
   Returns the configuration for a provided config path
   Returns the configuration for a provided config path
   Returns the configuration for a provided config path
   PS>Get-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'framework.daemons';
   The path to the config item to check for

function Get-IcingaPowerShellConfig()
        $Path = ''

    $Config       = Read-IcingaPowerShellConfig;
    $PathArray    = $Path.Split('.');
    $ConfigObject = $Config;

    foreach ($entry in $PathArray) {
        if (-Not (Test-IcingaPowerShellConfigItem -ConfigObject $ConfigObject -ConfigKey $entry)) {
            return $null;

        $ConfigObject = $ConfigObject.$entry;

    return $ConfigObject;

    # Alternate config parser. Might come handy in the future, requires to redesign
    # Set-IcingaPowerShellConfig including all calls for full coverage
    $Config = Read-IcingaPowerShellConfig;
    $PathArray = $Path.Split('.');
    $ConfigObject = $Config;
    [int]$Index = 0;
    $entry = $PathArray[$Index];

    while ($Index -lt $PathArray.Count) {
        if (-Not (Test-IcingaPowerShellConfigItem -ConfigObject $ConfigObject -ConfigKey $entry) -And $Index -lt $PathArray.Count) {
            $Index += 1;
            $entry = [string]::Format('{0}.{1}', $entry, $PathArray[$Index]);

        } elseif (-Not (Test-IcingaPowerShellConfigItem -ConfigObject $ConfigObject -ConfigKey $entry) -And $Index -ge $PathArray.Count) {
            return $null;

        $ConfigObject = $ConfigObject.$entry;
        $Index += 1;
        $entry = $PathArray[$Index];

    return $ConfigObject;
