProcess]'+ 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV411Hotfix1Process'
        TaskName    = 'EventStore Startup - ' + $ProjectName
        Directory   = $ProjectDirectoryName

    EventStoreRunning('ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreRunning')
        DependsOn   = '[WindowsProcess]'+ 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreV411Hotfix1Process'
        Url         = $AdminUrl

    EventStoreLogin('ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Login_Admin')
        DependsOn       = '[EventStoreRunning]' + 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_EventStoreRunning'
        Url             = $AdminUrl
        User            = 'admin'
        Password        = $OldAdminPassword
        NewPassword     = $NewAdminPassword
        AdminUser       = 'admin'
        AdminPassword   = $OldAdminPassword

    EventStoreLogin('ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Login_Ops')
        DependsOn       = '[EventStoreLogin]' + 'ES_' + $ProjectName + '_Login_Admin'
        Url             = $AdminUrl
        User            = 'ops'
        Password        = $OldOpsPassword
        NewPassword     = $NewOpsPassword
        AdminUser       = 'admin'
        AdminPassword   = $NewAdminPassword
