
. $PSScriptRoot\MessageFunctions.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\ColorTheme.ps1

$JitTreeSettings = @{
    ColorTheme = Get-JitTreeDarkTheme

function Write-Tree {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "Default",
            ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Path to one or more locations.")]
        $Path = (Get-Location),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default",
            ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Specifies, as an int, the depth to list, default -1 (all depths).")]
        $Depth = -1,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default",
            HelpMessage = "Specifies, as a string array, a property or property that this cmdlet excludes from the operation. The value of this parameter qualifies the Path parameter. Enter a path element or pattern, such as *.txt or A*. Wildcard characters are accepted.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default",
            HelpMessage = "List files in output")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "Default",
            HelpMessage = "Gets files and folders with the specified attributes. This parameter supports all attributes and lets you specify complex combinations of attributes.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default",
            HelpMessage = "Display filesystem entry metadata.")]

    # data structure - per pass collect @(depth,bars[],Last/NotLast)
    # [0||Not-Last] ├──.git/
    # [1|0|Last] │ └──refs/
    # [2|0|Not-Last] │ ├──heads/
    # [2|0|Not-Last] │ ├──remotes/
    # [3|0, 2|Last] │ │ └──origin/
    # [2|0|Last] │ └──tags/
    # [3|0|Not-Last] │ ├──jit-psbuild/
    # [3|0|Last] │ └──jit-semver/
    # [0||Last] └──templates/

    function Write-DisplayHintHeader() {
        if ($DisplayHint.IsPresent) {
            $text = "[$("Mode".PadRight(5, ' ')), $("LastWriteTime".PadRight(19, ' ')), $("Length".PadRight(8, ' '))] Name"
            $data = Format-HostInformationMessage -MessageData $text -ForegroundColor $JitTreeSettings.ColorTheme.DisplayHintForeground
            Write-Information -MessageData $data -InformationAction Continue

    function Write-Line($dir, $level, $bars, $isLast, $count, $isDir) {
        $prefix = ""
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $level; $i++) {
            if ($bars -contains $i) { $prefix += "│ " }
            else { $prefix += " " }

        if ($isLast) { $prefix += "└──" }
        else { $prefix += "├──" }
        $itemMsg = "$prefix$($dir.Name)"
        if ($isDir) {
            $itemMsg += [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar

        if ($DebugPreference.value__) {
            $lastMsg = ("Not-Last", "Last")
            $debugMsg = "[$level|$($bars -join ', ')|$($lastMsg[$isLast])] ".PadRight(20, ' ')
        if ($DisplayHint) {
            $hintMsg = "[$($dir.Mode), $($dir.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm tt")), $($count.ToString().PadLeft(8, ' '))] "

        $fg = [System.ConsoleColor]($JitTreeSettings.ColorTheme.FileForeground, $JitTreeSettings.ColorTheme.DirectoryForeground)[$isDir -or $false]
        $msg = Format-HostInformationMessage -MessageData "${debugMsg}${hintMsg}" -NoNewline -fg $JitTreeSettings.ColorTheme.DisplayHintForeground
        $itemMsg = Format-HostInformationMessage -MessageData "${itemMsg}" -fg $fg
        Write-Information -MessageData $msg -OutBuffer 25 -InformationAction Continue
        Write-Information -MessageData $itemMsg -OutBuffer 25 -InformationAction Continue

    function GetChildDirectory {


        Get-ChildItem $path -Directory -Exclude $Exclude -Attributes $Attributes | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending

    function GetChildFile {


        return Get-ChildItem $path -File -Depth 0 -Exclude $Exclude -Attributes $Attributes | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending

    function GetChildItemCountOrFileLength {


        if ($_.Attributes.HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory)) {
            return  $_.GetDirectories().Count
        return $_.Length

    function LoadFSItems {

        param (

        $fsitems = @()
        if ($File.IsPresent) {
            $fsitems += (GetChildFile -path $path)
        $fsitems += (GetChildDirectory -path $path)

        $rtn = @($fsitems | ForEach-Object {
                    dir           = $_;
                    isLast        = $false;
                    childDirCount = (GetChildItemCountOrFileLength $_);
                    treeLevel     = $level;
                    treeBarLevel  = $subBar;
                    isDir         = $_.Attributes.HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory)
                } })

        # set $isLast to true for 1st item (note: decending order)
        if ($rtn.Length -gt 0) {
            $rtn[0].isLast = $true

        return $rtn

    # Guard path
    if (-Not(Test-Path $Path)) {
        Write-Information -MessageData (Format-ErrorMessage "Not a valid path $Path") -InformationAction Continue

    # root path
    $rootPath = Resolve-Path -Path $Path
    Write-Output $rootPath.Path


    # iterate the tree
    $dir = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Stack

    # init root
    LoadFSItems -path $rootPath | ForEach-Object { $dir.Push($_) }

    while ($dir.Count -gt 0) {

        $dirEntry = $dir.Pop()

        $currentDir = $dirEntry.dir
        $isLast = $dirEntry.isLast
        $count = $dirEntry.childDirCount
        $level = $dirEntry.treeLevel
        $bars = $dirEntry.treeBarLevel
        $isDir = $dirEntry.isDir

        # adhere to depth
        if (($Depth -ne -1) -and ($level -gt $Depth - 1)) { continue }

        Write-Line -dir $currentDir -level $level -bars $bars -isLast $isLast -count $count -isDir $isDir

        if ($isDir) {
            $subBar = [int[]]$bars
            if (-not($isLast) ) {
                if ($null -eq $subBar) {
                    $subBar = [int[]]($level)
                else {
                    $subBar = $subBar + $level

            LoadFSItems -path $currentDir -level ($level + 1) -subBar $subBar | ForEach-Object { $dir.Push($_) }

$exportModuleMemberParams = @{
    Function = @(
    Variable = @(

Export-ModuleMember @exportModuleMemberParams