
Function Find-AllVCDProject {
    Creates a new ASM policy.
    The new name of the ASM policy
    New-ASMPolicy -name Test_ASM
    Creates a new ASM policy named Test_ASM
    Requires F5-LTM modules from github

        [Alias("acl Name")]


if( $F5Session.WebSession.Headers.'Token-Expiration' -lt (date) ){
            Write-Warning "F5 Session Token is Expired. Please re-connect to the F5 device."

Write-Warning "This script runs SLOWLY. Use -Verbose if you would like to see real-time output."

if($AllProjects -eq 'Y'){
    $acls = Get-AllAcl
    #filter down acls to all aws acls speed up search
    $acls = $acls.items | Where-Object {$ -match '^AWS_[0-9]*$|^MAZ_[a-zA-Z0-9]*-[a-zA-Z0-9]*-[a-zA-Z0-9]*-[a-zA-Z0-9]*-[a-zA-Z0-9]*$'}

else {
    $acls = Get-SingleAcl -name $awsID

#build to combine lat
$poolandnode = [pscustomobject]@()

Write-Verbose "Getting All Pool memebers"
$pools = Get-Pool
#Get-PoolMember is massively slow
$pools | foreach { $node = Get-PoolMember -InputObject $_; $poolandnode += [PScustomObject]@{ Name = $; ip = $node.address; node = $;} }

#trim /common/ and :port off save only uinques
$ips = $poolandnode | Where-Object {$_.ip -notmatch "System.Object&" -and $_.ip -notmatch "any6" -and $_.ip -ne $null} | select ip -Unique

$results = [pscustomobject]@()

#this is terrible with all these nested loops hacky as I was time constrained. CPUs are cheap? :(
 foreach ($ip in $ips){

        foreach($acl in $acls){
            #subnets per acl
            $subnets = ( $acl.entries.dstsubnet | select -Unique)

            foreach ($subnet in $subnets ) {
                Write-Verbose "Checking $ip against subnet $subnet"
                $checked = IS-InSubnet -ipaddress $($ip.ip) -Cidr $subnet
                if($checked) {
                    $results += [pscustomobject]@{aclname = $; ip = $ip.ip; subnet = $subnet;}
                    Write-Verbose "True: for $($ $ip $subnet"

$combined = [PSCustomObject]@()

#sort Array
foreach ($item in $results) {

  foreach ($line in $poolandnode) {
    if( $item.ip -eq $line.ip) {
        $combined += [PSCustomObject]@{aclname =$item.aclname; subnet=$item.subnet; node_ip = $item.ip; Pool = $line.Name; node_name = $line.node; }


}#end function

Function IS-InSubnet() 
                    [validatescript({([System.Net.IPAddress]$_).AddressFamily -match 'InterNetwork'})] 
                    [validatescript({(([]($_ -split '/'|select -first 1)).AddressFamily -match 'InterNetwork') -and (0..32 -contains ([int]($_ -split '/'|select -last 1) )) })] 
        [int]$BaseAddress=[System.BitConverter]::ToInt32((([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse(($cidr -split '/'|select -first 1))).GetAddressBytes()),0) 
        [int]$mask=[System.Net.IPAddress]::HostToNetworkOrder(-1 -shl (32 - [int]($cidr -split '/' |select -last 1))) 
        if( ($BaseAddress -band $mask) -eq ($Address -band $mask)) 
        }else { 
end { Write-output $status } 