
   Checks whether the network location awareness(NLA) found the correct firewall profile for a given network adapter
   Invoke-IcingaCheckNLA returns either 'OK' or 'CRITICAL', whether the check matches or not.
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   This module is intended to be used to check the status of the firewall profile for a given network adapter.
   Based on the match result the status will change between 'OK' or 'CRITICAL'. The function will return one of these given codes.
   PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckNLA -Profile "DomainAuthenticated" -Verbosity 3;
   [CRITICAL] Check package "NLA" (Match All) - [CRITICAL] NLA for vEthernet (DockerNAT)
   \_ [OK] NLA for Ethernet 4: DomainAuthenticated
   \_ [CRITICAL] NLA for vEthernet (DockerNAT): Value "Public" is not matching threshold "DomainAuthenticated"
   PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckNLA -Profile "DomainAuthenticated" -NICs "Ethernet 1" -Verbosity 1;
   [OK] Check package "NLA" (Match All)
   Used to specify the profile to check. Available profiles are 'DomainAuthenticated', 'Public', 'Private'
   Used to specify the NICs where to check the filewall profile. When not presented every nic which is active will be checked

function Invoke-IcingaCheckNLA()
        [ValidateSet('DomainAuthenticated', 'Public', 'Private')]
        [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3)]
        [int]$Verbosity  = 0,

    $NLAPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'NLA' -OperatorAnd -Verbose $Verbosity;

    if ($NICs.Count -eq 0) {
        foreach ($NLAData in Get-NetConnectionProfile) {
            $NLAName = $NLAData.InterfaceAlias;
            $NLACheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name "NLA for $NLAName" $NLAData.NetworkCategory -ObjectExists $NLAData -NoPerfData;
            $NLACheck.CritIfNotMatch([string]$Profile) | Out-Null;
    } else {
        foreach ($NIC in $NICs) {
            $NLAData = (Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias $NIC);
            $NLACheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name "NLA for $NIC" -Value $NLAData.NetworkCategory -ObjectExists $NLAData -NoPerfData;
            $NLACheck.CritIfNotMatch([string]$Profile) | Out-Null;

    return (New-IcingaCheckResult -Check $NLAPackage -NoPerfData $TRUE -Compile);