
    Returns the spent time since Start-IcingaTimer was executed in seconds for
    a specific timer name
    Returns the spent time since Start-IcingaTimer was executed in seconds for
    a specific timer name
    Returns the spent time since Start-IcingaTimer was executed in seconds for
    a specific timer name
    PS>Show-IcingaTimer -Name 'My Test Timer';
    The name of a custom identifier to run multiple timers at once

function Show-IcingaTimer()
    param (
        [string]$Name    = 'DefaultTimer',
        [switch]$ShowAll = $FALSE

    $TimerObject = Get-IcingaTimer -Name $Name;

    if (-Not $ShowAll) {
        if ($null -eq $TimerObject) {
            Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'A timer with the name "{0}" does not exist' -Objects $Name;

        $TimerOutput = New-Object -TypeName PSObject;
        $TimerOutput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Timer Name' -Value $Name;
        $TimerOutput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Elapsed Seconds' -Value $TimerObject.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

        $TimerOutput | Format-Table -AutoSize;
    } else {
        $TimerObjects = Get-IcingaHashtableItem -Key 'Timers' -Hashtable $Global:Icinga.Private;

        [array]$MultiOutput = @();

        foreach ($TimerName in $TimerObjects.Keys) {
            $TimerObject = $TimerObjects[$TimerName].Timer;

            $TimerOutput = New-Object -TypeName PSObject;
            $TimerOutput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Timer Name' -Value $TimerName;
            $TimerOutput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Elapsed Seconds' -Value $TimerObject.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
            $MultiOutput += $TimerOutput;

        $MultiOutput | Format-Table -AutoSize;