
        Get the FSCPS configuration details
        Get the FSCPS configuration details from the configuration store
        All settings retrieved from this cmdlets is to be considered the default parameter values across the different cmdlets
    .PARAMETER RepositoryRootPath
        Set root path of the project folder
    .PARAMETER OutputAsHashtable
        Instruct the cmdlet to return a hashtable object
        PS C:\> Get-FSCPSSettingsList
        This will output the current FSCPS configuration.
        The object returned will be a PSCustomObject.
        PS C:\> Get-FSCPSSettingsList -OutputAsHashtable
        This will output the current FSCPS configuration.
        The object returned will be a Hashtable.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, ClientId
        Author: Oleksandr Nikolaiev (@onikolaiev)

function Get-FSCPSSettingsList {
    param (
        [string] $RepositoryRootPath,
        [switch] $OutputAsHashtable
        $fscpsFolderName = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName ""
        $fscmSettingsFile = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName ""
        $fscmRepoSettingsFile = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName ""

        $settingsFiles = @()
        $res = [Ordered]@{}

        $reposytoryName = ""
        $currentBranchName = ""

        if($env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY)# If GitHub context
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "Running on GitHub"
            if($RepositoryRootPath -eq "")
                $RepositoryRootPath = "$env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE"
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "GITHUB_WORKSPACE is: $RepositoryRootPath"

            $reposytoryName = "$env:GITHUB_REPOSITORY"
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "GITHUB_REPOSITORY is: $reposytoryName"
            $branchName = "$env:GITHUB_REF"
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "GITHUB_REF is: $branchName"
            $currentBranchName = [regex]::Replace($branchName.Replace("refs/heads/","").Replace("/","_"), '(?i)(?:^|-|_)(\p{L})', { $args[0].Groups[1].Value.ToUpper() })      
            $gitHubFolder = ".github"

            $workflowName = "$env:GITHUB_WORKFLOW"
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "GITHUB_WORKFLOW is: $workflowName"
            $workflowName = ($workflowName.Split([System.IO.Path]::getInvalidFileNameChars()) -join "").Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("/", "")

            $settingsFiles += (Join-Path $fscpsFolderName $fscmSettingsFile)
            $settingsFiles += (Join-Path $gitHubFolder $fscmRepoSettingsFile)            
            $settingsFiles += (Join-Path $gitHubFolder "$workflowName.settings.json")
        elseif($env:AGENT_ID)# If Azure DevOps context
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "Running on Azure"
            if($RepositoryRootPath -eq "")
                $RepositoryRootPath = "$env:PIPELINE_WORKSPACE"
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "RepositoryRootPath is: $RepositoryRootPath"
            $reposytoryName = "$env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT"
            $branchName = "$env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME"
            $currentBranchName = [regex]::Replace($branchName.Replace("refs/heads/","").Replace("/","_"), '(?i)(?:^|-|_)(\p{L})', { $args[0].Groups[1].Value.ToUpper() })   

            #$settingsFiles += $fscmRepoSettingsFile
            $settingsFiles += (Join-Path $fscpsFolderName $fscmSettingsFile)

        else { # If Desktop or other
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "Running on desktop"
            if($RepositoryRootPath -eq "")
                #throw "RepositoryRootPath variable should be passed if running on the cloud/personal computer"
            $reposytoryName = "windows host"
            $settingsFiles += (Join-Path $fscpsFolderName $fscmSettingsFile)
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName '' -Value $currentBranchName
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName '' -Value $reposytoryName

        function MergeCustomObjectIntoOrderedDictionary {
                [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $dst,
                [PSCustomObject] $src
            # Add missing properties in OrderedDictionary

            $src.PSObject.Properties.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                $prop = $_.Name
                $srcProp = $src."$prop"
                $srcPropType = $srcProp.GetType().Name
                if (-not $dst.Contains($prop)) {
                    if ($srcPropType -eq "PSCustomObject") {
                        $dst.Add("$prop", [ordered]@{})
                    elseif ($srcPropType -eq "Object[]") {
                        $dst.Add("$prop", @())
                    else {
                        $dst.Add("$prop", $srcProp)
            @($dst.Keys) | ForEach-Object {
                $prop = $_
                if ($src.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq $prop) {
                    $dstProp = $dst."$prop"
                    $srcProp = $src."$prop"
                    $dstPropType = $dstProp.GetType().Name
                    $srcPropType = $srcProp.GetType().Name
                    if($dstPropType -eq 'Int32' -and $srcPropType -eq 'Int64')
                        $dstPropType = 'Int64'
                    if ($srcPropType -eq "PSCustomObject" -and $dstPropType -eq "OrderedDictionary") {
                        MergeCustomObjectIntoOrderedDictionary -dst $dst."$prop".Value -src $srcProp
                    elseif ($dstPropType -ne $srcPropType) {
                        throw "property $prop should be of type $dstPropType, is $srcPropType."
                    else {
                        if ($srcProp -is [Object[]]) {
                            $srcProp | ForEach-Object {
                                $srcElm = $_
                                $srcElmType = $srcElm.GetType().Name
                                if ($srcElmType -eq "PSCustomObject") {
                                    $ht = [ordered]@{}
                                    $srcElm.PSObject.Properties | Sort-Object -Property Name -Culture "iv-iv" | ForEach-Object { $ht[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
                                    $dst."$prop" += @($ht)
                                else {
                                    $dst."$prop" += $srcElm
                        else {
                            Set-PSFConfig -FullName$prop -Value $srcProp
                            #$dst."$prop" = $srcProp
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start    
        foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*") {
            $propertyName = $config.FullName.ToString().Replace("", "")
            $res.$propertyName = $config.Value
        if(Test-Path $RepositoryRootPath)
            $settingsFiles | ForEach-Object {
                $settingsFile = $_
                $settingsPath = Join-Path $RepositoryRootPath $settingsFile
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Important -Message "Settings file '$settingsPath' - $(If (Test-Path $settingsPath) {"exists. Processing..."} Else {"not exists. Skip."})"
                if (Test-Path $settingsPath) {
                    try {
                        $settingsJson = Get-Content $settingsPath -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json
                        # check settingsJson.version and do modifications if needed
                        MergeCustomObjectIntoOrderedDictionary -dst $res -src $settingsJson
                        <#if ($settingsJson.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq "ConditionalSettings") {
                            $settingsJson.ConditionalSettings | ForEach-Object {
                                $conditionalSetting = $_
                                if ($conditionalSetting.branches | Where-Object { $ENV:GITHUB_REF_NAME -like $_ }) {
                                    Write-Host "Applying conditional settings for $ENV:GITHUB_REF_NAME"
                                    MergeCustomObjectIntoOrderedDictionary -dst $settings -src $conditionalSetting.settings

                    catch {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Settings file $settingsFile, is wrongly formatted." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
                        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*") {
            $propertyName = $config.FullName.ToString().Replace("", "")
            $res.$propertyName = $config.Value

        if($OutputAsHashtable) {
        } else {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -End

