
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
    GettingiSCSIInitiatorMessage = Getting iSCSI Initiator '{0}', '{1}' from '{2}'.
    iSCSITargetPortalExistsMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' exists.
    iSCSITargetPortalDoesNotExistMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' does not exist.
    iSCSITargetExistsMessage = iSCSI Target '{0}' exists.
    iSCSITargetDoesNotExistMessage = iSCSI Target '{0}' does not exist.
    iSCSIConnectionExistsMessage = iSCSI Connection '{0}' exists.
    iSCSIConnectionDoesNotExistMessage = iSCSI Connection '{0}' does not exist.
    iSCSISessionExistsMessage = iSCSI Session '{0}' exists.
    iSCSISessionDoesNotExistMessage = iSCSI Session '{0}' does not exist.
    SettingiSCSIInitiatorMessage = Setting iSCSI Initiator '{0}', '{1}' from '{2}'.
    EnsureiSCSITargetPortalExistsMessage = Ensuring iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' exists.
    EnsureiSCSITargetPortalDoesNotExistMessage = Ensuring iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' does not exist.
    iSCSITargetPortalCreatedMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' has been created.
    iSCSITargetPortalRemovedForRecreateMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' has been removed so it can be recreated.
    iSCSITargetDisconnectedMessage = iSCSI Target '{0}' has been disconnected.
    iSCSITargetConnectedMessage = iSCSI Target '{0}' has been connected.
    iSCSISessionSetPersistentMessage = iSCSI Session '{0}' is set as persistent.
    iSCSISessionRemovedPersistentMessage = iSCSI Session '{0}' is no longer persistent.
    iSCSITargetPortalRemovedMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' has been removed.
    EnsureiSCSITargetIsConnectedMessage = Ensuring iSCSI Target '{0}' is connected.
    EnsureiSCSITargetIsDisconnectedMessage = Ensuring iSCSI Target '{0}' is disconnected.
    iSNSServerRemovedMessage = iSNS Server has been cleared.
    iSNSServerUpdatedMessage = iSNS Server has been set to '{0}'.
    iSNSServerUpdateErrorMessage = An error occurred setting the iSNS Server to '{0}'. This is usually caused by the iSNS Server not being accessible.
    TestingiSCSIInitiatorMessage = Testing iSCSI Initiator '{0}', '{1}' from '{2}'.
    iSCSIInitiatorParameterNeedsUpdateMessage = iSCSI {3} '{0}', '{1}' from '{2}' {4} is different. Change required.
    iSCSITargetPortalDoesNotExistButShouldMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' does not exist but should. Change required.
    iSCSITargetPortalExistsButShouldNotMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' exists but should not. Change required.
    iSCSITargetExistsButShouldNotMessage = iSCSI Target '{0}' exists but should not. Change required.
    iSCSITargetPortalDoesNotExistAndShouldNotMessage = iSCSI Target Portal '{0}' from '{1}' does not exist and should not. Change not required.
    iSCSITargetDoesNotExistButShouldMessage = iSCSI Target '{0}' does not exist but should. Change required.
    iSCSITargetNotConnectedMessage = iSCSI Target '{0}' exists but is not connected. Change required.
    iSCSIConnectionDoesNotExistButShouldMessage = iSCSI Connection '{0}' does not exist but should. Change required.
    iSCSISessionDoesNotExistButShouldMessage = iSCSI Session '{0}' does not exist but should. Change required.
    iSNSServerNeedsUpdateMessage = iSNS Server is '{0}' but should be '{1}'. Change required.
    iSNSServerIsSetButShouldBeNotMessage = iSNS Server is set but should not be. Change required.