
function Read-ChocoProfile {
        This cmdlet reads your local profile
        This function reads your local profile and convert it from a json string to a psobject
        the profile is loacted in the module root, and the file name is `profile.json`
        when the profile does not exist, this function will return a empty psobject
        PS C:\> Read-ChocoProfile
        This will give you a PSobject converted from profile data
        The profile is in the form that the PackageName maps to package properties,
        the package property is also stored in a dictionary where property name maps to property value
        Here is an example:
        ``` json
            'PackageName1': {
                'PackagePropertyName1': 'PackagePropertyValue1',
                'PackagePropertyName2' : 'PackagePropertyValue2'
            'PackageName2': {
                'PackagePropertyName1': 'PackagePropertyValue1',
                'PackagePropertyName2' : 'PackagePropertyValue2'

        Write-Host ''
        $profilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\.."
        $profileFullName = "$profilePath\profile.json"    
        Write-Verbose "The profile's full name is $profileFullName"

        if (Test-Path $profileFullName) 
            Write-Verbose 'profile found'
            $profile = Get-Content $profileFullName | ConvertFrom-Json
            Write-Verbose 'Profile Not Found, starting with an empty profile'
            $profile = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        return $profile    

function Save-Profile {
        This function takes a profile and save it
        This cmdlet takes a profile object (PSCustomObject) and then convert it to json and save it in the profile file (ModuleRoot/profile.json)
    .PARAMETER localProfile
        the Profile Object (PSCustomObject) that is converted from profile file (a json file indicating all the property of the packages)
        PS C:\> Save-Profile -localProfile $profile
        this converts the $profile to json and write to the profile file

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [System.Object] $localProfile
        $profilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\.."
        $profileFullName = "$profilePath\profile.json"
        Write-Verbose "The profile's full name is $profileFullName"
        ConvertTo-Json $localProfile | Out-File $profileFullName -Encoding utf8
        Write-Host 'Profile Successfully saved' -ForegroundColor Yellow

function New-VersionLog {
        This function saves the version number in a file
        This cmdlet saves the version number of a package to that package's package path to make accessing the version package more easily
    .PARAMETER packagePath
        The path of the chocolatey package
    .PARAMETER VersionNumer
        The version number of the software
        PS C:\> New-VersionLog -PackagePath '~/packageName' -VersionNumber '1.0.0'
        This will create a file 'latestVersion' in path '~/packageName/' with content '1.0.0'

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $PackagePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $VersionNumber
        $LogPath = Join-Path -Path $packagePath -ChildPath 'latestVersion'
        # log
        Write-Host 'logging the latest version in the folder for you to access the latest version programatically' -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "version log location will be $LogPath" -ForegroundColor Green

        # create the version number log
        $newVersion | Out-File $LogPath -Encoding utf8
        Write-Host 'log saved' -ForegroundColor Green    