
function Get-PortInfoFromJira {
    Scrapes jira ticket description for acl related varibles.
.Parameter crNumber
    Existing jira CR Ticket in format CR-####
    Get-PortInfoFromJira -crNumber CR-0925
    Returns VPN group, subnet, and ports
    Requires Posh-Jira Module from github

        #CR number as CR-########


    begin {}

    process {
                        $issue = $issue = Get-JiraIssue -Key $crNumber -ErrorAction Stop


                        Write-Host "Failed to get the Jira issue with Key $crNumber"
                        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

                try {
                        #split the text by lines for select string
                        $desc = $issue.customfield_10508 -split "`n"

                        #grab the
                        $source = (($desc | Select-String -Pattern "Source:") -split ":").trimstart()[1]
                        #split by : then by , the return the array of ports skipping first entry
                        $ports = ((($desc | Select-String -Pattern "Ports:") -split ":") -split ",").trimstart() | Select-Object -Skip 1

                        #same as above but for destination
                        $destination = ((($desc | Select-String -Pattern "Destination:") -split ":") -split ",").trimstart() | Select-Object -Skip 1

                            'source' = $source
                            'ports' = $ports
                            'destination' = $destination

                catch {
                        Write-Host "Error parsing ticket data in format: `n Source: `n Ports: `n Destination: "
                        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
   }#end process
