
# Measure-GDShows.ps1
# Count the Grateful Dead and Jerry Shows in my archive

Function Measure-GDShows {
Param (
  [Switch] $MeasureDuplicates = $false

# Define Constants:
# $DeadShowBase - folder at top of gd shows
# $JerryShowBase - folder at top of jerry shows
# All Grateful Dead shows are formatted:
# gdYY-MM-DD.<tokens indicating sbd/aud, Etree id, <codec> znc possibly BROKEN
# The last token is the codec.
# Exaamples:
# gd71-01-21.aud.miller.131517.flac16
# gd72-03-18.sbd.shnf.BROKEN # a show whose MD5's do not check out.
# All Jerry shows are under the base but organised by year so:
# jg_1975_project\jg75-05-21.lom.138271.sbd.buffalo.flac16

# Here are the base folders
$DeadShowBase = 'M:\GD'      
$JerryShowBase = 'N:\Jerry Garcia'

# Announce Ourselves
'Measure-GDShows.Ps1 - v 3.04'
"! Dead Show Base : $DeadShowBase !"
"! Jerry Show Base : $JerryShowBase !"

# Get start time
$StartTime = Get-Date

# Count the Dead shows
$Dir = Get-ChildItem -Path $DeadShowBase -Directory
$DeadShows = $Dir.Count
if ($DeadSHows -le 0) { "No shows found - Check Constants" }

# Create subsets based on names of the folders
$deadsbds = $dir | Where-Object name -match '.sbd'
$deadbrkn = $dir | Where-Object name -match 'broken'
$deadpart = $dir | Where-Object name -match 'partial'
$deadauds = $dir | Where-Object name -match '.aud'
$deadunkw = $dir | Where-Object name -Match '.unk'
$deadshn  = $dir | Where-Object name -Match '.shn'
$deadflac = $dir | Where-Object name -Match '.flac'
$DeadCOMM = $dir | Where-Object name -Match 'COMMERCIAl'
$millerShows = $dir | Where-Object name -like "*.miller.*"
$deadunknown = $dir | Where-Object { $ -notmatch 'flac' -and $ -notmatch '.shn' }

# Check folder naming for inclusion of showid
$showidok = ($dir | Where-Object { $ -match '\.\d{2,6}\.' }).Count
$showidbad = ($dir | Where-Object { $ -notmatch '\.\d{2,6}\.' }).Count

# And see how many have the md5ok's and how many
# are specified at ETree?
$DeadMD5Checked = 0
$DeadShowInEtree = 0
foreach ($d in $dir) { 
  # Check on MD5Check has been done
  $fn = $d.fullname + '\md5check_ok'
  $md5ok = Get-ChildItem $fn -ea silentlycontinue
  if ($md5ok) 
  { $DeadMD5Checked++ }

  # Now check on Etree
  $sn = $d.fullname + '\EtreeDBSource'
  $EtreeOK = Get-ChildItem $sn -ea SilentlyContinue
  if ($EtreeOK ) 
  { $DeadShowInEtree++ }

# Display results

'Grateful Dead Show Summary'
"Total shows : $deadshows"
"Soundboards : $($deadsbds.count)"
"Auds : $($deadauds.count)"
"Unknown : $($deadunkw.count)"
"Partial : $($deadpart.count)"
"Broken : $($deadbrkn.count)"
"Flac : $($deadflac.count)"
"Shn : $($deadshn.count)"
"Commercial Recordings : $($deadCOMM.count)"
"Charlie Miller shows : $($millershows.count)"
# Shows not shn or flac in folder/show name
'Unknown Codec : {0}' -f $deadunkown.count
$DeadPctChecked = ($DeadMD5checked / $DeadShows).tostring('P')
"Show ID in show name : $ShowidOK"
"Show ID missing : $Showidbad"
"MD5's check : $DeadMD5checked ($DeadPctChecked)"
$DeadShowsInEtreePct = ($DeadShowInEtree / $Deadshows).tostring('p')
"Shows in Etree : $DeadShowInEtree ($DeadShowsInEtreePct)"

# If duplicate counting requested - run measure-gdduplicates

If ($MeasureDuplicates) {

# Next count the Jerry shows

# Get high level set
$Shows = Get-ChildItem $JerryShowBase | Where-Object { $_.psiscontainer -and $ -match 'JG_' }
# now get shows in each of these
$dir = @()
Foreach ($show in $shows) {
  $dir += Get-ChildItem $show.fullname | Where-Object psiscontainer

$JerryShows = $dir.count

#what's what from the file names of the folders
$Jerrysbds = $dir | Where-Object { $ -match '.sbd' }
$Jerrybrkn = $dir | Where-Object { $ -match 'broken' }
$Jerrypart = $dir | Where-Object { $ -match 'partial' }
$Jerryauds = $dir | Where-Object { $ -match '.aud' }
$Jerryunkw = $dir | Where-Object { $ -Match '.unk' }

#and see how many have the md5ok's file?

$JerryMD5Checked = 0
$JerryInEtree = 0
foreach ($d in $dir) { 
  # Check if md5 has been checekd?
  $sn = $d.fullname + '\md5check_ok'
  $md5ok = Get-ChildItem $sn -ea silentlycontinue
  if ($md5ok ) { $JerryMD5Checked++ }

  # Check to see if it's catalogued at Etree
  $sn = $d.fullname + '\EtreeDBSource'
  $ShowOK = Get-ChildItem $sn -ea SilentlyContinue
  if ($showOK) { $JerryInEtree++ }

# Display Jerry results

'Jerry Garcia Show Summary'
"Total shows: : $JerryShows"
"Soundboards : $($Jerrysbds.count)"
"Auds : $($Jerryauds.count)"
"Unknown : $($Jerryunkw.count)"
"Partial : $($Jerrypart.count)"
"Broken : $($Jerrybrkn.count)"
$PctChecked = ($JerryMD5Checked / $jerryshows).tostring('P')
"MD5's check : $JerryMD5Checked ($PctChecked)"
$JerryShowsInEtreePct = ($JerryinEtree / $JerryShows).tostring('p')
"Shows in Etree : $JerryinEtree ($JerryShowsInEtreePCT)"

# Calculate Summary
$TotalShows = $DeadShows + $JerryShows
$Checked    = ($Jerrymd5checked + $DeadMD5Checked)
$Pctchecked = ($Jerrymd5checked + $DeadMD5Checked) / $totalshows
$PCs        = $pctchecked.tostring('P2')

$InEtree    = ($JerryInEtree + $DeadShowInEtree)
$InEtreepcs = ($JerryInEtree + $DeadShowInEtree) / $totalshows
$Etreepcs   = $inetreepcs.tostring('P2')

$TotalSbds = $Jerrysbds.count + $DeadSbds.count
$TotalAuds = $JerryAuds.count + $DeadAuds.count

# Display Summary
"Total Shows : $TotalShows"
"MD5s OK : $Checked ($PCs)"
"In Etree db : $InEtree ($Etreepcs)"
"Total Sbds : $TotalSbds"
"Total Auds : $TotalAuds"

} # end of function