
Function Method10 {
    Method to get user's Inbox Rules.
    Method to get user's Inbox Rules.
    String parameter with the ClientID (or AppId) of your AzureAD Registered App.
    String parameter with the TenantID your AzureAD tenant.
    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
    String parameter with the Client Secret which is configured in the AzureAD App.
    PS C:\> Method10
    Method to get user's Inbox Rules.

        [String] $ClientID,

        [String] $TenantID,

        [String] $ClientSecret
    $statusBarLabel.Text = "Running..."

    Test-StopWatch -Service $service -ClientID $ClientID -TenantID $TenantID -ClientSecret $ClientSecret

    $txtBoxResults.Text = "This method is still under construction."
    $dgResults.Visible = $False
    $txtBoxResults.Visible = $True
    $statusBarLabel.text = "Ready..."
    $rules = $service.GetInboxRules()
    $array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    foreach ( $rule in $rules )
        $output = $rule | select DisplayName, Conditions, Actions, Exceptions
    $dgResults.datasource = $array
    $dgResults.Visible = $True
    $txtBoxResults.Visible = $False
    $statusBarLabel.text = "Ready..."
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Task finished succesfully" -FunctionName "Method 10" -Target $email
