
function Get-IcingaUpdatesInstalled()

    # Fetch all informations about installed updates and add them
    try {
        $WindowsUpdates = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session" -ErrorAction Stop;
        $SearchIndex    = $WindowsUpdates.CreateUpdateSearcher();
    } catch {
        Exit-IcingaThrowException -ExceptionType 'Permission' -ExceptionThrown $IcingaExceptions.Permission.WindowsUpdate -Force;

    [hashtable]$UpdateList        = @{};
    [hashtable]$UpdateInstalled   = @{};
    [hashtable]$UpdateUninstalled = @{};
    [hashtable]$UpdateOther       = @{};

    # Operation ID's
    # 1: Installed
    # 2: Uninstalled
    # 3: Other

    # At first get a list of our Windows Update history
    $Updates = $SearchIndex.QueryHistory(0, $SearchIndex.GetTotalHistoryCount()) |
            Select-Object Operation, ResultCode, HResult, Date, Title, Description, ServiceID, SupportUrl;

    foreach ($update in $Updates) {
        [string]$UpdateKey = [string]::Format('{0} [{1}|{2}]', $update.Title, $update.Date, $update.HResult);
        switch ($update.Operation) {
            1 {
                if ($UpdateInstalled.ContainsKey($UpdateKey) -eq $FALSE) {
                    $UpdateInstalled.Add($UpdateKey, $update);
                } else {
                            'Unable to add update "{0}" to update list. The key with content "{1}" is already present',
            2 {
                if ($UpdateUninstalled.ContainsKey($UpdateKey) -eq $FALSE) {
                    $UpdateUninstalled.Add($UpdateKey, $update);
                } else {
                            'Unable to add update "{0}" to update list. The key with content "{1}" is already present',
            default {
                if ($UpdateOther.ContainsKey($UpdateKey) -eq $FALSE) {
                    $UpdateOther.Add($UpdateKey, $update);
                } else {
                            'Unable to add update "{0}" to update list. The key with content "{1}" is already present',

    $UpdateList.Add('installed', $UpdateInstalled);
    $UpdateList.Add('uninstalled', $UpdateUninstalled);
    $UpdateList.Add('other', $UpdateOther);

    return $UpdateList;