
function Get-RemoteVersion {
        this gives the latest version of the github package
        this command uses github api to get the latest version of the package, assume the tag is in the form: "v$version"
        PS C:\> Get-RemoteVersion -GithubRepo 'Powershell/powershell-vscode'
        this gives the latest version of 'Powershell/powershell-vscode
    .PARAMETER GithubRepo
        the github repo name in the form 'Owner/Repo'

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $GithubRepo

    begin {
        # split the name to be compatiable with PSGithub
        $Owner, $RepoName = Split-GithubRepoName -GithubRepo $GithubRepo

    process {
        # get the latest repo via github api
        $remoteRelease = Get-GitHubRelease -Owner $Owner -Repository $RepoName -Latest    

    end {
        # get the tagname
         $tag = $remoteRelease.tag_name.toLower()
        Write-Verbose "got the tag of the latest release the tag name is $tag"

        # remove the leading v in the tag name
        $version = $tag.Replace('v', '')

        return $version

function Get-ReleaseNote {
        this gives the latest release note of the github package
        this command uses github api to get the latest release not of the package
        PS C:\> Get-ReleaseNote -GithubRepo 'Powershell/powershell-vscode'
        this gives the latest release note of 'Powershell/powershell-vscode
    .PARAMETER GithubRepo
        the github repo name in the form 'Owner/Repo'

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $GithubRepo

    begin {
        # split the name to be compatiable with PSGithub
        $Owner, $RepoName = Split-GithubRepoName -GithubRepo $GithubRepo

    process {
        # get the latest repo via github api
        $remoteRelease = Get-GitHubRelease -Owner $Owner -Repository $RepoName -Latest    

    end {
        return $remoteRelease.body.replace("\n", "`r`n")

function Get-AssetsDownloadUrl {
        this get the download url of the assets, which the name matches the regex provided
        This cmdlet get the download url (browser_download_url of the release assets), the regex matching uses '-like' parameter of powershell
        PS C:\> example usage
    .PARAMETER GithubRepo
        the github repo name in the form of 'Owner/Repo'
    .PARAMETER Regex
        the regular expression for the assets' name to match
        Helper for `Get-DownloadUrl`

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $GithubRepo,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Regex

    begin {
        # split the repo name to compatiable with PSGithub
        $Owner, $RepoName = Split-GithubRepoName -GithubRepo $GithubRepo

        # get the release
        $Release = Get-GitHubRelease -Owner $Owner -Repository $RepoName -Latest

        # get the assets
        $Assets = $Release.assets
        Write-Verbose 'Gets the following assets'
        foreach ($Asset in $Assets) 
            Write-Verbose "name is $($"
            Write-Verbose "uploaded by $($Asset.uploader.login)"
            Write-Verbose "created at is $($Asset.created_at)"
            Write-Verbose "updated at $($Asset.updated_at)"
            Write-Verbose "download url is $($Asset.browser_download_url)"
            Write-Verbose ""

    process {
        $matchedAssets = $Assets | Where-Object {$ -like $Regex}
        Write-Verbose "here is all the assets matched the regex."
        foreach ($Asset in $matchedAssets) 
            Write-Verbose "name is $($"
            Write-Verbose "uploaded by $($Asset.uploader.login)"
            Write-Verbose "created at is $($Asset.created_at)"
            Write-Verbose "updated at $($Asset.updated_at)"
            Write-Verbose "download url is $($Asset.browser_download_url)"
            Write-Verbose ""


    end {
        # check the number of the matchedAssets
        if(-Not ($matchedAssets))
            # there is no assets' name matches the regex
            Write-Error `
                -Message "No assets found match the regex you provided, here is the regex you provide: $Regex" `
                -Category InvalidArgument 
        elseif ($matchedAssets.Count -gt 1) 
            # there is more than one assets matches the regex
            Write-Error `
                -Message "More than one assets matches the regex you provided, here is the regex you provide: $Regex" `
                -Category InvalidArgument 
        else {
            # only one assets match the regex
            Write-Verbose "Only one assets matches the regex you provide: $Regex"
            Write-Verbose "the download Url of that asset is: $($matchedAssets[0].browser_download_url)"
            return $matchedAssets[0].browser_download_url

