
   Icinga PowerShell Module - Powerfull PowerShell Framework for monitoring Windows Systems
   More Information on https://github.com/Icinga/icinga-powershell-framework

function Use-Icinga()
        [switch]$LibOnly   = $FALSE,
        [switch]$Daemon    = $FALSE,
        [switch]$DebugMode = $FALSE

    # Ensure we autoload the Icinga Plugin collection, provided by the external
    # module 'icinga-powershell-plugins'
    if (Get-Command 'Use-IcingaPlugins' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {

    # This function will allow us to load this entire module including possible
    # actions, making it available within our shell environment
    # First load our custom modules
    Import-IcingaLib '\' -Init -Custom;
    Import-IcingaLib '\' -Init;

    if ($LibOnly -eq $FALSE) {
        $global:IcingaThreads       = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{});
        $global:IcingaThreadContent = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{});
        $global:IcingaThreadPool    = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{});
        $global:IcingaTimers        = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{});
        $global:IcingaDaemonData    = [hashtable]::Synchronized(
                'IcingaThreads'            = $global:IcingaThreads;
                'IcingaThreadContent'      = $global:IcingaThreadContent;
                'IcingaThreadPool'         = $global:IcingaThreadPool;
                'IcingaTimers'             = $global:IcingaTimers;
                'FrameworkRunningAsDaemon' = $Daemon;
                'DebugMode'                = $DebugMode;
    } else {
        # This will fix the debug mode in case we are only using Libs
        # without any other variable content and daemon handling
        if ($null -eq $global:IcingaDaemonData) {
            $global:IcingaDaemonData = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{});
        if ($global:IcingaDaemonData.ContainsKey('DebugMode') -eq $FALSE) {
            $global:IcingaDaemonData.DebugMode = $DebugMode;
        if ($global:IcingaDaemonData.ContainsKey('FrameworkRunningAsDaemon') -eq $FALSE) {
            $global:IcingaDaemonData.FrameworkRunningAsDaemon = $Daemon;

    # Enable DebugMode in case it is enabled in our config
    if (Get-IcingaFrameworkDebugMode) {
        $DebugMode = $TRUE;

    $EventLogMessages = Invoke-IcingaNamespaceCmdlets -Command 'Register-IcingaEventLogMessages*';
    foreach ($entry in $EventLogMessages.Values) {
        foreach ($event in $entry.Keys) {
            Add-IcingaHashtableItem -Hashtable $global:IcingaEventLogEnums `
                -Key $event `
                -Value $entry[$event] | Out-Null;

    if ($LibOnly -eq $FALSE) {

function Import-IcingaLib()
        # The Force Reload will remove the module in case it's loaded and reload it to track
        # possible development changes without having to create new PowerShell environments

    # This is just to only allow a global loading of the module. Import-IcingaLib is ignored on every other
    # location. It is just there to give a basic idea within commands, of which functions are used
    if ($Init -eq $FALSE) {

    if ($Custom) {
        [string]$directory  = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'custom\';
    } else {
        [string]$directory  = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'lib\';
    [string]$module     = Join-Path -Path $directory -ChildPath $Lib;
    [string]$moduleName = '';

    $ListOfLoadedModules = Get-Module | Select-Object Name;

    # Load modules from directory
    if ((Test-Path $module -PathType Container)) {

        Get-ChildItem -Path $module -Recurse -Filter *.psm1 |
            ForEach-Object {
                [string]$modulePath = $_.FullName;
                $moduleName = $_.Name.Replace('.psm1', '');

                if ($ListOfLoadedModules -like "*$moduleName*") {
                    if ($ForceReload) {
                        Remove-Module -Name $moduleName
                        Import-Module ([string]::Format('{0}', $modulePath)) -Global;
                } else {
                    Import-Module ([string]::Format('{0}', $modulePath)) -Global;
                    if ($WriteManifests) {
                        Publish-IcingaModuleManifest -Module $moduleName;
    } else {
        $module = $module.Replace('.psm1', ''); # Cut possible .psm1 ending
        $moduleName = $module.Split('\')[-1]; # Get the last element

        if ($ForceReload) {
            if ($ListOfLoadedModules -Like "*$moduleName*") {
                Remove-Module -Name $moduleName;

        Import-Module ([string]::Format('{0}.psm1', $module)) -Global;
        if ($WriteManifests) {
            Publish-IcingaModuleManifest -Module $moduleName;

function Publish-IcingaModuleManifest()

