

This script will generate a HTML file to list the following:
List of all subscriptions
List of all SKU's combined
List of all groups who have licenses connected to them
List of all unlicensed users who have no role assigned
List of all unlicensed users who have a role assigned
List of all licensed users who have a role assigned
List of all licensed users who get their
This script will generate a HTML file to list the following:
List of all subscriptions
List of all SKU's combined
List of all groups who have licenses connected to them
List of all unlicensed users who have no role assigned
List of all unlicensed users who have a role assigned
List of all licensed users who have a role assigned
List of all licensed users who get their license directly
List of all licensed users who get their license via group assignement

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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name get-O365LicenseOverview

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More


Package Details


  • Maarten Peeters - Cloud Securitea -


Subscriptions licenses office365


This script has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Version 1.0: Original published version.
Version 2.0: Updated some commands with the -all parameter so all users will be found.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.0 (current version) 667 9/19/2019
1.0 26 9/4/2019