
## Search Engines APIs

# Search-Google

function Search-Google {

 Search from powershell console
 Parse google searches on powershell commandline.
 Search-google <search string> <browser> <browser options>
 Search-google 'the Tallest Mountain in the world' chrome
 PS > Search-google "guinnes book of record 2019" msedge
 PS > Search-google COVID-19 chrome $true ; where '$true' is endabling incongito mode in brave or chrome browsers
 Currently this version of the script module only supports the following browsers in incognito:
 * brave
 * chrome
 Future versions of the script modules will support incognito version for all browers



          [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 1)]

          [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 2)]
          [parameter(position = 3)]

     begin {
          $parsed_string = $searchString.replace(' ', '+');
          $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
          [System.Diagnostics.Process] $proc_object;
     process {
          if ( -not $($browser -eq "")) {
               if ($browser -eq "msedge") {
                     $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru microsoft-edge:$parsed_string

               if ($isIncognito) {
                    $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru $browser -ArgumentList @(""+$parsed_string, "-incognito")

               if($browser -ne "msedge" -and -not $isIncognito){
                    $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru $browser$parsed_string
     end {
          return $proc_object;


# Search-DuckDuckGo

function Search-DuckDuckGo {

 Search from powershell console
 Parse duckduckgo searches on powershell commandline
 Currently this version of the script module only supports the following browsers in incognito:
 * brave
 * chrome
 Future versions of the script modules will support incognito version for all browers
 Search-DuckDuckGo <search string> <browser> <browser options>
 Search-DuckDuckGo 'the Tallest Mountain in the world' chrome
 PS > Search-DuckDuckGo "guinnes book of record 2019" msedge
 PS > Search-DuckDuckGo COVID-19 chrome $true ; where '$true' is endabling incongito mode in brave or chrome browsers
 Currently this version of the script module only supports the following browsers in incognito:
 * brave
 * chrome
 Future versions of the script modules will support incognito version for all browers


          [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 1)]

          [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 2)]
          [parameter(position = 3)]

     begin {
          $parsed_string = $searchString.replace(' ', '+');
          $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
          [System.Diagnostics.Process] $proc_object;
     process {
          if ( -not $($browser -eq "")) {
               if ($browser -eq "msedge") {
                     $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru microsoft-edge:$parsed_string

               if ($isIncognito) {
                    $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru $browser -ArgumentList @(""+$parsed_string, "-incognito")

               if($browser -ne "msedge" -and -not $isIncognito){
                    $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru $browser$parsed_string
     end {
          return $proc_object;


# Search-Bing

function Search-Bing {

      Search from powershell console
      Parse Microsoft Bing searches on powershell commandline
      Search-Bing <search string> <browser> <browser options>
      Search-Bing 'the Tallest Mountain in the world' chrome
      PS > Search-Bing "guinnes book of record 2019" msedge
      PS > Search-Bing COVID-19 chrome $true ; where '$true' is endabling incongito mode in brave or chrome browsers
      Currently this version of the script module only supports the following browsers in incognito:
      * brave
      * chrome
      Future versions of the script modules will support incognito version for all browers


               [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 1)]
               [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 2)]
               [parameter(position = 3)]
          begin {
               $parsed_string = $searchString.replace(' ', '+');
               $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
               [System.Diagnostics.Process] $proc_object;
          process {
               if ( -not $($browser -eq "")) {
                    if ($browser -eq "msedge") {
                          $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru microsoft-edge:$parsed_string

                    if ($isIncognito) {
                         $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru $browser -ArgumentList @(""+$parsed_string, "-incognito")

                    if ($browser -ne "msedge" -and -not $isIncognito){
                          $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru $browser$parsed_string
          end {
               return $proc_object;
## Other Search Engine Utility APIs

function Open-Site {

Open sites from powershell console. Supports Powershell:^5
Parse google urls on powershell commandline to open them
Open-Site <url> <browser> <browser options>
Open-Site chrome

PS > Open-Site microsoft-edge
Currently this version of the script module only supports the following browsers in incognito:
* brave
* chrome
Future versions of the script modules will support incognito version for all browers



          [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 1)]

          [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 2)]

          [parameter(position = 3)]

     begin {
          $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
          [System.Diagnostics.Process] $proc_object;
     process {

          if (-not $($url -eq "")) {
               if ($browser -eq "msedge") {
                     $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru microsoft-edge:$url

               if ($isIncognito){
                    $proc_object =  Start-Process -PassThru $browser -ArgumentList @($url, "-incognito")
               if ($browser -ne "msedge" -and -not $isIncognito){
                    $proc_object = Start-Process -PassThru $browser $url 
     end {
          return $proc_object;


function Search-Youtube {

      Search youtube from powershell. Supports Powershell:^5
      Parse youtube search query from powershell commandline to open in browser of choice
      Search-Youtube <search query> <browser>
      Search-Youtube "Latest Hiphop 2020" msedge

      PS > Search-Youtube Live chrome
     Currently this version of the script module only supports the following browsers in incognito:
     * brave
     * chrome
     Future versions of the script modules will support incognito version for all browers

               [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 1)]
               [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 2)]
               [parameter(position = 3)]
          begin {
               $parsed_query = $query.replace(' ', '+');
               $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
               [System.Diagnostics.Process] $proc_object;
          process {
               if (-not $($query -eq "")) {

                    if ($isIncognito){
                         $proc_object = Open-Site$parsed_query $browser -isIncognito
                         $proc_object = Open-Site$parsed_query $browser     
          end {
               return $proc_object;

     Export-ModuleMember -Function @("Search-Google", 

     Export-ModuleMember -Variable @("browser", "searchString", "isIncognito")