function Get-SourceDownloadUrl {
        This get the download url for the source code
        This cmdlet will the zipball_url (source code in zip) of the latest release for a given GithubRepo
        PS C:\> Get-SourceDownloadUrl -GithubRepo 'WheatonCS/Lexos'
        this will get the latest zipball_url of 'WheatonCS/Lexos'
    .PARAMETER GithubRepo
        the github repo in the form: 'Owner/RepoName'
        This is a helper for `Get-DownloadUrl`

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [String] $GithubRepo
        # get the owner and the repo name of the repo
        $Owner, $RepoName = Split-GithubRepoName $GithubRepo
        # get the github release
        $release = Get-GitHubRelease -Owner $Owner -Repository $RepoName -Latest
        $sourceCodeUrl = $release.zipball_url
        Write-Verbose "the sourse code Url is $sourceCodeUrl"    
        return $sourceCodeUrl

function Get-DownloadUrl {
        This cmdlet gets all the download Url you need.
        This cmdlet does one of the following 2 things:
        1. if you want the source code, it will return the source code download url as the 32 bits download url
        2. if you want the asstes, this cmdlet will give a url32 for the asset matches Regex32bit
                                                will give a url64 for the asset matches Regex64bit
    .PARAMETER GithubRepo
        The name of the github repo in the form: 'Owner/RepoName'
    .PARAMETER Regex32bit
        The regex for 32 bit assets
    .PARAMETER Regex64bit
        The regex for 64 bit assets
    .PARAMETER isSourceCode
        A switch to indicate whether the download needed is the source code
        (this would be a package that only need to exract the source code)
        PS C:\> Get-DownloadUrl -GithubRepo 'shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows' -Regex32Bits shadowsocks-*.zip
        This will return download url of shadowsocks as $url32, and $url64 will be $null, because we did not provide a 64bit assets url.
        PS C:\> Get-DownloadUrl -GithubRepo 'WheatonCS/Lexos' -isSourceCode
        This will return the source code url of the latest Lexos release as $Url32, and $url64 will be $null

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $GithubRepo,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'assets')]
        [string] $Regex32Bits,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'assets')]
        [string] $Regex64Bits,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'source')]
        [switch] $isSourceCode
        if ($isSourceCode) 
            # return the source code download url
            $url32 = Get-SourceDownloadUrl -GithubRepo $GithubRepo

            # return the assets download url
            # get the 32bit download url
            if ($Regex32Bits) 
                # if Regex32bit is provided
                Write-Verbose "the 32 bits regex is: $Regex32Bits"
                $url32 = Get-AssetsDownloadUrl -GithubRepo $GithubRepo -Regex $Regex32Bits
                Write-Verbose "the 32 bit is not provided" 

            # get the 64 bits download url
            if ($Regex64Bits) {
                # if Regex64bit is provided
                Write-Verbose "the 64 bits regex is: $Regex64Bits"
                $url64 = Get-AssetsDownloadUrl -GithubRepo $GithubRepo -Regex $Regex64Bits
                Write-Verbose "the 64 bit regex is not provided"
        return $url32, $url64

function Get-DownloadFileHash {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $DownloadUrl
        # set the download destination
        $DownloadDestination = "$env:TEMP\installer"

        # Start downloading
        Write-Host "Starting download file from: $DownloadUrl"
        Start-DownloadFile -Url $DownloadUrl -Destination $DownloadDestination
        Write-Host "Download File finished" -ForegroundColor Green

        # get the file hash
        $hash = (Get-FileHash -Path $DownloadDestination -Algorithm SHA256).hash
        Write-Host "the SHA256 hash of the file is: $hash"
        return $hash