
$moduleDefinition =
    Function GetUsersList()
                #Open HKLM Key.
                $Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $ComputerName)
                $RegPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList";
                $RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey($RegPath);

                $userList = @();

                #Enumerate User Profiles
                ForEach($Profile in $RegKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                    $SID = $Profile.ToString()

                    $subkey = $RegKey.OpenSubKey($Profile)
                    $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Ascii.GetBytes($subkey.GetValue("ProfileImagePath")) 
                    $username = ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($bytes)).Split("\")[2]

                    #Create a psobject (associative array) and assign values.
                    $item = New-Object psobject
                    $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "ComputerName" -NotePropertyValue $ComputerName
                    $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "SID" -NotePropertyValue $SID
                    $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "USERNAME" -NotePropertyValue $username

                    $userList += $item;
            return $userList;

    Function GetMappedDrives()
        $DrivesScanResults = @()
        $userList = GetUsersList -ComputerName $ComputerName

        ForEach($UserProfile in $userList)
                        #Open User's Registry Hive.
                        $Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('Users', $UserProfile.ComputerName)
                        $RegPath = "$($UserProfile.SID)\NETWORK";
                        $RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey($RegPath);

                    #If the key is not null.
                        #Iterate over all subkeys.
                        ForEach($key in $RegKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                                $DriveKey = $Reg.OpenSubKey("$($RegPath)\$($key)");

                                #Create a psobject (associative array) and assign values.
                                $item = New-Object psobject;
                                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "ScanDate" -NotePropertyValue (Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss).ToString() 
                                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "UserName" -NotePropertyValue $UserProfile.USERNAME;
                                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "SID" -NotePropertyValue $UserProfile.SID;
                                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "ComputerName" -NotePropertyValue $UserProfile.ComputerName;
                                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Letter" -NotePropertyValue $key;
                                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "RemotePath" -NotePropertyValue $DriveKey.GetValue("RemotePath");
                                #Append to the array of Results.
                                $DrivesScanResults += $item;

        return $DrivesScanResults;

Function PrintStatus()
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][int]$runningjobsCount)

    $completedjobs = (get-job -State Completed).Count

        $runningjobsCount = (get-job -State Running).Count

    Write-Host "[Running Jobs: $($runningjobsCount)]/[Completed Jobs: $($completedjobs)])" 

Function ThrottleJobs()

    while((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge $maxConcurrentJobs)
        $runningjobs = get-job -State Running

        PrintStatus -NumOfItems $NumOfItems

        foreach($job in $runningjobs)
            #dispose of jobs that are stuck. Time limit is defined at start of script.
            if(((get-date).AddMinutes(-$timeLimitperJob) -ge $job.PSBeginTime))
        start-sleep 1

function WaitforCompletion()

    #Wait for running jobs to complete.
    while(get-job -State Running)
        $runningjobs = (get-job -State Running)

            PrintStatus -NumOfItems $NumOfItems -runningjobsCount ($runningjobs).Count

        foreach($job in $runningjobs)
            #dispose of jobs that are stuck. Time limit is defined at start of script.
            if(((get-date).AddMinutes(-$timeLimitperJob) -ge $job.PSBeginTime))
        Start-Sleep 1

Function CancelOutStandingJobs()
    $runningjobs = get-job -State Running

    foreach($job in $runningjobs)
    get-job | remove-job

Function Get-RemoteMappedDrive()
        Enumerate user profiles on local and remote computers, and retrieve the users' mapped drives.
        Enumerate user profiles on local and remote computers, and retrieve the users' mapped drives.
        Author: Richard West
        [String[]] #Computer Name(s).
                [String]ScanDate #Format yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss
        .PARAMETER ComputerList
        String, or String[] of computer names.
        .PARAMETER maxConcurrentJobs
        [int]Max number of allowed parallel background jobs. Default value is 20.
        .PARAMETER timeLimitperJob
        [int]Max number of minutes allowed for each background job. Jobs that exceed threshold are cancelled. Default value is 1.
        .PARAMETER showStatus
        [switch]Write scan status to console.
        Get All Users' Mapped Drives on Computer, "MyComputerName". Format output as a table.
        PS> Get-RemoteMappedDrive -ComputerName "MyComputerName"| Select-Object UserName, ComputerName, Name, Value, ScanDate | Format-Table
        Get All Users' Mapped Drives on Computers, "ComputerName1" and "ComputerName2".
        PS> Get-RemoteMappedDrive -ComputerName "ComputerName1", "ComputerName2" | Select-Object UserName, ComputerName, Name, Value, ScanDate | Format-Table
        Get All Users' Mapped Drives on Computers, "ComputerName1" and "ComputerName2". Export to CSV.
        PS> Get-RemoteMappedDrive -ComputerName "ComputerName1", "ComputerName2" | Select-Object UserName, ComputerName, Name, Value, ScanDate | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path "$($PSScriptRoot)\drives.csv"
        Get All Users' Mapped Drives on Computers, "ComputerName1" and "ComputerName2". Configure [int]maxConcurrentJobs and [int]timeLimitperJob.
        PS> Get-RemoteMappedDrive -ComputerName "ComputerName1", "ComputerName2" -maxConcurrentJobs 10 -timeLimitperJob 2
        Pipe computer names into Get-RemoteMappedDrive
        PS> $ComputerList = "Computer1", "Computer2", "Computer3"
        PS> $ComputerList | Get-RemoteMappedDrive -showStatus
        Project URI: ''
        Website: ''
        Contact: ''


    Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)][Alias('Computer','MachineName','NetBiosName')][String[]]$ComputerName,

            [int]$maxConcurrentJobs = 20
        if($null -eq $showStatus)
            $showStatus = $FALSE;
            [int]$timeLimitperJob = 1

        $arrayofJobs = @();
        $arrayofData = @();      

        ForEach($computer in $ComputerName)
            if(Test-Connection $computer -Quiet -Count 1)
                if($showStatus -and ($computer.Length)%5 -eq 0)
                   PrintStatus -NumOfItems $ComputerName.Length

                #Call function to assess job count, and throttle if applicable.
                ThrottleJobs -NumOfItems $ComputerName.Length -maxConcurrentJobs $maxConcurrentJobs -timeLimitperJob $timeLimitperJob

                #Call the GetMappedDrives function.
                    $arrayofJobs += 
                    Start-Job -Name $computer -ScriptBlock{
                        $modDef = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Using:moduleDefinition)    
                        New-Module -Name MyFunctions -ScriptBlock $modDef | out-null; 

                        GetMappedDrives @args
                    } -ArgumentList $computer
                    Write-Host "`nComputer: '$($computer)' is offline"
        WaitforCompletion -NumOfItems ($ComputerName.Length) -timeLimitperJob $timeLimitperJob -showStatus $showStatus;

            PrintStatus -NumOfItems $ComputerName.Length

            foreach($job in $arrayofJobs)
                $arrayofData += Receive-Job -Name $job.Name       
        return $arrayofData | Select-Object UserName, SID, ComputerName, Letter, RemotePath, ScanDate;

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-RemoteMappedDrive