
    Gets Network Time Protocol time(SMTP/NTP) from a specified server
    Invoke-IcingaCheckTimeSync connects to an NTP server on UDP default port 123 and retrieves the current NTP time.
    Selected components of the returned time information are decoded and returned in a hashtable.
    The NTP Server you want to connect to.
    Port number (default: 123)
    The maximum acceptable offset between the local clock and the NTP Server, in seconds e.g. if you allow up to 0.5s timeoffset you can also enter 500ms.
    Invoke-IcingaCheckTimeSync will return OK, if there is no difference between them,
    WARNING, if the time difference exceeds the Warning threshold,
    CRITICAL, if the time difference exceeds the Critical threshold.
    Used to specify a offset Warning threshold e.g 10ms or 0.01s
    Used to specify a offset Critical threshold e.g 20ms or 0.02s.
    Seconds before connection times out (default: 10)
    Use IPV4 connection. Default $FALSE
    PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckTimeSync -Server '' -TimeOffset 10ms -Warning 10ms -Critical 20ms -Verbosity 2
    \_ [OK] Check package "Time Package" (Match All)
    \_ [OK] Sync Status: NoLeapWarning
    \_ [WARNING] Time Offset: Value "0.02s" is greater than threshold "0.01s"
    \_ [OK] Time Service: Running
    | 'time_offset'=0.02s;0.01;0.02 'time_service'=4;;4
    PS> Invoke-IcingaCheckTimeSync -Server '' -TimeOffset 50ms -Warning 10ms -Critical 20ms -Verbosity 2
    \_ [OK] Sync Status: NoLeapWarning
    \_ [OK] Time Offset: 0s
    \_ [OK] Time Service: Running
    | 'time_offset'=0s;0.01;0.02 'time_service'=4;;4
    The values you enter here are all converted into seconds and if you enter only values,
    without type measurement behind like (s, ms, h, d etc.) the values are interpreted as seconds.

function Invoke-IcingaCheckTimeSync()
        $TimeOffset         = 0,
        $Warning            = $null,
        $Critical           = $null,
        [int]$Timeout       = 10,
        [switch]$IPV4       = $FALSE,
        [int]$Port          = 123,
        [switch]$NoPerfData = $FALSE,
        [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2)]
        [int]$Verbosity     = 0

    $TimeData    = Get-IcingaNtpData -Server $Server -Port $Port -TimeOffset $TimeOffset -Timeout $Timeout -IPV4:$IPV4;
    $TimeService = (Get-IcingaServices 'W32Time').W32time; 
    $Warning     = ConvertTo-SecondsFromIcingaThresholds $Warning;
    $Critical    = ConvertTo-SecondsFromIcingaThresholds $Critical;

    $OffsetCheck = New-IcingaCheck `
        -Name 'Time Offset' `
        -Value (
        ) `
        -Unit 's';

    $OffsetCheck.WarnOutOfRange($Warning).CritOutOfRange($Critical) | Out-Null;

    $TimeCheck = New-IcingaCheck `
        -Name 'Time Service' `
        -Value $TimeService.configuration.Status.raw `
        -ObjectExists $TimeService `
        -Translation $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatusName;

    $TimeCheck.CritIfNotMatch($ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Running) | Out-Null;

    $SyncStatus = New-IcingaCheck `
        -Name 'Sync Status' `
        -Value $TimeData.SyncStatus `
        -Translation $ProviderEnums.TimeSyncStatusName `

    $SyncStatus.CritIfMatch($ProviderEnums.TimeSyncStatus.ClockNotSynhronized) | Out-Null;

    $CheckPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage `
        -Name 'Time Package' `
        -Checks @(
        ) `
        -OperatorAnd `
        -Verbose $Verbosity;

    return (New-IcingaCheckResult -Check $CheckPackage -NoPerfData $NoPerfData -Compile);