
#region import modules
$ThisModule = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace '\.Tests\.ps1$', '').psd1"
$ThisModuleName = (($ThisModule | Split-Path -Leaf) -replace '\.psd1')
Get-Module -Name $ThisModuleName -All | Remove-Module -Force

Import-Module -Name $ThisModule -Force -ErrorAction Stop

describe 'Module-level tests' {
    it 'should validate the module manifest' {
        { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ThisModule -ErrorAction Stop } | should not throw

InModuleScope $ThisModuleName {

    $Defaults = @{
        IPerfSharedFolderPath       = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Iperf'
        IperfServerFolderPath       = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Iperf\bin'
        EmailNotificationRecipients = 'foo@var.com', 'ghi@whaev.com'
        SmtpServer                  = 'foo.test.local'
        InvokeIPerfPSSessionSuffix  = 'iPerf'

    describe 'ConvertToUncPath' {
        $commandName = 'ConvertToUncPath'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        $parameterSets = @(
                LocalFilePath  = 'C:\Folder\File.txt'
                ComputerName   = 'computer'
                ExpectedString = '\\computer\c$\Folder\File.txt'
                TestName       = 'File'
                LocalFilePath  = 'C:\Folder'
                ComputerName   = 'computer'
                ExpectedString = '\\computer\c$\Folder'
                TestName       = 'Folder'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets

        it 'should returns the expected object count: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            param($LocalFilePath, $ComputerName)
            $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
            @($result).Count | should be 1
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            param($LocalFilePath, $ComputerName)
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

        it 'should return the expected string: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            param($LocalFilePath, $ComputerName, $ExpectedString)
            $result = & $commandName -LocalFilePath $LocalFilePath -ComputerName $ComputerName
            $result | should be $ExpectedString

    describe 'TestServerAvailability' {
        $commandName = 'TestServerAvailability'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        mock 'Test-Connection' {
        } -ParameterFilter { $ComputerName -eq 'offlinecomputer' }

        mock 'Test-Connection' {
        } -ParameterFilter { $ComputerName -eq 'onlinecomputer' }
        $parameterSets = @(
                ComputerName = 'offlinecomputer'
                TestName     = 'Online computer'
                ComputerName = 'onlinecomputer'
                TestName     = 'Offline computer'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

        it 'should return the expected object properties: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            Compare-Object $result.PSObject.Properties.Name @('ComputerName', 'Online') | should benullorempty

        it 'should return the expected object count: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
            @($result).Count | should be @($ComputerName).Count


    describe 'InvokeIperf' {
        $commandName = 'InvokeIperf'
        #region Mocks
        mock 'ConvertArgsToMode' {

        mock 'Invoke-Command'

        mock 'Test-IPerfServer' {
        } -ParameterFilter { $ComputerName -match 'RUNNING' }

        mock 'Test-IPerfServer' {
        } -ParameterFilter { $ComputerName -match 'NOTRUNNING' }
        $parameterSets = @(
                Arguments    = '-s'
                ComputerName = 'RUNNINGSRV'
                TestName     = 'Server mode'
                Arguments    = '-s'
                ComputerName = 'RUNNINGSRV', 'RUNNINGSRV2'
                TestName     = 'Multiple computers / Both running'
                Arguments    = '-s'
                ComputerName = 'RUNNINGSRV', 'NOTRUNNINGSRV2'
                TestName     = 'Multiple computers / One running'
                Arguments    = '-c COMPUTER'
                ComputerName = 'CLIENT'
                TestName     = 'Client mode'
                ComputerName = 'RUNNINGSRV'
                Arguments    = 'dfdfdf'
                TestName     = 'Bogus arguments'
                ComputerName = 'NOTRUNNINGSRV'
                Arguments    = '-s'
                TestName     = 'Offline computer'
        $testCases = @{
            All     = $parameterSets
            Servers = $parameterSets.where({$_.ComputerName -match 'SRV'})
            Clients = $parameterSets.where({$_.ComputerName -match 'CLIENT'})
        it 'returns nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            param($ComputerName, $Arguments)
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty

        context 'when the mode is Server' {
            mock 'ConvertArgsToMode' {

            it 'should not attempt to create a new server: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Servers {
                param($ComputerName, $Arguments)
                $null = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                $assMParams = @{
                    CommandName = 'Invoke-Command'
                    Times       = @($ComputerName | Where-Object {$_ -match 'NOTRUNNING'}).Count
                    Exactly     = $true
                    Scope       = 'It'
                Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

            it 'when a server is not already running, should create the session disconnected: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Servers {
                param($ComputerName, $Arguments)
                $null = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                $assMParams = @{
                    CommandName     = 'Invoke-Command'
                    Times           = @($ComputerName | Where-Object {$_ -match 'NOTRUNNING'}).Count
                    Exactly         = $true
                    Scope           = 'It'
                    ParameterFilter = { 
                Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

            it 'when a server is not already running, should create a session with the expected name: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Servers {
                param($ComputerName, $Arguments)

                $notRunningServers = $ComputerName | Where-Object { $_ -match 'NOTRUNNING' }
                $null = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                foreach ($computer in $notRunningServers) {
                    $assMParams = @{
                        CommandName     = 'Invoke-Command'
                        Times           = 1
                        Exactly         = $true
                        Scope           = 'It'
                        ParameterFilter = {
                            $PSBoundParameters.SessionName -eq "$computer - Server - $($Defaults.InvokeIPerfPSSessionSuffix)"
                    Assert-MockCalled @assMParams


    describe 'StartIperfServer' {
        $commandName = 'StartIperfServer'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = ''
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

    describe 'ConvertArgsToMode' {
        $commandName = 'ConvertArgsToMode'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = ''
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

    describe 'StopIPerfServer' {
        $commandName = 'StopIPerfServer'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = ''
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

    describe 'Test-IPerfServer' {
        $commandName = 'Test-IPerfServer'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = ''
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

    describe 'New-IperfSchedule' {
        $commandName = 'New-IperfSchedule'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = ''
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

    describe 'Install-IPerfModule' {
        $commandName = 'Install-IPerfModule'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = ''
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name

    describe 'Start-IPerfMonitorTest' {
        $commandName = 'Start-IPerfMonitorTest'
        $command = Get-Command -Name $commandName
        #region Mocks
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = ''
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns the same object type as defined in OutputType: <TestName>' -Skip -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should beoftype $command.OutputType.Name