
Function New-iPilotTeamsBatchUserAssignment {
        Provisions users from a CSV file into iPilot

        Provisions a batch of users into iPilot. CSV columns must be labeled (case sensitive): upn,firstName,lastName,telephoneNumber

        .Parameter CsvPath
        Path to the CSV file

        .Parameter ApiVersion
        Version of the iPilot to use. Defaults to v1.

        .Parameter iPilotDomain
        iPilot Domain Name.

        .Parameter Credential
        Credentials for iPilot API

        # Provision all users from C:\user.csv into iPilot
        New-iPilotTeamsBatchUserAssignment -CsvPath C:\users.csv

    Param (
            if( -Not ($_ | Test-Path) ){
                throw "File or folder does not exist"
            return $true
            $ApiUrl = "", 
            $ApiVersion = "v1",

    Begin {
        # UserPrincipalName validation
        If ($UserPrincipalName -and $UserPrincipalName -notlike "*@*.*") {
            throw "Check the formatting of the user's User Principal Name. Format should be"

        # Set iPilot Domain
        if (!$global:IP_iPilotDomain -and !$iPilotDomain) {
            throw "Run Get-iPilotTeamsDomain or provide domain using -iPilotDomain"
        } elseif (!$iPilotDomain) {
            $iPilotDomain = $global:IP_iPilotDomain
            Write-Verbose "iPilot Domain: $iPilotDomain"
        } # else use passed in iPilotDomain
    Process {
        # Verbose Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Verbose")) {
            $PreviousVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
            $VerbosePreference = "continue"

        # Debug Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Debug")) {
            $PreviousDebugPreference = $DebugPreference
            $DebugPreference = "continue"

        # Get/re-use OAuth Token
        $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat = @{
            ApiUrl = $ApiUrl
            ApiVersion = $ApiVersion
            ApiKey = $ApiKey
            Credential = $Credential
        if ($global:IP_Instance) {
            $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat += @{
                Instance = $global:IP_Instance
        if ($VerbosePreference -eq "Continue") {
            $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat += @{
                Verbose = $true
        if ($DebugPreference -eq "Continue") {
            $InitializeiPilotSessionSplat += @{
                Debug = $true
        Initialize-iPilotSession @InitializeiPilotSessionSplat

        #region Get-Chunk -
        # This project is released under the licensed under the MIT License.
        # Credit to:
            function Get-Chunk {
                param (
                    [Parameter(Position = 0)]
                    [int]$size = 1,
                    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
                begin {
                    $buf = @()
                process {
                    $buf += $InputObject
                    if ( $size -gt 0 ) {
                        # return chunks
                        $start = 0
                        $end = $size - 1
                        $last = $buf.Count - 1
                        while ($end -le $last) {
                            , $buf[$start..$end]
                            $start = $end + 1
                            $end += $size
                        # store only items to be used, release unused elements for a Garbage Collection
                        if ($start -gt $last) {
                            $buf = @()
                        elseif ( $start -ne 0 ) {
                            $buf = $buf[$start..$last]
                end {
                    if ( $size -lt 0 ) {
                        # return a reverse ordered chunks
                        $start = -1
                        $end = $size
                        $last = - $buf.Count
                        while ($end -ge $last) {
                            , $buf[$start..$end]
                            $start = $end - 1
                            $end += $size
                        if ($start -lt $last) {
                            $buf = @()
                        elseif ( $start -ne -1 ) {
                            $buf = $buf[$start..$last]
                    if ( $buf ) {
                        , $buf
                        $buf = @()  # release unused elements for a Garbage Collection
        #endregion Get-Chunk

        # Build iPilot API Request
        $NewiPilotUserRequestUri = "$ApiUrl/$ApiVersion/msteams/$iPilotDomain/users" 

        #region Build Request Body

            Write-Verbose "Request Uri: $NewiPilotUserRequestUri"
            Write-Verbose "Request Method: Post"

            # Import users from CSV
            $Users = Import-Csv $CsvPath
            $RowsMissingRequiredFields = $Users | Where-Object {!$_.upn -or !$_.telephoneNumber}

            if ($RowsMissingRequiredFields) {
                Write-Warning "Some rows are missing required upn or telephoneNumber:`n$($RowsMissingRequiredFields | Format-Table | Out-String)"
                Write-Warning "Press enter to continue without the rows above."
                $Users = $Users | Where-Object {$_.upn -and $_.telephoneNumber}

            # Format $Users under user property
            $UsersObject = $Users | ForEach-Object {
                @{user = $_}
            Write-Verbose "$($UsersObject.Count) entries imported from CSV"
            # Break $UsersObject into batches of 100
            $Batches = $UsersObject | Get-Chunk 1-- -Verbose
        #endregion Build Request Body

        #region Submit Batch Requests

            # Iterate through each batch of 100 users
            Foreach ($Batch in $Batches) {
                # Specify Instance
                if ($global:IP_Instance) {
                    $Batch += @{
                        "instance"= $global:IP_instance

                # Splat Invoke-RestMethod Parameters
                Write-Verbose "Batch:`n$($Batch | Format-Table | Out-String)"
                $NewiPilotUserInvokeParams = @{
                    Uri = $NewiPilotUserRequestUri
                    Method = "Post"
                    ContentType = "application/json"
                    Headers = @{
                        "X-Access-Token" = $global:IP_iPilotOAuthToken.access_token
                        "x-api-key"      = $global:IP_iPilotApiKey
                    Body = $Batch | ConvertTo-Json

                # Execute the REST API
                Try {
                    $NewiPilotUserResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @NewiPilotUserInvokeParams -ErrorAction Stop
                } Catch {
                    Write-Error "Failed to trigger provisioning:`n
                        URL: $($NewiPilotUserRequestUri)`n
                        Error: $($_.Exception.Message)`n
                        Method: Post
                        Headers: $($NewiPilotUserInvokeParams.Headers | Out-String)
                        Body: $($Batch | ConvertTo-Json)"


                # Return User object
                if ($NewiPilotUserResponse.statuscode -eq 200) {
                    Write-Output "Successfully triggered provisioning for the below users:`n$($Batch | Format-Table | Out-String)"
                } else {
                    Write-Error "Failed to trigger provisioning for the below users:`n$($Batch | Format-Table | Out-String)`n
                        Error:$($ | Format-Table | Out-String)"


        #endregion Submit Batch Requests

        # Verbose Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Verbose")) {
            $VerbosePreference = $PreviousVerbosePreference

        # Debug Switch
        if($PSBoundParameters.containskey("Debug")) {
            $DebugPreference = $PreviousDebugPreference