
using module .\kClass.psm1

Produces an object of Kubernetes API Groups and Resources.
Produces an object of Kubernetes API Groups and Resources via proxied connection.
Combines the output of (kubectl api-resources) and (kubectl api-versions).
See Notes and Examples.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
pscustombobject SupSkiFun.Kubernetes.API.Info
1. Command works both locally (Linux) and remotely (Linux or Windows).
2. For this Advanced Function to work properly:
    a) Ensure that the API has been proxied:
        Start-Job -ScriptBlock {kubectl proxy --port 8888}
    b) Run the command, returning the information into a variable:
        $myVar = Get-K8sAPIInfo -Uri
3. The DefaultDisplayPropertySet = "GroupName","GroupVersion","ResourceKind","ResourceName"
    To see all properties, issue either:
        $myVar | Format-List -Property *
        $myVar | Select-Object -Property *
4. If using microK8s it may be necessary to run 'microk8s kubectl' in place of 'kubectl'.
5. For PowerShell 7, ensure the use of instead of localhost. Using localhost is far slower.
Please Read:
Note: Any free port above 1024 can be used; if using a port different than 8888, substitute accordingly.
Note: If using microK8s it may be necessary to run 'microk8s kubectl' in place of 'kubectl'.
Before this Advanced Function will work, a proxy to the API must be configured.
    Start-Job -ScriptBlock {kubectl proxy --port 8888}
Once the proxy is established:
    $myVar = Get-K8sAPIInfo -Uri
Display the Default Property Set of all Groups / Resources:
Display all Properties of all Groups / Resources:
    $myVar | Format-List -Property *
Display all Preferred Version Groups / Resources:
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property PreferredVersion -eq $true
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property PreferredVersion -eq $true | fl *
Display all Groups / Resources within the apps group:
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property GroupName -eq apps
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property GroupName -eq apps | fl *
Display all Groups / Resources matching the ResourceKind Role:
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property ResourceKind -match role
    $myVar | Where-Object -Property ResourceKind -match role | fl *

Function Get-K8sAPIInfo
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Uri] $Uri

        if (-not([K8sAPI]::CheckUri($uri)))
            Write-Output $(([K8sAPI]::mesg) + $uri)

        $urla = ($($Uri.AbsoluteUri)+$([K8sAPI]::uria))
        $urlc = ($($Uri.AbsoluteUri)+$([K8sAPI]::uric))

        $apic = [K8sAPI]::GetApiInfo($urlc)
        $rr = $apic.resources |
            Where-Object -Property Name -NotMatch "/"
        foreach ($ap in $rr)
            $lo = [K8sAPI]::MakeObj($apic.kind , $apic.groupVersion , $ap )

        $apis = [K8sAPI]::GetApiInfo($urla)
        foreach ($api in $apis.groups)
            $prv = $api.preferredVersion.groupVersion
            $grvs = $api.versions
            foreach ($grv in $grvs)
                $url = $($urla)+$($grv.groupVersion)
                $resi = [K8sAPI]::GetResourceInfo($url)
                foreach ($res in $resi)
                    $lo = [K8sAPI]::MakeObj($api.name , $grv , $res , $prv)

        $TypeData = @{
            TypeName = 'SupSkiFun.Kubernetes.API.Info'
            DefaultDisplayPropertySet = "GroupName","GroupVersion","ResourceKind","ResourceName"
        Update-TypeData @TypeData -Force

Produces an object of Kubernetes NameSpaces.
Produces an object of Kubernetes Namespaces via proxied connection.
See Notes and Examples.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
pscustombobject SupSkiFun.Kubernetes.NameSpace.Info
1. Command works both locally (Linux) and remotely (Linux or Windows).
2. For this Advanced Function to work properly:
    a) Ensure that the API has been proxied:
        Start-Job -ScriptBlock {kubectl proxy --port 8888}
    b) Run the command, returning the information into a variable:
        $myVar = Get-NameSpace -Uri
3. If using microK8s it may be necessary to run 'microk8s kubectl' in place of 'kubectl'.
4. For PowerShell 7, ensure the use of instead of localhost. Using localhost is far slower.
Please Read:
Note: Any free port above 1024 can be used; if using a port different than 8888, substitute accordingly.
Note: If using microK8s it may be necessary to run 'microk8s kubectl' in place of 'kubectl'.
Before this Advanced Function will work, a proxy to the API must be configured.
    Start-Job -ScriptBlock {kubectl proxy --port 8888}
Once the proxy is established:
    Get-NameSpace -Uri

Function Get-NameSpace
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Uri] $Uri

        if (-not([K8sAPI]::CheckUri($uri)))
            Write-Output $(([K8sAPI]::mesg) + $uri)

        $urln = ($($Uri.AbsoluteUri)+$([K8sAPI]::urin))

        $apin = [K8sAPI]::GetApiInfo($urln)
        foreach ($ns in $apin.items)
            $lo = [K8sAPI]::MakeNameSpaceObj($ns)

Produces an object of Kubernetes Pods.
Produces an object of Pods and their container(s) via proxied connection.
See Notes and Examples.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
URI that has been proxied via kubectl.
pscustombobject SupSkiFun.Kubernetes.Pods.Info
1. Command works both locally (Linux) and remotely (Linux or Windows).
2. For this Advanced Function to work properly:
    a) Ensure that the API has been proxied:
        Start-Job -ScriptBlock {kubectl proxy --port 8888}
    b) Run the command, returning the information into a variable:
        $myVar = Get-Pod -Uri
3. If using microK8s it may be necessary to run 'microk8s kubectl' in place of 'kubectl'.
4. For PowerShell 7, ensure the use of instead of localhost. Using localhost is far slower.
Please Read:
Note: Any free port above 1024 can be used; if using a port different than 8888, substitute accordingly.
Note: If using microK8s it may be necessary to run 'microk8s kubectl' in place of 'kubectl'.
Before this Advanced Function will work, a proxy to the API must be configured.
    Start-Job -ScriptBlock {kubectl proxy --port 8888}
Once the proxy is established:
    $myVar = Get-Pod -Uri
Display all pods:
Drill into one pod's labels:
Drill into one pod's container(s):
Drill into one pod's container's Environment:
Drill into one pod's container's Image:
Convert the entire object to JSON:
    $myVar | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

Function Get-Pod
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Uri] $Uri

        if (-not([K8sAPI]::CheckUri($uri)))
            Write-Output $(([K8sAPI]::mesg) + $uri)

        $urlp = ($($Uri.AbsoluteUri)+$([K8sAPI]::urip))

        $apip = [K8sAPI]::GetApiInfo($urlp)
        foreach ($pod in $apip.items)
            $lo = [K8sAPI]::MakePodObj($pod)