
   Sets the configuration for a proxy server which is used by all Invoke-WebRequests
   to ensure internet connections are working correctly.
   Sets the configuration for a proxy server which is used by all Invoke-WebRequests
   to ensure internet connections are working correctly.
   Sets the configuration for a proxy server which is used by all Invoke-WebRequests
   to ensure internet connections are working correctly.
   PS>Set-IcingaFrameworkProxyServer -Server '';
   The server with the port for the Proxy. Example: ''

function Set-IcingaFrameworkProxyServer()
    param (
        [string]$Server = ''

    Set-IcingaPowerShellConfig -Path 'Framework.Proxy.Server' -Value $Server;

    Write-IcingaConsoleNotice 'The Proxy server for the PowerShell Framework has been set to "{0}"' -Objects $Server;