
   Compares the provided state of a service and adds the result to an internal hashtable
   to get to know the amount of services within a specific state, including amount of services.
   Use the returned hashtable of this function as hashtable object for the -ServiceData argument
   to add multiple service data on top of each other within a loop for example.
   Compares the provided state of a service and adds the result to an internal hashtable
   to get to know the amount of services within a specific state, including amount of services.
   Use the returned hashtable of this function as hashtable object for the -ServiceData argument
   to add multiple service data on top of each other within a loop for example.
   Returns a hashtable with counts for states services are set to. Use this hashtable within a
   loop as argument of -ServiceData to continually increases the count for different service states
   PS> Add-IcingaServiceSummary -ServiceStatus 4 -ServiceData $null;
   PS> Add-IcingaServiceSummary -ServiceStatus 4 -ServiceData $MyHashtable;
.PARAMETER ServiceStatus
   The current status of the service as integer
.PARAMETER ServiceData
   A hashtable object in which the status counts are stored in. If no object is given or the
   hashtable is empty, as new hashtable will be initialized

function Add-IcingaServiceSummary()
    param (
        [int]$ServiceStatus     = 0,
        [hashtable]$ServiceData = $null

    if ($null -eq $ServiceData -Or $ServiceData.Count -eq 0) {
        $ServiceData = @{
            'StoppedCount'         = 0;
            'StartPendingCount'    = 0;
            'StopPendingCount'     = 0;
            'RunningCount'         = 0;
            'ContinuePendingCount' = 0;
            'PausePendingCount'    = 0;
            'PausedCount'          = 0;
            'ServicesCounted'      = 0;

    switch($ServiceStatus) {
        $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Stopped {
            $ServiceData.StoppedCount += 1;
        $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.StartPending {
            $ServiceData.StartPendingCount += 1;
        $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.StopPending {
            $ServiceData.StopPendingCount += 1;
        $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Running {
            $ServiceData.RunningCount += 1;
        $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.ContinuePending {
            $ServiceData.ContinuePendingCount += 1;
        $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.PausePending {
            $ServiceData.PausePendingCount += 1;
        $ProviderEnums.ServiceStatus.Paused {
            $ServiceData.PausedCount += 1;

    $ServiceData.ServicesCounted += 1;

    return $ServiceData;