param( [switch] $test ) . (Join-path $PSScriptRoot dynamicParamFunctions.tests.ps1) Describe "TestDynamicParameters" { It "Tests Positive" { simpleDynamicParam -dyn cow | Should be 'cow' } It "TestsNegative" { {simpleDynamicParam -dyn red} | Should throw } It "TestsNoParam" { {simpleDynamicParam} | Should not throw } } Describe "TestDynamicConditionalParameters" { It "Tests Positive" { conditionalDynamicParam -dyn cow | Should be 'cow' } It "Tests Positive Color" { conditionalDynamicParam -dyn red -Colors | Should be 'red' } It "Tests Negative" { {conditionalDynamicParam -dyn red} | Should throw } It "Tests Negative Color" { {conditionalDynamicParam -color -dyn cow} | Should throw } It "Tests Space" { conditionalDynamicParam -color -dyn "light blue" | Should be "light blue" } } Describe "test noNameDynamicParam" { It "Tests Positive" { noNameDynamicParam 'light blue' | Should be 'light blue' } It "Tests Positive Static" { noNameDynamicParam red -static "ok" | Should be 'red' } It "Tests Negative Bad Param" { {noNameDynamicParam red2 } | Should throw } # this will prompt for dyn # It "Tests Negative Missing Param" { # {noNameDynamicParam } | Should throw # } } Describe "test no bindings" { It "Tests no Cmdletbinding" { simpleDynamicParamNoBinding -dyn pig | should be $null } } Describe "test two parameters" { It "Checks two positive" { ($animal,$color) = twoSimpleDynamicParam -dynAnimal cow -dynColor red $animal | Should be "cow" $color | Should be "red" } } |