
function Remove-AnySecurityStack {
Removes core services F5 vpn config from a specified Jira Ticket.
May be used in conjuntion with Find-VCD to determine if LTM config is required to be removed.
.PARAMETER crnumber
CR Number from Jira in the format "CR-4340"
.PARAMETER f5creds
Powershell crednetial object containing F5 login credentials
.PARAMETER jiracreds
Powershell crednetial object containing F5 login credentials
.PARAMETER onpremf5ip
IP or DNS of onpremise F5 device. Defaults to and generally can be omitted.
.PARAMETER awsf5ip
IP or DNS of AWS F5 device in VCD. Defaults to and generally can be omitted.
Switch paramter for dev or prod. Defaults to prod if omitted.
Remove-AwsSecurityStack -crNumber "CR-4509" -f5creds $saved_credentials -jiracreds $saved_jiracreds


    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string]$accountNumber = '',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string]$crNumber = '',



   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$onrpemf5ip = '',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$awsf5ip = '',

    [Validateset('dev', 'prod')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$role = 'prod'


  process {

    #Set-JiraConfigServer -Server '' first time jira setup

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    if( $role -eq 'dev' ){ 
        $vpnrole = "aggregate_acl_act_full_resource_assign_ag"

    else { $vpnrole = "acl_1_act_full_resource_assign_ag" }

    #if creds are null
    if( !($jiracreds) ) {
        Write-Output "Please enter your Jira credentials."
        $jiracreds = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter credentials to access Jira"

    $jiraSesh = New-JiraSession -Credential $jiracreds -ErrorAction Stop

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($jiraSesh)) {

      Write-Warning "Jira session has expired, or bad username and password."



         try {
          #f5 null creds
          if( !($f5creds) ) {
              Write-Output "Please enter you F5 credentials."
              $f5creds = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter credentials to access the F5 load balancer"
          $Global:F5Session = New-F5Session -LTMName $onrpemf5ip -LTMCredentials $f5creds -Default -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop


        catch {

          Write-Warning "F5 was unable to connect please check your username, password, and network connection."
          throw $_.Exception.Message


    try {
      Write-Output "Removing existing Role mapping......"
      Remove-APMRole -acl $accountNumber -group $accountNumber -name $vpnrole | Out-Null
      Write-Output "Removed $accountNumber mapping from group $accountNumber"
    catch {
      Write-Warning "Removing APM Role mapping failed."
      throw $_.ErrorDetails.Message

    try {
      Write-Output "Removing ACl......"
      Remove-Acl -name $accountNumber | Out-Null
      Write-Output "Removed ACL $accountNumber."

    catch {
      Write-Warning "Removing ACL failed."
      throw $_.Exception.ErrorDetails

    Write-Output "Update APM Policy......"

      Update-APMPolicy -Name "CSN_VPN_Streamlined" -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Policy Updated"

      Write-Warning "Updating APM Policy failed."
      throw $_.Exception.Message

      Write-Output "Syncing Device to Group......"
      Sync-DeviceToGroup -GroupName "Sync_Group" | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Synced"
      Write-Warning "Syncing Device to Group failed."
      throw $_.Exception.Message
  #Add Same ACL build to AWS F5
   try {

          Write-Output "Connecting to AWS F5 ("
          $Global:F5Session = New-F5Session -LTMName $awsf5ip -LTMCredentials $f5creds -Default -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
          Write-Output "OK. Connected to AWS F5!"

  catch {

          Write-Warning "F5 was unable to connect please check your username, password, and network connection."
          throw $_.Exception.Message


    try {  
      Write-Output "Removing existing Role mapping......"
      Remove-APMRole -acl $accountNumber -group $accountNumber -name $vpnrole | Out-Null
      Write-Output "Removed $accountNumber mapping from group $accountNumber"
    catch {
      Write-Warning "Removing APM Role mapping failed."
      throw $_.ErrorDetails.Message

    try {
      Write-Output "Removing ACl......"
      Remove-Acl -name $accountNumber | Out-Null
      Write-Output "Removed ACL $accountNumber."

    catch {
      Write-Warning "Removing ACL failed."
      throw $_.ErrorDetails


      Write-Output "Update APM Policy......"
      Update-APMPolicy -Name "CSN_VPN_Streamlined" -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Verbose
      Write-Output "Policy Updated"

      Write-Warning "Updating APM Policy failed."
      throw $_.Exception.Message

      #Close out Comments
      Add-JiraIssueComment -Comment "Core Services VPN Config Removal Complete" -Issue $crnumber -VisibleRole 'All Users' | Out-Null
      Write-Output "[Added Closing Comment]......"

      Write-Warning "Updating Jira comments failed."
      throw $_.Exception.Message

         #Close Out Ticket
      Get-JiraIssue -Key $crnumber | Invoke-JiraIssueTransition -Transition 81 | Out-Null
      Write-Output "Ticket Closed......"
      Write-Output "VPN Removal Complete!"

      Write-Warning "Updating Jira comments failed."
      throw $_.Exception.Message

  }#end function brace