    [string]$ManifestDir = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'manifests';
    [string]$ModuleFile  = [string]::Format('{0}.psd1', $Module);
    [string]$PSDFile     = Join-Path -Path $ManifestDir -ChildPath $ModuleFile;

    if (Test-Path $PSDFile) {

    New-ModuleManifest -Path $PSDFile -ModuleVersion 1.0 -Author $env:USERNAME -CompanyName 'Icinga GmbH' -Copyright '(c) 2019 Icinga GmbH. All rights reserved.' -PowerShellVersion 4.0;
    $Content    = Get-Content $PSDFile;
    $NewContent = @();

    foreach ($line in $Content) {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($line)) {

        if ($line[0] -eq '#') {

        if ($line.Contains('#')) {
            $line = $line.Substring(0, $line.IndexOf('#'));

        $tmpLine = $line;
        while ($tmpLine.Contains(' ')) {
            $tmpLine = $tmpLine.Replace(' ', '');
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tmpLine)) {

        $NewContent += $line;

    Set-Content -Path $PSDFile -Value $NewContent;

function Publish-IcingaEventlogDocumentation()

    [string]$DocContent = [string]::Format(
        '# {0} Eventlog Documentation',
    $DocContent += New-IcingaNewLine;
    $DocContent += New-IcingaNewLine;
    $DocContent += "Below you will find a list of EventId's which are exported by this module. The short and detailed message are both written directly into the eventlog. This documentation shall simply provide a summary of available EventId's";

    $SortedArray = $IcingaEventLogEnums[$Namespace].Keys.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object;

    foreach ($entry in $SortedArray) {
        $entry = $IcingaEventLogEnums[$Namespace][$entry];

        $DocContent = [string]::Format(
            '{0}{2}{2}## Event Id {1}{2}{2}| Category | Short Message | Detailed Message |{2}| --- | --- | --- |{2}| {3} | {4} | {5} |',

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OutFile)) {
        Write-Output $DocContent;
    } else {
        Set-Content -Path $OutFile -Value $DocContent;

function Get-IcingaPluginDir()
    return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'lib\plugins\');

function Get-IcingaCustomPluginDir()
    return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'custom\plugins\');

function Get-IcingaCacheDir()
    return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'cache');

function Get-IcingaPowerShellConfigDir()
    return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'config');

function Get-IcingaFrameworkRootPath()
    [string]$Path = $PSScriptRoot;
    [int]$Index   = $Path.LastIndexOf('\') + 1;
    $Path         = $Path.Substring(0, $Index);
    return $Path;

function Get-IcingaPowerShellModuleFile()
    return (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'icinga-powershell-framework.psm1');

function Invoke-IcingaCommand()
    param (
        [switch]$SkipHeader = $FALSE

    Import-LocalizedData `
        -BaseDirectory $PSScriptRoot `
        -FileName 'icinga-powershell-framework.psd1' `
        -BindingVariable IcingaFrameworkData;

    # Print a header informing our user that loaded the Icinga Framework with a specific
    # version. We can also skip the header by using $SKipHeader
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScriptBlock) -And $SkipHeader -eq $FALSE) {
        Write-Output '******************************************************';
        Write-Output ([string]::Format('** Icinga PowerShell Framework {0}', $IcingaFrameworkData.PrivateData.Version));
        Write-Output ([string]::Format('** Copyright {0}', $IcingaFrameworkData.Copyright));
        Write-Output '******************************************************';

    powershell.exe -NoExit -Command {
        $Script   = $args[0];
        $RootPath = $args[1];
        $Version  = $args[2];

        # Load our Icinga Framework

        $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = ([string]::Format('Icinga for Windows {0}', $Version));

        # Set the location to the Icinga Framework module folder
        Set-Location $RootPath;

        # If we added a block to execute, do it right here and exit the shell
        # with the last exit code of the command
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script) -eq $FALSE) {
            Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($Script));
            exit $LASTEXITCODE;

        # Set our "path" to something different so we know that we loaded the Framework
        function prompt {
            Write-Host -Object "icinga" -NoNewline;
            return "> "

    } -Args $ScriptBlock, $PSScriptRoot, $IcingaFrameworkData.PrivateData.Version;

Set-Alias icinga Invoke-IcingaCommand -Description "Execute Icinga Framework commands in a new PowerShell instance for testing or quick access to data";
Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function *;