
Function Set-iPilotTeamsUser {
        Updates a user in iPilot
        Updates a user's iPilot properties with the provided User Principal Name
        .Parameter UserPrincipalName
        User's existing User Principal Name.
        .Parameter NewUserPrincipalName
        User's new User Principal Name.
        .Parameter FirstName
        User's First Name.
        .Parameter LastName
        User's Last Name.
        .Parameter NewTelephoneNumber
        TelephoneNumber (10-digits).
        .Parameter Note
        User's iPilot Note field value.
        .Parameter ApiVersion
        Version of the NuWave iPilot to use. Defaults to v1.
        .Parameter iPilotDomain
        iPilot Domain Name.
        # Sets's iPilot note field to "Sales", First Name to John, and Last Name to Doe
        Set-iPilotTeamsUser -UserPrincipalName -FirstName "John" -LastName "Doe" -Note "Sales"
        # Rename's UPN to and change Last Name to Dane
        Set-iPilotTeamsUser -UserPrincipalName -NewUserPrincipalName -LastName "Dane"

    Param (
        [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
        [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
        [System.String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
            $ApiUrl = "", 
            $ApiVersion = "v1",

    Begin {
        # UserPrincipalName validation
        if ($UserPrincipalName -and $UserPrincipalName -notlike "*@*.*") {
            throw "Check the formatting of the user's User Principal Name. Format should be"

        # NewUserPrincipalName validation
        if ($NewUserPrincipalName -and $NewUserPrincipalName -notlike "*@*.*") {
            throw "Check the formatting of the user's new User Principal Name. Format should be"

        # First Name Last Name validation
        if ($FirstName -and $LastName) {
            #Continue On, both are filled in
        } else {
            throw "Please include FirstName & LastName parameters"

        # Set iPilot Domain
        if (!$global:iPilotDomain -and !$iPilotDomain) {
            throw "Run Get-iPilotTeamsDomain or provide domain using -iPilotDomain"
        } elseif (!$iPilotDomain) {
            $iPilotDomain = $global:iPilotDomain
            Write-Verbose "iPilot Domain: $iPilotDomain"
        } # else use passed in iPilotDomain

    Process {
        # Verbose Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Verbose")) {
            $PreviousVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
            $VerbosePreference = "continue"

        # Debug Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Debug")) {
            $PreviousDebugPreference = $DebugPreference
            $DebugPreference = "continue"

        # Get/re-use OAuth Token
        $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat = @{
            ApiUrl = $ApiUrl
            ApiVersion = $ApiVersion
            ApiKey = $ApiKey
            Credential = $Credential
        if ($global:Instance) {
            $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat += @{
                Instance = $global:Instance
        if ($VerbosePreference -eq "Continue") {
            $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat += @{
                Verbose = $true
        if ($DebugPreference -eq "Continue") {
            $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat += @{
                Debug = $true
        Initialize-iPilotSession @InitializeiPilotSessionSplat

        # Get user's iPilot ID
        Try {
            $User = Get-iPilotTeamsUser -FilterByUserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -ErrorAction Stop
        } Catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to retrieve $UserPrincipalName from iPilot`n`nURL: $($NewiPilotUserRequestUri)`nError: $($_)"

        # Build iPilot API Request
        $SetiPilotUserRequestUri = "$ApiUrl/$ApiVersion/msteams/$iPilotDomain/users/$($" 
        if ($Instance) {
            $SetiPilotUserRequestUri += "?instance=$Instance"
        Write-Verbose "SetiPilotUserRequestUri: $SetiPilotUserRequestUri"
        # Build Request Body
        Write-Verbose "Request Method: Put"

        #region Add each available field to update to the Request Body
            # Add NewUserPrincipalName to Body
            If ($NewUserPrincipalName) {
                Write-Verbose "Set UserPrincipalName to $NewUserPrincipalName"
                $SetiPilotUserRequestBody = @{
                    upn = $NewUserPrincipalName

            # Add FirstName to Body
            If ($FirstName) {
                Write-Verbose "Set FirstName to $FirstName"
                $SetiPilotUserRequestBody += @{
                    firstName = $FirstName

            # Add LastName to Body
            If ($LastName) {
                Write-Verbose "Set LastName to $LastName"
                $SetiPilotUserRequestBody += @{
                    lastName = $LastName

            # Add TelephoneNumber to Body
            If ($TelephoneNumber) {
                Write-Verbose "Set TelephoneNumber to $TelephoneNumber"
                $SetiPilotUserRequestBody += @{
                    TelephoneNumber = $TelephoneNumber

            # Add Note to Body
            If ($Note) {
                Write-Verbose "Set Note to $Note"
                $SetiPilotUserRequestBody += @{
                    note = $Note

        #endregion Add each available field to update to the Request Body

        # Splat Invoke-RestMethod Parameters
        $SetiPilotUserInvokeParams = @{
            Uri = $SetiPilotUserRequestUri
            Method = "Put"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Headers = @{
                "X-Access-Token" = $global:iPilotOAuthToken.access_token
                "x-api-key"      = $global:iPilotApiKey
            Body = $SetiPilotUserRequestBody | ConvertTo-Json
        Write-Verbose "SetiPilotUserRequestUri: $SetiPilotUserRequestUri"

        # Execute the REST API
        Try {
            $SetiPilotUserResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @SetiPilotUserInvokeParams
            return $SetiPilotUserResponse    
        } Catch {
            Write-Error "iPilot user $($UserPrincipalName) could not be updated`n`nURL: $($SetiPilotUserRequestUri)`nBody: $($SetiPilotUserRequestBody | Format-Table | Out-String)`nError: $($_)"

        # Return Available Numbers
        if ($SetiPilotUserResponse.statuscode -eq 200) {
            Write-Output "Successfully updated iPilot User.`nUPN: $UserPrincipalName`nBody: $SetiPilotUserRequestBody"
        } else {
            Write-Error "Failed to update iPilot User.`nUPN: $UserPrincipalName`nBody: $SetiPilotUserRequestBody"

        # Verbose Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Verbose")) {
            $VerbosePreference = $PreviousVerbosePreference

        # Debug Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Debug")) {
            $DebugPreference = $PreviousDebugPreference