
#requires -version 4
Function Get-CroppedImage{
  Get cropped images from imagga
  The Get-CroppedImage function is part of Imagga module. It retrieves cropped version of the image passed as parameter. Images will match dimension passed in the resolution parameter.
  The url of the image to be tagged. It has to be accessible from imagga server, so make sure it's a public url.
  Your imagga API key. If you don't have one follow the doc:
  Your imagga API secret.
.PARAMETER imaggaObj
  The connection object created using new-imaggaconnection.
.PARAMETER resolution
  An array containing a list of dimension in the format <width>x<height>.
.PARAMETER noScaling
  Whether the cropping coordinates should exactly match the requested resolutions or just preserve their aspect ratios and let you resize the cropped image later. If set, the coordinates that the API is going to return would exactly match the requested resolution so there won't be a need to perform any scaling of the image after cropping it. Otherwise, after cropping the images with the suggested coordinates, you should resize them to the desired resolution.
  A PowerShell object containing cropped images informations.
  Version: 1.0
  Author: Marco Torello
  Creation Date: 11/10/2016
  Purpose/Change: Initial script development
  Get-CroppedImage -url '' -apikey '1111111111' -apisecret '1dsa23dasd234dfg354' -resolution @('800x600','200x100')
  Get-CroppedImage -url '' -imaggaObj $credential -resolution @('800x600') -noScaling

      [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $url,
      [parameter(ParameterSetName="ApiKey",Mandatory=$true)] [String] $apikey,
      [parameter(ParameterSetName="ApiKey",Mandatory=$true)] [String] $secret,
      [parameter(ParameterSetName="ConnectionObject",Mandatory=$true)] [pscredential] $imaggaObj,
      [parameter(ParameterSetName="ConnectionObject",Mandatory=$true)][Parameter(ParameterSetName="ApiKey", Mandatory=$True)] [String[]] $resolution,
      [Switch] $noScaling

    Write-Debug "Starting execution of Get-CroppedImage. Url is: $url"
    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ApiKey"){
      $mycreds = new-imaggaConnection -apikey $apikey -secret $secret

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ConnectionObject"){
      $mycreds = $imaggaObj

    _CheckValidImage -url $url
    _VerifyResolutionMatrix -resolution $resolution

    $urlOptions = "url=$url"
    $resolution | ForEach-Object{
        $urlOptions += "&$_"

    if ($noscaling){
        $urlOptions += "&no_scaling=1"

        $json = _InvokeImaggaApi -credential $mycreds -parameters $urlOptions -function 'croppings'
      Write-output $_.Exception 
      Throw "Problem contacting imagga API"
      $json = $null
    return $json 
        Write-debug "Completed Successfully."