
   Check whether a certificate is still trusted and when it runs out or starts.
   Invoke-IcingaCheckCertificate returns either 'OK', 'WARNING' or 'CRITICAL', based on the thresholds set.
   e.g a certificate will run out in 30 days, WARNING is set to '20d:', CRITICAL is set to '50d:'. In this case the check will return 'WARNING'.

   More Information on
   This module is intended to be used to check if a certificate is still valid or about to become valid.
   You can check certificates in the local certificate store of Windows:

   PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckCertificate -CertStore 'LocalMachine' -CertStorePath 'My' -CertSubject '*' -WarningEnd '30d:' -CriticalEnd '10d:'
   [OK] Check package "Certificates" (Match All)
   \_ [OK] Certificate '' (valid until 2033-11-19 : 4993d) valid for: 431464965.59
   Also a directory with a file name pattern is possible:

   PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckCertificate -CertPaths "C:\ProgramData\icinga2\var\lib\icinga2\certs" -CertName '*.crt' -WarningEnd '10000d:'
   [WARNING] Check package "Certificates" (Match All) - [WARNING] Certificate '' (valid until 2033-11-19 : 4993d) valid for, Certificate 'Icinga CA' (valid until 2032-09-18 : 4566d) valid for
   \_ [WARNING] Certificate '' (valid until 2033-11-19 : 4993d) valid for: Value "431464907.76" is lower than threshold "864000000"
   \_ [WARNING] Certificate 'Icinga CA' (valid until 2032-09-18 : 4566d) valid for: Value "394583054.72" is lower than threshold "864000000"
   The checks can be combined into a single check:

   PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckCertificate -CertStore 'LocalMachine' -CertStorePath 'My' -CertThumbprint '*'-CertPaths "C:\ProgramData\icinga2\var\lib\icinga2\certs" -CertName '*.crt' -Trusted
   [CRITICAL] Check package "Certificates" (Match All) - [CRITICAL] Certificate '' trusted, Certificate 'Icinga CA' trusted
   \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "Certificate ''" (Match All)
      \_ [OK] Certificate '' (valid until 2033-11-19 : 4993d) valid for: 431464853.88
      \_ [CRITICAL] Certificate '' trusted: Value "False" is not matching threshold "True"
   \_ [CRITICAL] Check package "Certificate 'Icinga CA'" (Match All)
      \_ [OK] Certificate 'Icinga CA' (valid until 2032-09-18 : 4566d) valid for: 394583000.86
      \_ [CRITICAL] Certificate 'Icinga CA' trusted: Value "False" is not matching threshold "True"

   Used to switch on trusted behavior. Whether to check, If the certificate is trusted by the system root.
   Will return Critical in case of untrust.

   Note: it is currently required that the root and intermediate CA is known and trusted by the local system.

.PARAMETER CriticalStart
   Used to specify a date. The start date of the certificate has to be past the date specified, otherwise the check results in critical. Use carefully.
   Use format like: 'yyyy-MM-dd'

   Used to specify a Warning range for the end date of an certificate. In this case a string.
   Allowed units include: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y

.PARAMETER CriticalEnd
   Used to specify a Critical range for the end date of an certificate. In this case a string.
   Allowed units include: ms, s, m, h, d, w, M, y

   Used to specify which CertStore to check. Valid choices are '*', 'LocalMachine', 'CurrentUser'

 .PARAMETER CertThumbprint
   Used to specify an array of Thumbprints, which are used to determine what certificate to check, within the CertStore.

.PARAMETER CertSubject
   Used to specify an array of Subjects, which are used to determine what certificate to check, within the CertStore.

.PARAMETER CertStorePath
   Used to specify which path within the CertStore should be checked.

   Used to specify an array of paths on your system, where certificate files are. Use with CertName.

   Used to specify an array of certificate names of certificate files to check. Use with CertPaths.


function Invoke-IcingaCheckCertificate()
      [switch]$Trusted       = $FALSE,
      $CriticalStart         = $null,
      $WarningEnd            = '30d:',
      $CriticalEnd           = '10d:',
      #CertStore-Related Param
      [ValidateSet('*', 'LocalMachine', 'CurrentUser')]
      [string]$CertStore     = '*',
      [array]$CertThumbprint = $null,
      [array]$CertSubject    = $null,
      $CertStorePath         = '*',
      #Local Certs
      [array]$CertPaths      = $null,
      [array]$CertName       = $null,
      [switch]$Recurse       = $FALSE,
      [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3)]
      [int]$Verbosity        = 3

   $CertData    = Get-IcingaCertificateData `
      -CertStore $CertStore -CertThumbprint $CertThumbprint -CertSubject $CertSubject `
      -CertPaths $CertPaths -CertName $CertName -CertStorePath $CertStorePath -Recurse $Recurse;
   $CertPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'Certificates' -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity;

   if ($null -ne $CriticalStart) {
      try {
         [datetime]$CritDateTime = $CriticalStart
      } catch {
         Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Custom' -CustomMessage 'DateTimeParseError' -InputString (
            [string]::Format('The provided value "{0}" for argument "CriticalStart" could not be parsed as DateTime.', $CriticalStart)
        ) -Force;

   foreach ($data in $CertData) {
      $Cert = $data.Cert;

      if ($null -eq $Cert) {
         # Not a valid cert file - unknown check
            (New-IcingaCheck -Name ([string]::Format("Not a certificate: {0}", $data.Path))).SetUnknown()

      $SpanTilAfter = (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $Cert.NotAfter);
      if ($Cert.Subject.Contains(',')) {
         [string]$CertName = $Cert.Subject.Split(",")[0];
      } else {
         [string]$CertName = $Cert.Subject;

      $CertName = $CertName -ireplace '(cn|ou)=', '';
      $CheckNamePrefix = "Certificate '${CertName}'";
      if ($data.ContainsKey('Path')) {
         $CheckNamePrefix += (" at " + $data.Path)

      $checks = @();

      if ($Trusted) {
         $CertValid   = Test-Certificate $cert -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue;
         $IcingaCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name "${CheckNamePrefix} trusted" -Value $CertValid;
         $IcingaCheck.CritIfNotMatch($TRUE) | Out-Null;
         $checks += $IcingaCheck;

      if ($null -ne $CriticalStart) {
         $CritStart   = ((New-TimeSpan -Start $Cert.NotBefore -End $CritDateTime) -gt 0)
         $IcingaCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name "${CheckNamePrefix} already valid" -Value $CritStart;
         $IcingaCheck.CritIfNotMatch($TRUE) | Out-Null;
         $checks += $IcingaCheck;

      if(($null -ne $WarningEnd) -Or ($null -ne $CriticalEnd)) {
         $ValidityInfo = ([string]::Format('valid until {0} : {1}d', $Cert.NotAfter.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'), $SpanTilAfter.Days));
         $IcingaCheck  = New-IcingaCheck -Name "${CheckNamePrefix} ($ValidityInfo) valid for" -Value (New-TimeSpan -End $Cert.NotAfter.DateTime).TotalSeconds;
         $IcingaCheck.WarnOutOfRange((ConvertTo-SecondsFromIcingaThresholds -Threshold $WarningEnd)).CritOutOfRange((ConvertTo-SecondsFromIcingaThresholds -Threshold $CriticalEnd)) | Out-Null;
         $checks += $IcingaCheck;

      if ($checks.Length -eq 1) {
         # Only add one check instead of the package
      } else {
         $CertCheck = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name $CheckNamePrefix -OperatorAnd;
         foreach ($check in $checks) {

   return (New-IcingaCheckResult -Name 'Certificates' -Check $CertPackage -NoPerfData $TRUE -Compile);