
   Fetch the used interface for our Windows System
   Newer Windows systems provide a Cmdlet 'Get-NetRoute' for fetching the
   network route configurations. Older systems however do not provide this
   and to ensure some sort of backwards compatibility, we will have a look
   on our route configuration and return the first valid interface found
   This Cmdlet will return first valid IP for our interface

function Get-IcingaNetworkRoute()
    $RouteConfig = (&route print | Where-Object {
        $_.TrimStart() -Like "*";
    }).Split() | Where-Object {
        return $_;

    $Interface   = @{
        'Destination' = $RouteConfig[0];
        'Netmask'     = $RouteConfig[1];
        'Gateway'     = $RouteConfig[2];
        'Interface'   = $RouteConfig[3];
        'Metric'      = $RouteConfig[4];

    return $Interface;