.SYNOPSIS Get a list of config data names from file .PARAMETER NameLike Like string to filter results .PARAMETER Path Path to the config file .EXAMPLE Find-ConfigData Get all the keys in the file .EXAMPLE Find-ConfigData Keys.* Get all the keys that start with 'Keys.' .OUTPUTS Name of members matching the NameLike #> function Find-ConfigData { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $NameLike = '*', [switch] $WithValues, [switch] $Decrypt, [string] $Path ) Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $Path = Get-ConfigDataPath $Path if ( -not (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf)) { throw "Path $Path not found" } $object = Get-Content $path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $members = Get-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType NoteProperty | Where-Object Name -like $NameLike | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object if ( $WithValues ) { foreach ( $member in $members ) { [PSCustomObject]@{Name=$member;Value=(Get-ConfigData -Name $member -Decrypt:$Decrypt -Path $Path)} } } else { $members } } New-Alias -Name fcd -Value Find-ConfigData |