[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText","")] param() Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ..\joat-config.psm1) -Force Describe "StringTests" { $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() It "SetsGetsString" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value "abc" (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1") | Should be "abc" } It "SetsGetsEncryptedString" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value "abc" -Encrypt (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Decrypt) | Should be "abc" } It "RemovesString" { Remove-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Confirm:$false | should be $true {Remove-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Confirm:$false} | should throw # since dynamic param is validate {Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -WarningAction "SilentlyContinue"} | should throw } It "TestsNumbers" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "Num1" -Value 123 (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "Num1") | Should be 123 } Remove-Item $path } Describe "Wildcard tests" { $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() It "Gets two values" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value "abc" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value "abc2" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "Number" -Value 1 $data = Find-ConfigData -Path $path -NameLike "String*" $data.Count| Should be 2 $data[0] | Should be "String1" $data[1] | Should be "String2" } It "Gets two values with names" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value "abc" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value "abc2" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "Number" -Value 1 $data = Find-ConfigData -Path $path -NameLike "String*" -WithValues $data.Count| Should be 2 $data[0].Name | Should be "String1" $data[1].Name | Should be "String2" $data.Value[0] | Should be "abc" $data.Value[1] | Should be "abc2" } Remove-Item $path } Describe "ObjectTest" { $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Verbose "Cfg path is $path" $o = @{ a = @{ b = "testing"} } It "SetGetsObject" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value $o $ret = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1") $ret.a.b | Should be "testing" } It "SetGetsEncryptedObject" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value $o -Encrypt $ret = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Decrypt) $ret.a.b | Should be "testing" } Remove-Item $path } Describe "MoreComplexObjectTest" { $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Verbose "Cfg path is $path" $o = @{ a = @{ user = "testing" password = "pw" clientId = 123 tenantId = 345 } } It "SetGetsObject" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value $o $ret = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1") $ret.a.user | Should be "testing" $ret.a.tenantId | Should be 345 } It "SetGetsEncryptedObject" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value $o -Encrypt $ret = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Decrypt) $ret.a.user | Should be "testing" $ret.a.tenantId | Should be 345 } Remove-Item $path } Describe "SecureStringTest" { $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() Write-Verbose "Cfg path is $path" $ss = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "monkey123" -AsPlainText -Force It "SetGetsSecureString" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SString" -Value $ss $ret = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SString" -AsSecureString) $ret | Should beoftype 'SecureString' } It "SetGetSecureStringDecrypts" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SString" -Value $ss $ret = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SString" -Decrypt) $ret | Should be 'monkey123' } It "SetStringGetAsSecureString" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SecString" -Value "monkey123" -Encrypt $ss = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SecString") $ss | Should be 'System.Security.SecureString' $decryptedtString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($ss)) $decryptedtString | Should be 'monkey123' } It "SetStringGetAsSecureNumber" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SecString" -Value 123 -Encrypt $ss = (Get-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "SecString") $ss | Should be 'System.Security.SecureString' $decryptedtString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($ss)) $decryptedtString | Should be 123 } Remove-Item $path } Describe "Pipeline Tests" { $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() It "Gets one value" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value "abc" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value "abc2" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "Number" -Value 1 $result = "String1" | Get-ConfigData -Path $Path $result | Should be "abc" } It "Gets two values" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value "abc" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value "abc2" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "Number" -Value 1 $result = "String1","String2" | Get-ConfigData -Path $Path $result.Count | Should be 2 $result[0] | Should be "abc" $result[1] | Should be "abc2" } It "Negative one value" { Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String1" -Value "abc" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "String2" -Value "abc2" Set-ConfigData -Path $path -Name "Number" -Value 1 try { "String0" | Get-ConfigData -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $false | Should be $true } catch { $true | Should be $true } try { "test" | Get-ConfigData -SkipNameValidate -Quiet -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $false | Should be $true } catch { $true | Should be $true } } Remove-Item $path } |