
Function Get-AwsIdFromJira {
    Scrapes jira ticket description for AWS_########### and returns powershell object.
.Parameter crNumber
    Existing jira CR Ticket in format CR-####
    Get-AwsIdFromJira -crNumber CR-0925
    Returns AWS_ID from descriptoin field if it exists.
    Requires Posh-Jira Module from github

        #CR number as CR-########

    begin {
    process {
                        $issue = $issue = Get-JiraIssue -Key $crNumber -ErrorAction Stop


                        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

                #split the text by lines for select string
                $desc = $issue.Description -split "`n"

                #grab the id
                $awsID = $desc | Select-String -Pattern "\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+|[0-9]{12}" | select matches

                #save the id as string only
                $awsID = $awsID.Matches[0].Value
                #check that the match was good or quit
                if($awsID -match '[0-9]{12}'){
                elseif($awsID -match '\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+'){
                else { Write-Error "Jira ticket has malforned User Private Subnet info that cannot be scraped. Check for newline characters etc" -ErrorAction Stop }
   }#end process
