
    Opens up a browser window to the git repository's remote
    When executed from in a git repository, will open up a web browser to the
    repository's remote configuration. This allows for easy and seamless transition
    between local work and remote work - managing pull requests, issues, and general
    code management stuff.
    Switch to open up the remote config pull request screen
.PARAMETER CustomRepoTypes
    This array allows for some customization. In a lot of enterprise settings, a
    custom URL is used for the source control management system. An array of
    repo types that can be used to find & replace values in the .gitconfig.
    Each object in the array should include these properties:
      Name: The name of the custom config
      Type: "BitBucket" or "Github"
      Find: String to look for in the .gitconfig to determine whether repo is this type
      Replace: *OPTIONAL* when finding the string, optional ability to replace
      UrlBase: The start of the URL for your git config. Example: ""
      BrowseUrlFormat: The format of the browse URL. This varies by source control type
      PRUrlFormat: The format of the PR URL. This varies by source control type
        Name = 'BitBucketCustom'
        Type = 'BitBucket'
        Find = 'ssh://'
        Replace = ''
        UrlBase = ''
        BrowseUrlFormat = '$urlBase/projects/$projectName/repos/$repoName/browse?at=refs%2Fheads%2F$branchName'
        PRUrlFormat = '$urlBase/projects/$projectName/repos/$repoName/pull-requests'
    PS C:\SomeGitRepo> Invoke-GitOpen
    Will open up a web browser to the "SomeGitRepo" remote.
    PS C:\SomeGitRepo> $companyRepoType = @{
        Name = 'BitBucketCustom'
        Type = 'BitBucket'
        Find = 'ssh://'
        Replace = ''
        UrlBase = ''
        BrowseUrlFormat = '$urlBase/projects/$projectName/repos/$repoName/browse?at=refs%2Fheads%2F$branchName'
        PRUrlFormat = '$urlBase/projects/$projectName/repos/$repoName/pull-requests'
    PS C:\SomeGitRepo> Invoke-GitOpen -CustomRepoTypes @($companyRepoType)
    My company uses SSH for git operations. This configuration will find the
    ssh configuration for my company repositories and then replace that ssh remote
    configuration with the https remote URL.

function Invoke-GitOpen {
    # open the pull request page


  $configPath = Find-GitConfigPath

  $sanitizedUrl = Get-UrlFromGitConfig -ConfigPath $configPath

  # get the $urlBase
  # take into consideration the requirement to support custom urls
  [array]$repoTypes = Get-DefaultRepoTypes
  if ($customRepoTypes) {
    # TO DO: Validate input
    foreach ($customDataType in $customRepoTypes) {
      $repoTypes += $customRepoTypes

  # find the repo type by comparing the URL in the
  # gitconfig with default & custom URL
  foreach($repoType in $repoTypes) {
    if ($sanitizedUrl.Contains($repoType.Find)) {
      # run any customizations with config.find & config.replace
      if ($repoType.Replace) {
        $sanitizedUrl = $sanitizedUrl.Replace($repoType.Find,$repoType.Replace)

    # no repoType found. do NOT be fooled with $repoType being populated
    $repoType = $null

  # get the project/org/repo values
  # get the repo name from the last piece of the sanitizedUrl
  # sanitizedUrl = ssh://
  # --------------------------------------------------------------^
  $repoName =  Split-Path -Leaf $sanitizedUrl
  # if this is Azure Devops or Github, we need to get the organization
  if ($repoType.Type -eq 'GitHub') {
    $orgName = Split-Path -Leaf $(Split-Path -Parent $sanitizedUrl)

  if ($repoType.Type -eq 'AzureDevops') {    
    $orgName = Split-Path -Leaf $(Split-Path -Parent $( Split-Path -Parent $(Split-Path -Parent $sanitizedUrl)))
    $projectName = Split-Path -Leaf $( Split-Path -Parent $(Split-Path -Parent $sanitizedUrl))

  if ($repoType.Type -eq 'BitBucket') {
    $projectName = Split-Path -Leaf $(Split-Path -Parent $sanitizedUrl)

  if ($repoType.UrlBase) {
    $urlBase = $repoType.UrlBase
  else {
    # legacy code
    Write-Warning "Please use the new property UrlBase in your custom repo type config. This fallback will be removed in future versions."
    $urlBase = $sanitizedUrl.Remove($sanitizedUrl.IndexOf("/$projectName/$repoName")).TrimEnd('/')
  # TO DO:
  # switch statement
  # add issues $startAgz
  if ($PR) {
    if ($repoType.PRUrlFormat) {
      $PRUrlFormat = $repoType.PRUrlFormat
    else {
      Write-Warning "Please use the new property PRUrlFormat in your custom repo type config. This fallback will be removed in future versions."

      $PRUrlFormat = switch ($repoType.Type) {
        'Bitbucket' { '$urlBase/projects/$projectName/repos/$repoName/pull-requests' }
        default { '$urlBase/$orgName/$repoName/pulls' }
    $startArgz = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($PRUrlFormat)    
  else {
    # get the ref (current branch)
      $ref = "ref: refs/heads/nuix_develop"

    $ref = Get-Content -Path $(Join-Path $(Split-Path -Parent $configPath) 'HEAD')
    # will be in this format:
    # ref: refs/heads/nuix_develop
    # grab the branch (end)
    $branchName = $ref.Substring($ref.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)

    if ($repoType.BrowseUrlFormat) {
      $browseUrlFormat = $repoType.BrowseUrlFormat
    else {
      Write-Warning "Please use the new property BrowseUrlFormat in your custom repo type config. This fallback will be removed in future versions."

      $browseUrlFormat = switch ($repoType.Type) {
        'Bitbucket' { '$urlBase/projects/$projectName/repos/$repoName/browse?at=refs%2Fheads%2F$branchName' }
        default { '$urlBase/$orgName/$repoName/tree/$branchName' }

    $startArgz = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($browseUrlFormat)

  # open 'er up!
  Start-Process $startArgz