
   Start a new timer for a given name and stores it within the $globals section
   of the Icinga PowerShell Framework
   Start a new timer for a given name and stores it within the $globals section
   of the Icinga PowerShell Framework
   Start a new timer for a given name and stores it within the $globals section
   of the Icinga PowerShell Framework
   PS>Start-IcingaTimer -Name 'My Test Timer';
   The name of a custom identifier to run mutliple timers at once

function Start-IcingaTimer()
    param (
        [string]$Name = 'DefaultTimer'

    if ((Test-IcingaTimer -Name $Name)) {
        Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'The timer with the name "{0}" is already active' -Objects $Name;

    # Load the library first
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Diagnostics") | Out-Null;
    $TimerObject = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch;

    Add-IcingaHashtableItem -Key $Name -Value (
               'Active' = $TRUE;
               'Timer'  = $TimerObject;
    ) -Hashtable $Global:Icinga.Private.Timers -Override | Out-Null;