
Function Get-APMRole {
    Returns Single APM reasource assign role object
    APM stores ACL role mappings in a container object called a resrouce assign group. In order to maniupulate the
    contents of its roles and rulsets you need to first retrieve it from the F5 via its name.
    The name of the existing resource assign group. These can be found at rest endpoint /apm/policy/agent/resource-assign/
    Requires F5-LTM modules from github
    Get-APMRole -name acl_1_act_full_resource_assign_ag

        [Alias("APM Role Name")]

    begin {
        #Test that the F5 session is in a valid format
    process {
            $uri = $F5Session.BaseURL.Replace('/ltm/','/apm/policy/agent/resource-assign/~Common~') + $name 
            $response = Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Method Get -Uri $URI -WebSession $F5Session.WebSession