
function Set-PSWSUSConfigEnabledUpdateLanguages {
        Sets whether the WSUS server downloads updates for all languages or for a subset of languages.
       Collection of language codes to enable for updates. Language codes that are not included in the collection are disabled.
       You must specify the language code strings in lowercase.
    .PARAMETER Language
        Enables updates for the specified languages.
    .PARAMETER AllUpdateLanguagesEnabled
        Sets whether the WSUS server downloads updates for all languages or for a subset of languages.
        If $true, the WSUS server downloads updates for all languages. If $false, a call to Languages property
        is made to specify the languages supported by this WSUS server.
        Get-PSWSUSConfigSupportedUpdateLanguages | where {$_ -in @( 'ru', 'en')} | Set-PSWSUSConfigEnabledUpdateLanguages
        Set-PSWSUSConfigEnabledUpdateLanguages -Language 'ru','en','uk'
        Set-PSWSUSConfigEnabledUpdateLanguages -AllUpdateLanguagesEnabled
        Name: Set-PSWSUSConfigEnabledUpdateLanguages
        Author: Dubinsky Evgeny
        DateCreated: 1DEC2013

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position = 0)]$Language,

        if(-NOT $wsus)
            Write-Warning "Use Connect-PSWSUSServer to establish connection with your Windows Update Server"

            $objects = @()
            $_wsusconfig.AllUpdateLanguagesEnabled = $false
            [System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection]$objects += $Language
            $_wsusconfig.AllUpdateLanguagesEnabled = $true
        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($wsus.ServerName,'Set Update Languages')) {
            Write-Verbose "Setting Languages for wsus updates."
            if ($AllUpdateLanguagesEnabled -eq $false)